My thinking was that in order for Blaine to be re-brainwashed about our love not being wrong he had to see that others didn't see it as wrong. Ok, I think we can count his parents out on being helpful seeing how they are the main part of the problem in the first place. I decided to start small. But even a small step meant me taking a big step first. I didn't think it would be a problem but if I was going to do this I had to talk to my family first and make sure no additional damage would be done to Blaine psyche.

That night I waited until after supper when Blaine went home and Finn went to his room to talk on the phone with Rachel. Wasn't he with her all day? I'd like to be snarky and ask what in the world they could still have to talk about but I couldn't, I understood. As soon as Blaine got home he'd be calling me so we could basically watch tv together over the phone. It seemed rather silly but that connection was important and not silly at all. I had about an hour until he got home and called so I took a deep breath and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Carole. "Hey, Dad, how's the garage?" I asked getting the conversation started on a neutral topic.

"Busy, but that's a good thing, especially in this economy." my dad replied, barely looking away from the television. I sat there quiet for a minute trying to figure out how to bring up this particular subject. I had thought about talking with just my dad and let him talk to Carole but we were trying hard to be a united family so I had to do this with both of them at once. And as much as Carole says she accepts me it might be nice to see her reaction to what I have to say. See if she really accepts me or struggles with acceptance. I was just staring at my dad trying to think of what to say when he looked back over at me and asked, "Something on your mind, Kurt?"

All right, this is it. "Yeah, I need to ask something of both of you." When I said that Carole put down the magazine she had been reading. I still didn't know what to say. I didn't want to spill everything, that would embarrass Blaine and it's not my place to tell about his problems. But I had to tell them something about why I needed this change.

My dad shifted in his chair and muted the television, "Spit it out, Kurt. We're listening."

Ok, deep breath, this will be fine. "I don't know exactly how to say what I need to without saying too much or too little. Oh, this is hard!" I took another deep breath. "You guys are really great about me having a boyfriend, and I appreciate it. But for reasons I can't tell you we need to be able to, uh, show more affection to each other when you are around." There, I did it!

"Kurt, you know we really like Blaine. What exactly do you mean by show more affection? I'm not sure I want to see my son making out on the couch. And it's not because Blaine is another guy. I don't really want to be seeing Finn making out either."

I think I turned about 10 shades of red. "No, Dad! Nothing like that! I just mean, maybe holding hands, or using pet names, hugging each other hello or goodbye and maybe a quick good night kiss. Stuff like that."

Oddly enough my dad turned to Carole and said "Looks like you were right."

She just smiled and said "I told you so." to my dad. Then turned to me and explained "I told your dad just last week that you and Blaine were holding back with each other when we were around because you didn't want to make us uncomfortable. Sweetie, keep it family friendly when we're around, that's all we ask. If it's ok for me and your dad, or Finn and Rachel, to do around the rest of the family then it's only right and fair that you and Blaine can do it too."

Did I pick out the best woman for my dad to marry or what? I admit, that wasn't the reason I picked her out but it worked out great any way. "So for tomorrow's Dick Van Dyke marathon it will be ok for me to sit close to Blaine and hold his hand and you won't be weird about it?"

My dad looked a little uncomfortable but he said, "Of course."

"And you guys won't be staring or making comments, right?" I asked. Staring or comments would not help the situation.

"Certainly not." They both answered. So it was set: Re-brainwashing lesson commencing tomorrow evening. God help us all.


It was Friday night family dinner. I loved that Blaine was welcome at our family dinner. As far as I was concerned he was going to be my family forever, might as well get started now. Carole and I had planned a nice meal. I was busy cutting up veggies when the doorbell rang so Finn let Blaine in and herded him directly to the living room where they were watching football. He glanced and me and shrugged as they went by the door. The new house had a large archway door between the kitchen and the dining and living room. It was nice to be able to still be a part of the conversations even when you were cooking. Carole took the biscuits out of the oven and then went to rescue Blaine. He liked sports, but not like Finn did. Finn was the typical fanatical fan. Carole gently put her hand on Blaine's shoulder and he jumped in surprise. "Would you like to help Kurt get the veggie tray ready, hun?"

"I'd love to." he said as he got up from the couch. Finn didn't mind that he'd left, he was already deep in to the game again. That game had better be over when dinner was ready. Holding dinner didn't work and sitting at the table with dad and Finn's attention riveted on the television was pointless.

Blaine came over to me and surveyed what I had going on, "What do you need me to do?" he asked.

Carole was busy at the stove and dad and Finn were busy with the game so hopefully Blaine wouldn't feel too self-conscience. "Kiss me." I said and leaned over for a kiss, keeping my damp hands over the cutting board.

"Kurt! There are people around." he hissed quietly.

"Yeah, so? They know you are my boyfriend. Kiss me hello since my hands aren't free to give you a hug." He glanced around at the others in the house, all with their attentions busy elsewhere, and then gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Ok, now I feel better, I needed that. Now, can you cut up the carrots for me, please?"

I did notice that as he said, "Sure." and reached for a knife was the moment Carole finally turned around from her work at the stove. Good timing or had Carole lingered at the stove to give us a moment to ourselves? Either way, I was grateful.

After dinner Finn went off to Puck's house. I kept my fingers crossed that Puck didn't get Finn into any serious trouble. I like Puck but he's a bad influence! Blaine sat at one end of the couch at usual and instead of me taking the middle, a sociably comfortable distance away, I sat snug up against him. He jumped a little and looked around at dad and Carole who had their eyes on the television, then he relaxed some.

For dad and Carole the old Dick Van Dyke shows were a walk down memory lane. I've seen them all before and just love 'em. It was fun to be so close to Blaine while he watched most of them for the first time. He really laughed in surprise at the funny bits and I could feel his body shake with full laughter. Dad and Carole were great. They enjoyed the show and interjected comments with Blaine and me. Not uptight, not staring at how close we were sitting, not totally ignoring us either, just hanging out and watching tv. After about an hour I decided to take it a step further and laced my fingers through Blaine's and gave his hand a squeeze. He tensed up a bit and tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. When he noticed no one seemed bothered by our hand holding he relaxed fully this time. The show was good but I was having too much fun just hanging out with my family while holding my boyfriend's hand. This was nice. My plan had been to show Blaine, in a safe setting of course, that displays of affection between us were fine to prove that our love was acceptable and nothing wrong with it. I hadn't realized how much I'd been missing by holding back in front of others. I thought I was fine but now I knew I was wrong. I felt so much more accepted by my family that I ever had and I also felt so much closer to Blaine. I had to set up another safe setting for the both of us.

Note: If you want more chapters to this story you'll have to write them, I'm done with this one.