Hello~ LoliMolysweet here with a neww story~~ I had too much ideas, but decided to settle with this one. And LoliMolysweet does not own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima sama does.

"There once was a girl named Lucy Heartiphlia who saved the shadow and the light itself. It was then the light and shadow took a form of human served her. But it is said that she never, ever, spoke. The cost of saving light and shadow was losing her voice."

Lucy Heartiphila rose up from her white poofy bed. She rose herself up and reached towards the ceiling as hard as she can, and quickly retrieve them. Her bright chocolate brown eyes were half-open and her limbs were all stiffened from all that sleeping, but soon recovered. Having to recover her strength and her flexiblity, she carefully slid off her bed, cleaning it nice and tidy as if no one was there. Satisfied with her result, the blonde walked out of the room.

The blonde had nice and milky skin and those bright brown orbs shined. She had slim body figure, making her look very feminine. She always wore a white dress that reached just above her knees, just adding to her beauty. Her silky, flowing golden locks never seemed to fail to catch passerby's attention - well if there were people around in her area. Lucy lived in the forest, along with her familiars: Sting and Rogue in a wooden cabin. The cabin was not big, it was more like a hut, to be exact. But Lucy always prefered small and unnoticeable house rather than astonishing and eye-catching one.

It was dark midnight outside of the little hut. The stream nearby seemed to be the only sound in this peaceful night, along with some frogs and occasional owl hoots here and there. Fireflies flew freely, drawing their own pictures in a invisible canvas while stars in the sky seemed to shine clearly, taking a role to create the beauty of the forest.

As always, the brown orbed girl stepped outside, barefoot, feeling the cool earth beneath her pale feet, smiling in delight. The nature never failed to bring a smile onto her face. Carefully, she took one step at a time in a straight line, the soft grass tickling her each and every step.

"Lucy-sama" A husky whispering voice called out from behind. It was none other than Rogue, the shadow. He had jet-black hair that was long, but short enough to look very masculine. He had one bang that almost always covered his dark red eyes. (Seriously, it's like red mixed with a lot of black). As a response to what Rogue said, Lucy puffed out her cheeks and crossed her delicate arms, turning to the jet black haired familiar, but then turning slightly away from him. Which Rogue, the shadow let out a very small chuckle that Lucy barely heard. "I apologize… Lucy." It was then the golden haired mage uncrossed her arms and smiled.

During the day, it was Sting who took care of her, and once the Sun sets, Sting goes to sleep and Rogue wake up and takes care of their beloved Lucy. Because they are Lucy's familiar, they used formal bows and languages, but the friendly blonde simply didn't like the idea of it and treated them as her friends.

"Lucy, it is rather cold out. Would you like a coat to warm...up…." The black haired shadow mage familiar trailed off when the scent of a stranger. This person smelled like burnt wood, which Rogue had a bad feeling about - after all, this was a forest. "Lucy, please stay where you are right now. Someone is in this forest." The shadow familiar whispered, which Lucy responded by walking closer to Rogue. When he had a bad feeling, oh it was correct...99% of the time.

The scent was getting stronger each second, creating the tense atmosphere in this beautiful night. The scent now was accompanied by rustling footsteps, approaching closer and closer towards the blonde and the shadow familiar. The fireflies flew away, the stars seem to dim. The frogs stopped singing, and the sound of flowing stream now sounded harsh. Closer...and closer….

It was then a human figure came into a view among the bushes. His bright rosy color stood out in now monochrome night. The figure walked out of the bush which was located right in front of the shadow mage. The figure was a male with oddly light rosy hair, almost pink. His hair was also spiky but not like Sting. It reminded of… a fire. He had white pants, but was a bit baggy on him. For his shirt, he had nothing but a vest on, as if he's trying to show off his well-built body.

Rogue then stood right in front of the blonde, suspecting that pinkette will be danger to someone who the blonde.

"Ah, sorry, I kinda got lost around here.. I took a mission about forest, and so I got to the first forest I can see and kept walkin' and the next thing I know, BAM. I'm here." The rosy haired mage, which seems like, judging by this 'mission' he spoke of. This meant more trouble. If he was a normal human then Rogue could simply push him out and cloud his memories but noo he just had be a mage.

"Just get out." The shadow familiar said in a low husky whisper.

Now, the blonde behind her trusty familiar was curious. She just wanted know what that stranger was and how he looked like, and how he entered her forest. Unable to hold in, she peeked to the side of Rogue's black cape.

"Lucy-sama, please stay behind me. He might be a dangerous man." The shadow familiar whispered, giving her a slight smile that was slightly illuminated by the moonlight. Which of course was followed by the blonde's pout and stepping right next to Rogue. She pouted at the jet black haired mage for a second before turning her head to see who came into her forest.

The first thing she noticed was his rather..unique features, of course. Then she started to form questions in her mind. 'How did you get here?' 'Why are you here?' 'Who are you?' 'Why is your hair like that?' 'Why don't you wear a shirt?' 'Why?' So much things she wanted to say…but those questions were trapped in her head, failing to get out. No matter how she tried, she will not be able to speak again.

"State your business here." Rogue suddenly asked, standing in front Lucy now.

"I told you! I got lost! LOST!" The pinkette shouted, making few birds fly off it's branch. "I'm sorry to bring this up after I kinda yelled… but can I stay here for the night?" It was then the blonde stepped to the side, escaping Rogue-barrier, and nodded, making the pinkette grin widely with his sharp teeth showing. The shadow familiar seemed to have a lot of objections and clearly disagreed to the idea, and when he was about to say something, the chocolate orbed blonde placed her index finger on his lips and simply smiled, as if she is trying to say: 'It'll be okay. I promise.'

Rogue still was worried about the safety of Lucy, but he simply figured that Sting or himself can protect her if that stranger gets too close.

"Very well.." The shadow sighed out.

"Yes! Thank you sooo muchh! My name's Natsu by the way. Natsu Dragoneel." The rosy-haired mage cheered, grinning so widely that he looked like an idiot.

That was how it all began.

I really had TOO MUCH ideas in my head that it wasn't even funny. I first wrote one chap of my other idea, but deleted it because it was crappy. So yes. Well.. good bad? I'm still a noob at writing soo I want to hear your thoughts! And I am soooo sorry for the Lucy x Rogue thing… This is a NaLu story, sooo just making that clear now.

So Don't forget to review!

Love ya~
