31st December 2014

It had been almost a year since Sam's mother had died, and she had made incredible progress - she hadn't cried for months now. The couple had tied the knot earlier in the year, and now they were celebrating the new year in the pub by the ED after working a shift, with all of their colleagues. Tom was wearing a smart shirt and trousers, whilst Sam was wearing a tight and shirt black dress with heels because she wanted to make the occasion special - she hadn't worn a dress since their wedding.
"You sure you don't want a drink? We can always get a taxi home." Tom shouted over the fairly loud music and banter of everyone partying.
"It's fine, I don't mind driving." Sam smiled.
"Well I might have to take you for a drive later." He stated as he was already rather intoxicated whilst he pushed his crotch against Sam's, but she pulled away because she knew he was just being silly.
"Lovely Tom." Zoe said sarcastically as she joined the couple.
"What? We're married, I think everyone knows we're having sex." Tom stated bluntly and Sam face planted with her hand. "Wh- you're not embarrassed are you?" He laughed before he took another gulp of his beer.
"Don't you think you've had enough? It's only half eleven." Sam stated as she teased the almost empty pint out of his hand and placed it on a nearby table.
"Alright alright, I won't drink anymore. I promise." Tom nodded clumsily.
"I'll go and get him a coke, what do you want?" Zoe asked.
"Um... I'll have a coke too please." Sam nodded.

"Aren't you drinking?" Zoe asked.
"No." Sam said innocently. "I'm driving." She added.
"Oh right, well I'll be back in a minute." Zoe stated before she stumbled away in her ridiculous heels that were double the height of Sam's.
"Tom, just before midnight you need to come with me." Sam stated.
"Oh I do, do I?" Tom winked as he placed his hands on Sam's hips.
"Yes you do, and you really need to sober up or you're gonna have a killer hangover in the morning." She stated.
"Here you go." Zoe announced as she handed the pair a pint of coke each.
"Thanks." Sam smiled as she knew that Tom wasn't going to thank her, he was too busy eyeing up Cal's flirting techniques which she found funny.
"Congratulations by the way." Zoe said quietly in Sam's ear.
"What?" Sam said confusedly.
"Tom might be oblivious but I'm not." Zoe stated and Sam realised that she had been found out by her boss.
"Please don't tell him, I'm gonna tell him at midnight." Sam pleaded.

"Don't worry, I won't. And I'm really happy for you two." Zoe stated sincerely before she went to save Ash from a very intoxicated Lily Chao.

"Right, you're coming with me. Now." Sam ordered as grabbed a bucket of ice and water that had contained champagne, and then dragged her husband outside. She took him to where the benches were away from everyone else by the entrance getting some air.
"We're gonna miss the celebration." Tom whined.
"No we're having our own one." Sam stated. "And I'm sorry, but I have to do this." She stated as she got the bucket of ice and water and poured it over his head causing him to shriek.
"Sam!" He protested as he brushed the excess ice cubes off of him.
"Well I had to sober you up somehow." Sam stated.
"Sober up for what?" Tom asked.
"5, 4," the countdown could be heard from the outside of the pub as everyone looked forward to 2015, "3, 2, 1. Happy new year!" Everyone inside shouted whilst Tom looked at Sam confusedly for an answer.
"Sober up for what Sam?" He repeated.
"I'm pregnant." Sam stated and Tom's chattering teeth turned to a grin within milliseconds.
"Really." Sam nodded and Tom couldn't help but laugh.
"We're having a baby." He smiled as he picked Sam up under her arms and gave her a passionate kiss before he gently put her down. "Happy new year mummy." Tom smiled.
"Happy new year daddy." Sam smiled in returned before they embraced in a hug but Sam quickly pulled away. "Your freezing!" She exclaimed.
"I wonder why." Tom moaned as he glanced at the empty bucket besides them on the floor. "Wow, I actually can't believe it." Tom smiled as he placed his hand on Sam's stomach against her tight dress. "How long have you known?" He asked.
"Since this morning." She admitted. "I was a few days late so, I just took a test and here we are now." Sam explained.
"So, you're four weeks?" Tom asked and Sam nodded. "This is just, the best news to start the new year on." He beamed. "Can we go and tell everyone else?" He asked.
"Yeah. But you're saying it, not me." Sam stated as she took his hand and they walked back into the lively pub. Sam didn't know what Tom was doing as he lead them other to a pool table that had only been used to hold beer glasses so he cleared a path and climbed up and stood on it.
"C'mon." Tom smiled as he gave Sam a hand up two and they both stood on top of the pool table. "Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please?" Tom shouted, and Zoe turned the music down whilst everyone turned their attention to the dripped wet man standing on the pool table holding hands with his wife. "Right, me and Sam are having a baby!" Tom announced and everyone burst into cheers once more as the music returned and people face the couple a round of applause.

They decided that it would be best to get down before they had an accident, so Sam put her hands on Fletch's shoulders as he lifted her down and placed her on her feet.
"Thanks." Sam smiled as Tom jumped down and landed besides them.
"Congratulations, I'm sure you two will raise a right little toerag." Fletch smirked as he gave Sam a hug and then shook Tom's hand.
"Well if they have even a fraction of my good looks and intelligence, they'll be set for life." Tom stated jokily.
"Tom, if our child has a fraction of your intelligence, it'll be a danger to itself and everyone around it." Sam retorted.
"Oi, no need for bullying." Tom said childishly as he folded his arms across his chest. "Right, do you want to go home?" He suggested.
"No, stay as long as you like." Sam forced a smile, but she was getting a bit tired - she never was one for late nights.
"No. I'm not gonna drink anymore so we might as well go home." Tom stated.
"We're gonna get called lightweights at work on Monday." Sam stated.
"I know, but we've got an excuse now haven't we." Tom smiled as he wrapped his arms around Sam from behind and rested them on her stomach where he knew that nestled in his wife's womb was a life that he had helped to created. She was only 4 weeks so she didn't have a bump at all - in fact she looked as beautiful and as hot as usual - but he couldn't help but imagine Sam being full term pregnant with his baby, waddling around at home getting irritated and impatient as to when their baby would arrive.

After saying happy new year to everyone, Sam and Tom slowly walked back to the hospital car park and Sam drove them home.

When they arrived back at their flat, Sam got changed into a pair of tracksuits and a hoodie and climbed into bed. Whilst Tom drank a full bottle of water, and then took some painkillers and put them on his bedside table in the hope that he wouldn't suffer too badly in the morning.
"I can't believe that we're gonna have a baby." Tom stated as he climbed into bed.
"Correction, I'm gonna have a baby, I'm gonna be the one who gives birth in the end." Sam stated.
"Oh I can't wait for the hand crushing and swearing and gas and air." Tom said sarcastically. "Hey, Tess could deliver our baby." Tom suggested.
"Tom, Fletch could deliver our baby, it doesn't mean that I'm going to let him." Sam stated.

"Wow! Hormonal already." Tom said sarcastically as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Mm, go and get me a bottle of water." She ordered.
"I've just gotten into bed." Tom protested.
"Exactly, you're not comfy yet. I am." Sam stated with her eyes closed. Tom rolled his eyes as he got up and headed to the kitchen. He couldn't wait to see how pregnancy was going to change his wife. Though he was sure that it was going to be for the worse...

The End. Thank you for reading, please review :)
I am going to start writing a Tam fanfic that involves a pregnancy soon, but at the moment I'm revising a lot so I don't always have the time to write but I shall try my best to get it up soon :)