


Yeah guys I know I still need to do one story but I had this awesome idea so I am doing this story as well. The updates for this will be a little more sporadic because I got school and all that jazz but I am going to try get some more chapters going so thank you and please don't stop reading my stories.

Forgotten Families

Chapter 1

A Sad prologue

The third great ninja war had descended on the shinobi world without warning, what started off with simple border troubles had escalated into all five great nations going to war with each. The five great nations were not the only ones who had joined in the war, the minor villages and countries were either directly involved in the bloody scuffles or just strove to heal the wounds to their lands when they were used as the battle fields for the major nations. The five major nations being:

Konoha the village hidden in the leaves, often titled the strongest of the five major ninja villages. Konoha was founded by two of the major legends of the ninja world; Harishima Senju and Madara Uchia, before his defection. The two men were acclaimed to be the strongest ninja ever born and by uniting the Senju and Uchia clans they managed to create a strong village while attracting other clans and stopping the warring states. Since that start of the village, Konoha had flourished managing to support a large population of ninja and civilians while keeping their place as the strongest village.

Kumo the village hidden in the clouds. The village build into the side of the mountain it resides in, managed to hold the title of the second strongest hidden village thanks to the incredible strength of their third Raikage as well as his son A and his son Killer B, who had so far been playing vital roles for their village in this current war. The village hidden in the clouds were also well known for the inhabitants of the village having dark skin as well as being formidable at lightning style ninjutsu as well as swordplay.

Iwa the village hidden in the earth. They narrowly held the position of the third strongest hidden village thanks to there shrewd and militaristic style of life. Unlike the other five major hidden villages they were a dictatorship which meant that unlike the others they were ruled by an iron fist which belonged to the third tshukage Onooki of the twin scales, or as he was more commonly called the fence sitter. Onooki had been the cause of the new war as he had refused to back down and used every dirty trick they had to try and expand their borders.

Kiri the village hidden in the mist. Kiri was more commonly know for their moniker "The bloody mist." due to their unconventional method of making fresh ninja kill their friends to prove they were true ninja who could throw away their feelings in order to complete the mission. While all the major villages were against this it was proved effective as their academy system had managed had managed to produce such ninja as the seven swordsman of the mist, a group of swordsman who were almost all rated A and S class ninja due to their cunning and strength. The Nation was made famous for their talent in water ninjutsu and their kenjutsu.

The final village that made up the major five villages was Suna the village hidden in the sand. Being the weakest of the five villages meant that they were usually looked down on but that didn't stop them from being dangerous, with their puppets and wind style ninjutsu they were a terror to face in the field because what they lacked in quantity they made up for in quality because nothing was more important to them than completing the mission. It also helped that since they were in the middle of a desert it was practically impossible to launch a full-scale attack on the hidden village.

So far these five villages have all been involved in a great war were many a ninja, experienced adults and young children, have been cut down and left by their comrades in an attempt to protect their beliefs. Besides the number of dead ninjas each village had the death count also included the dead civilians and ninja of the many smaller nations the great five ninja nations had battled on. Innocent mothers, daughters ,sons and fathers had al been killed in the cross fire of battle and it was all chalked up to unfortunate casualty's of war.

It was late into the war by now and all the villages were pulling out their big plays in an attempt to win tilt the scales into their favour. Four out of five nations had made their plays already, Kumo had used the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi, eight tails, to lay waste to a field of opposing ninja. Kiri had used a sealed the three tails in a Konoha genin in an attempt to destroy the village. For Iwa the Tshukage had used his dust release to make platoons of enemy nin simply vanish with the wind. Suna had trapped many of their enemies in the desert using the puppeteers to pick them off one by one. The gauntlet had been thrown down and it was time for Konoha to pick it up.

And pick it up they did.

Together the higher ups of the leaf village as well as the S-classed shinobi Minato Namikaze came up with a plan that would tip the scale in favour of their village as well as reduce a large amount of the enemy Iwa nins. The plan was to use the amazing fuinjutsu skills of Minato and use his newly developed technique to change the tide of the war but in preparation for the massacre they had planned, Minato planned to go to YĆ«bokumin no kuni, Nomad country and lay low in one of the many small Nomad encampments while performing various missions till Iwa felt ballsy enough to send a really large squad out for an attack.

Yubokumin no kuni, Nomad country is one of the smaller nations countries situated just north of the land of fire, right in between the land of rice paddies and the land which holds Takiagure. While the country was bigger than its neighbours , going so far as to have the land mass of the main island of kiri and as well as all the smaller ones combined, it was practically left untouched by all nations. While it may seem odd that in a time of war where all the nations are trying to grab land from one another there was an entire country not affected by war and not trying to be taken over. The reason for all this was simple, it was worthless to them.

Yubokumin no kuni was thought to be useless because of its second moniker "The mountains Graveyard." The country earned that nick name due to the fact the region was heavily mountainous with large amounts of gigantic animal skeletons dotted about throughout. Due to this abnormality the country was left to rot and only used by the other elemental countries as punishment. When ever any other the countries or hidden villages found themselves with shinobi or civilians who committed crimes while their jails were full they would banish them to live in the area. These "Banished" along with the willing nomads which traversed nations are what allowed the country to be called Yubokumin no kuni. While most would think that a large populace in a country with dense forestry, lush meadows, meadows and mountains would be fruitful, it this instance they would be wrong. Due to the country being a banished land it was without an economy or any form of military, hell it didn't even have a daimyo. The natives had to hunt gather and trade for what ever they could get their hands on since they had no recognisable infrastructure whatsoever.

While most would think it was unyouthful (yeah I totally just did that.) to use a crumpling country for something which may lead to the land being used as a battle field they would have to remember. Certain ninja just don't care.

Konoha Gates.

The gates of Konoha towered above the giant trees which made of the surrounding forests creating an imposing visage of the village behind them. Stood at the gates of these giant walls was none other that the instigator of our story. Minato Namikae.

Minato was a male who stood five foot ten inches with a small and wiry frame. His slightly tanned skin was highlighted by his sun kissed blonde hair, that despite being held up with his forhead protector still had two long bangs falling to frame has face, as well as his azure sky blue eyes. Despite his smallish stature he stood with an air of grace which was slightly twinged with arrogance somewhat showing his skill. His narrow frame was perfectly fitted buy the outfit he wore, that outfit being the traditional Konoha jonin outfit consisting of black baggy trousers, a long-sleeved black navy blue shirt covered by a forest green flak jacket and black shinobi sandals.

"Don't worry I'll be fine" he comforted the women to his right with a small yet still immensely smug grin plastered on his face.

"And what if you're not?" shouted the women as she jabbed her index finger into his chest.

Grabbing her small delicate hands Minato gave her a loving look and spoke softly " Kushina-hime ill be fine."

"What makes you so sure." The newly dubbed Kushina asked with worry in her voice.

"Because I'm not going to miss anymore time with my lovely wife than i have too."

"Well obviously look at me I'm a catch." and boy was she right. Standing at five foot seven inches Kushina was most men's ideal height and with her waist long flowing red hair she was a crimson beauty. Her face was delicate and heart-shaped sporting a mischievous smirk that helped make her purple eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun. Her petit figure was much like a dancers hinting to her amazing flexibility and balance. All in all she was an angel in Minatos eyes and he doubted he would ever see anyone better looking in his lifetime. She even made the standard jonin uniform look hot.

Embracing her in a warm hug Minato whispered in her ear "Yes you are, aren't you."

"I don't want you to go." Kushina sobbed as she gripped him tighter.

"Kushina I have to go."

"Why?" The question was so innocent it almost made him think he reason was unworthy for a second.

"Because if I don't who will be the one to stop the bloodshed? Who will be the one to help make the future safer for our children?"

Kushina just gripped Minato tighter before releasing him and looking in his eyes with a fierce glare before commanding "Well get going then! Because when you get back were starting our family and I want my family to be safe and my new husband to be alive!"

Minato just grinned at her before giving her a mock salute and bellowing "YES MAM!" and bound off into the trees with his sensei Jiraiya.

Just before Minato and Jiraiya got out of hearing range Kushina called out to him "AND YOU BETTER NOT GO NEAR ANY OTHER WOMEN" Seeing his nod of acceptance she watched him jump off into the sunset no ignoring the bad feeling she had about him going to Yubokumin no kuni.


Ok guys thanks for reading and please all suggestions and ideas welcome because this story is adaptable and probably will change so suggestions on pairings and the like is welcome.

Please recommend me :(

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