Review and tell me what you think

Aries Villa a place that held many memories, both good and bad; walking through the garden L.L could only imagine what sort of memory he was seeing right now; there was a sudden scream of glee, L.L peered around the corner and saw three people, the first was a woman who looked to be in her thirties, she had long black hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a blue and white dress the woman sat under a tree watching the other two play, the second person was a young girl who looked around nine, she had long flowing black hair and bright violet eyes, dressed in a white frilled dress she was currently playing with the hair of the third member of their party, the youngest of the three looking to be around five years of age, she had short brown hair that was tied into two small pigtails shining blue eyes that looked up at the other girl with adoration.

"Now isn't this nostalgic" L.L muttered to himself as he watched at the sight of the three vi Britannia's relax under the sun.

"Who are you?" a voice appeared behind him, turning around he was face to face with the one and only Lilia vi Britannia.

"My name is L.L and you must be Lilia's consciousness" the girl nodded.

"So tell me L.L why is it you are here" she asked, L.L turned away and continued to watch the two children play.

"I'm just a friend who is curious about Lilia's well being" was his answer, "is this a memory that Lilia cherishes?" he asked, Lilia placed herself next to him, her eyes gazing at the sight.

"Yes, it is a memory that brings her happiness, a memory with no pain, no lies, no regrets" the image suddenly shifted, they now stood in a small forest, the sunlight shining brightly through the trees, L.L could hear the sound of laughter in the distance he looked around and recognized where he was, they were in the woods behind the Kururugi Shrine, the two walked towards the source of the laughter, L.L saw three children playing one girl was in a wheel chair, the second was a raven haired girl she was pushing the wheelchair, both had bright smiles on their faces, and the third a brown haired boy leading them around; L.L noted the look of adoration on the raven haired girl as she gazed at the boy.

"This memory represents freedom and the first experience in love" Lilia explained.

"So Suzaku was her first love…" L.L muttered to himself, he didn't really seem surprised, ever since he met Lilia a couple years ago he always noticed a shift in her tone of voice whenever Suzaku was mentioned, though he never thought much of it until now. The scene before them shifted once more, now they were in Lake Kawaguchi a place oh so memorable, this was where Zero and the Black Knights made their debut with a slight twist, as this was the day Nunnally found out Zero's real identity, his memory of the incident still fresh in his mind.

She could hear the sound of screaming on the other side of the door, Nunnally who fell to the ground crawled her way around searching for her wheelchair; since she had wanted to turn in early she asked Milly and the others to go on ahead while she rested. Now she was all alone while what she guessed to be terrorists take over the hotel; she heard the door suddenly open and she tensed up in fear, praying that whoever it was wouldn't kill her, at least not before she could tell her sister she loved her one more time; she could feel a presence loom over her, she braced for whatever is to come but to her surprise she felt a hand rest on her shoulders.

"Are you alright?" an all too familiar voice said.

"L.L! What are you doing here?" she asked, the man who knelt down next to her picked her up gently and placed her on her wheelchair.

"I was passing by" was his answer, Nunnally raised a brow, either L.L has been staying in the hotel since before the hotel jacking or he simply waltzed into the hotel during the incident and knowing L.L she wouldn't be too surprised if it was the latter, "I want you to stay here Nunnally and make sure not to make any noise, understand" he told the blind girl.

"But what are you going to do?" she asked him.

"I'm going to try and find a way out, then we'll try and escape" Nunnally frowned she didn't like the idea of her friend putting himself in danger just so he could help her, and she especially didn't like the idea of abandoning Milly and the others.

"But you'll be placing yourself in harm's way and what about the others? We have to find a way to help them" she said in a panicked voice.

"Don't worry about me I am very good at moving around unnoticed and once we get to safety I'll go help the others" he reassured Nunnally.


"Just believe in me" he interrupted, "you do believe in me right?"

"Well yes, but I just can't help but worry" L.L chuckled.

"Your concern is appreciated" he stood up and walked towards the door, "remember remain silent, I'll be back soon" before Nunnally could answer L.L had left the room locking the door behind him.

From there L.L could briefly remember that Zero and his group had managed to get past Cornelia and into the hotel, as for himself after knocking out a few of JLF soldiers he managed to find an exit at the back of the hotel, he looked outside and noticed four enemy soldiers standing guard; taking a deep breath he rushed outside knocking the one closest to him of his feet before knocking him out with a hard punch to the head, the other three instantly drew attention to him and fired their weapons at him, his swords appeared before him blocking the bullets causing the soldiers to jump in shock, but they quickly pushed away any doubts and continued shooting, L.L charged forward towards the group quickly disarming one soldier and delivered a strike to the back of his neck, L.L then preceded to knock out the other with the back of the stolen gun, the third who was busy changing the magazine to his gun received a round house kick to the side of his head falling face first to the ground. Observing his work he dismantled the gun and threw the pieces onto the side before quickly running back into the hotel to retrieve Nunnally, though he was certain Zero would ensure her safety when it came down to it; hiding in the shadows L.L peered around the corner and saw a man and a woman dressed in a black uniform standing guard outside Nunnally's room, he cursed inwardly, this made things a little more difficult, he had hoped he could get Nunnally out of the situation without having to meet Zero, he dashed forward and engaged the two, when he got closer he instantly recognized who the two were, Kallen and Ohgi, both caught by surprise they tried to fend L.L off but were quickly defeated and disarmed, the door suddenly opened and there stood Zero, quickly picking up the gun Ohgi had dropped L.L pointed it at Zero as she did the same.

'Might as well put on my own little show' he thought to himself, "Zero, fancy meeting you here" he said.

"And who might you be, a friend of this girl?" Zero motioned to Nunnally who had a look of relief as she heard L.L's voice.

"And if I am, what is it to you?" Zero lowered her gun.

"Nothing, I am not with the JLF, I have no intention of harming her or any of the hostages, I intend to save them" L.L also lowering his weapon narrowed his eyes as Kallen and Ohgi stood up and surrounded him, he strafed around Zero.

"I'm surprised Cornelia let you through so easily" Zero chuckled as she turned to follow L.L's movements.

"I simply came to an agreement with the Viceroy; she would hold back her forces while I promised to save the hostages" standing beside Nunnally, L.L placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Are you sure it isn't because you promised to save her sister, Euphemia?" there was a sudden gasp of shock from Kallen and Ohgi, Nunnally was also surprised that her sister was here as well, as for Zero, if she was surprised she didn't show it.

"Interesting" was the masked woman's response, "tell me where did you find this information."

"The same way you found out, I observed; the reason Cornelia hasn't brought down the building yet is because she loves her sister more than anything" his eyes wondered to the entrance of the room as more people dressed in black gathered, Zero raised her hand stopping them from entering, "and if you really intend to save the hostages you had better be the ones to get to Euphemia first, because once the JLF find her, the hostages won't matter" Zero did something that surprised a good number of people, she laughed.

"I'm impressed; your deductions are admirable, you are absolutely right. Tell me, what is your opinion on what the JLF is doing now? what do you think they are trying to accomplish?" she asked L.L, he grunted in annoyance.

"Lieutenant Kusakabe the man in control of this whole hostage situation is nothing more than a fool, his methods are old fashioned, from the way I see it he hopes to draw all eyes onto Japan to show the Britannian's that the Japanese people are still out there, he probably thinks that by doing so he can gain some support from the people, but I highly doubt it would work, such methods will probably get him and his people killed."

"You and I think very much alike; you are far more knowledgeable than I thought" Zero praised, in fact even Nunnally was a little surprised by what L.L said.

"So tell me Zero, you've asked your questions, what do you intend to do with us?" L.L asked.

"Nothing, I told you I intend to save the hostages and that is what I will do, and that includes you and our mutual friend" L.L looked down to Nunnally.

"Is that so, in that case please leave us be, I myself have managed to secure an escape route through the back entrance of the hotel, I plan to help Nunnally escape."

"Then I must apologies, because that route has just sealed off by the military" L.L inwardly cursed but wasn't worried, 'plan B it is then.'

"A pity, I was hoping to get Nunnally to safety as soon as possible as well" L.L muttered.

"Then please allow me to help you, my men and I shall escort you both to safety" bending down Zero placed a hand onto Nunnally's who suddenly tensed up but relaxed almost instantly, Nunnally faced L.L and gave him a look of approval, 'perfect' the immortal thought.

"Then please lead the way Zero" the masked woman turned and motioned her men to follow, L.L took a hold of Nunnally's wheelchair and pushed her out. He lowered himself so he and Nunnally could speak just out of earshot from the others.

"What did you and Zero do when you two were alone?" he asked.

"We just talked… Zero asked if I was unharmed and told me that they were here to stop the JLF and save the hostages" she responded her voice was a little shaken up, "I… I think I know who Zero is…" she confessed, L.L's eyes widened with genuine surprise, this was not something he expected, "when Zero gave me her hand I felt it."

"Her" he questioned, everyone believed Zero to be male and the only reason L.L himself knew Zero to be female was because he knew her real identity; after all Zero's outfit was a pretty good disguise he himself knew that much.

"Yes… when she gave me her hand I felt my sisters hand" she explained.

"Are you sure" he asked, Nunnally nodded.

"I'm confident that it was my sisters hand, without a doubt" L.L was rather impressed, to figure out the identity of the one person that would soon change the world with a single touch.

"If what you say is true then we'll be safe if we stick with Zero, after all knowing your sister she will do at nothing to ensure your safety" L.L reassured Nunnally.

L.L's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the scene suddenly changed this time to a dark room, there stood Euphemia Li Britannia and Zero, eyes narrowing this was something he would never forget and probably the spark of one of the biggest changes to his life,

"this marks the point in which Lilia's hatred for Euphemia raised to unbearable heights, the establishment of the Special Administration Zone took away all that she held dear, her love, her purpose, it built up so much rage within her that ultimately it caused her to want to kill Euphemia" L.L could briefly remember the events before the one he was witnessing now, he had met up with Euphie in secret.

L.L stood in the shadows of Euphemia's private quarters, the door opened and in stepped the pink haired princess.

"You should be glad that I'm not an assassin princess" L.L suddenly voiced out startling the pink haired princess, "your declaration for the Special Administration Zone has made you many enemies in Britannia" he could see a hint of fear in Euphie's eyes but she remained strong, she looked to L.L who continued to stay unseen.

"Are you one of those enemies?" she asked.

"No, nor am I your ally" he told her, "on your desk, there is a small box, open it" Euphie still wary of the intruder nervously stepped towards the table and picked up the box, she opened the lid and found two contact lenses, looking confused she was about to speak out but was interrupted.

"I advise you to put those on before tomorrow's initiation of the Special Administration Zone" he instructed.

"Wait who are you!" she called out but didn't receive any response, the man was gone.

As he stared at how Lilia removed her mask and pointed her gun at Euphie, it brought bad memories of his past life, although things like the Black Rebellion couldn't be prevented he was at least glad that the SAZ massacre didn't happen and Euphie was later proven innocent of the whole ordeal and alive to make matters better, he looked to his side his thoughts zoning out Lilia's voice but was able to catch onto her question.

"Why are you so insistent on understanding Lilia's past?" she asked.

"Whoever said I wanted to understand her past" L.L stated his eyes narrowing, suddenly he brought out his sword and cut Lilia in two, "and who do you think you are posing as Lilia's consciousness."

"H-how!" the form of Lilia suddenly transformed into a grey figure the Code embedded onto its forehead.

"Because you failed to realize one thing about Lilia, she loves Euphemia more than anything second only to Nunnally and could never bring herself to hate her" L.L's eyes glared at the fallen figure, the Geass in his eyes caused him to be ten times more frightening while the Code on his hand glowed threateningly with his grip on his weapon. The scene around him vanished and he was surrounded by more grey figures, all bearing the Code on their foreheads.

"Ah, I see what C.C meant now" he whispered, these individuals were the result of the experiments done on Lilia, the DNA of previous Code bearers did indeed transfer into a human vessel but the Code itself could not be manifested rather they lingered within her consciousness and formed individual entities.

"Tell me what have you done with the real Lilia" he called out.

"We who have been sent here, will take this body for our own and be reborn a new" they all said in unison, "you who possess the power of Code Geass, Akasha's Champion you will not stop us."

"No, you who have already left this world, your place is not here but with C's World" L.L shouted, his voice was filled with anger.

"Our place in C's World has been taken away, we have been promised a place of rebirth, this girl will become our salvation."

"Who made such a promise, who told you that you have no place in C's World" there was no response, anger built up within L.L, "Answer Me!" he roared.

"The Destroyer of Humanity" they answered, eyes narrowing, fist clenched.

"G.G," L.L clenched his teeth at the mention of that immortals name, he should have known that man was responsible for all this, after all he was a man who will soon bring the apocalypse, a man that has searched ways of bringing death to all human kind, he who has been his enemy since the beginning of time; L.L glared up at the grey figures,

"That man's words are nothing more than empty promises, you will not find salvation here, lingering in the past will only cause yourself suffering, it is time to move on your presence here is bringing this girl pain" L.L pointed his sword to the figures, "The Destroyer of Humanity lied to you, there is always a place for you in C's World, you will find your salvation there, now go, leave this girl's mind" he assured them, the figures looked to one another, after all Akasha's Champion's had a direct connection to C's World so his words held a lot merit.

"We cannot do that, we have come much too far to turn back now" L.L sighed.

"When you leave me with no choice" he lowered his sword, his Geass shining brightly, the figures realizing what was about to happen backed away in panic.

"Lelouch vi Britannia commands you to purge yourself from this girls mind and to return to C's World!" the grey figures all caught under L.L's Geass began to disintegrate from existence their screams echoed in L.L's ears but did not faze him and soon they were gone; there was nothing but an empty blankness, looking around for any signs of Lilia, L.L hoped that he wasn't too late.

"L.L" a voice called from behind him, turning around he came face to face with Lilia, the real Lilia vi Britannia, she was dressed in a long white dress a color that matched the emptiness, he walked up to her, she stared into her saviors eyes unsure of what to think, "why are you here?" she asked; cupping her cheek L.L smiled.

"I've come to take you home".