Sorry it took so long i was studing for final exams from college, so here it is.

Shura came back with my uniform as I put them on, it seems plain though but I'll just make some adjustments later. She shows me the school and hand a note of the class I'm supposed to be and left me stranded. I wondered around the hall trying to find my classroom, but….

"These doors are fucking the same!" I shouted as I slouch down and sigh. 'How the hell am I supposed to find the class? Shura just left me here, like Iria did when we were looking around the shops in Mexico.' I thought as something in my mind told me to take 6 doors forward and turn right. Normally I don't trust my instincts that much, but did as was told and face the door in front of me. I opened the door and saw a classroom with a few people, and a peculiar 3-mole teacher. Getting stares from people, I look away from them and notice 'Yuki' didn't know I was here. I knock on the side of the door, lightly, but still didn't notice me and said, "Rin, knock it off!"

The person known as 'Rin' shot up and said, "I didn't do anything!"

"Then why was the sound coming from you, then?"

I sweatdrop from the situation going on between them, 'Is he too focus of his job to notice me here?' I thought.

"That's cause-" I cut him off by clearing my throat, getting their attention from the door where I'm standing.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked.

"Um, I'm new here and this is the classroom I'm assigning in?" I nervously said, still didn't like to be stared.

"I haven't heard anything about a new student?"

"That's because she was assign in today." Mephisto pop out of nowhere startling everyone.

"She'll be here in the mean time until furfer notice."

"Uh...yes, Lord Pheles" Yukio said wondering why.

As Mephisto was about to leave when he stop for a minute.

"Oh, and Miss Rose," I turn my head toward him, "Meet me by my office after lunch is over."


He left as Yukio cleared his throat, ting everyone's attendtion.

"Well class, looks like we have a new student today. Why don't you introduse yourself?"

I nodded as i look shyly to the class, but quickly look down and stayed quiet for a while.

"Your name miss...?"

"...Rosetta...Rosetta Sophiana."

"Well, Miss Sophiana, I'm Yukio Okumura, your teacher. How about you sit down and we-"

~Bell Rings~

'Saved by the bell.' I thought as I slowly snuck out of the classroom without no one noticing me.


I was outside of the schoolyard and walk ariound a bit. I keep getting stares from people because of the uniform I'm wearing. So, i found a tree to relax on and sat down. i grabbed my scetch book and headphones as I select a song on my phone, and began drawing. I was too focusing on the drawing about 20 minutes when I have a feeling that someone is behind me. I stoped and turn to glare at the person.

"What are you doing?" I said, startling the person, who fell backwards from the sudden burst. That is when i realize that it was Rin.

"Sheesh, don't scared me like that." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You were the one trying to look at my drawing." i said deadpaned as he tense a bit.

"W-Well a...I..just wanted to see what you were drawing?" he said, figiting his fingers while a tint of blush appeared. I stared at him with a blank look and was about to speak when someone interupted.

"Hey, Okumura! Why are you talking to her when you already have Sheimi?"

I turn to see the trio of mishaves. I wondered how they became friends in the first place?

"I was just wondering what she was doing."

"So, then you like to stalk people, is that it?"

Ri and Bon were glaring at each other and I don't like where this is going, so I'm going to stop this nonscene.

"...How old are you?" They stop glaring at each other and look toward me.

"Who?Me?" Bon asked as i nodded. "16, why?"

"Then why do you have 5-clock shadow that makes you like a perverted old man?"

Rin and Shima were holding in their laughter, while Bon look piss of my blunt response, Konekomaru held back Bon from takling me. Shima regain himself and grabed Bon as well.

"Let me at her! Let me at her!"

"Well we better get get going." Shima said draging Bon away.

"Sorry about Bon." Konekomaru said, with apoligize look as they went away.

Rin finally calm down from his laughter.

"I can't beleive you said that to Bon?!"

"Well he look like he flunk a grade or something?" I shuggest.

"By the way, I'm Rin Okumura." He held out his hand as I shook it.

"Rosetta Sophiana, but Rose or Rosetta is fine." I said as I let go.

"So, where you from?" Riin asked.


"Really? That's pretty far from home, huh?"

"You have no idea..." I look up in the sky watching the clouds go by. We didn't talk for a while until i got up.

"Well, I better see what Bakasto wants.'



"Haha, you called Mephisto that?" Rin asked as he laugh.

"Hey, I met him one time, and i aready think of him as a idoit." I suggusted as i walk off.

"See you later." As i waved at him."

"See ya!"