Jade walked into the compartment she took every year since 1st year, now 4 years later she made sure that she arrived early in order to snag it. She took the window seat and read Pride and Prejudice to pass the time.

"Still doing the 'full education' thing?" Asked Marcy her friend of 6 years standing at the door, she saw her friends pocket watch and book, "Still into the Victorian Era too I see."

"Yeah actually I am." Jade put her book away, really all hope of finishing it gone now with her here."And Victoria was a pretty kick-ass lady, she ran her country well."

"Why though? Why would you do that extra work huh? Just act like a normal wizard merlins beard, you'd think a slytherin wouldn't want to know anything about muggles." She sighed dramatically falling onto the seat.

" Aw shut your trap. And you'd expect a ravenclaw to want to have more knowledge now wouldn't you? Plus the watch makes me look cool." She nudged her friend playfully.

"I'm smart not hardworking, I swear that hat made a mistake or you'd be a hufflepuff." Marcy leveled her with a glare conveniently ignoring her watch comeback because really it did look cool with it's Alice in Wonderland engraving on the front."Pfft, learning both muggle and wizard studies at the same time, how do you even?"

"Simple really, the homework isn't all that bad and my moms teaching me, not an actually school/tutor so I can get away for lateness."

"Too much work if you ask me, I would just stick to just wizard stuff, less math that way."

"Yes well you see, I didn't ask you."

And in this matter they carried on to Hogwarts

A/N: These Oc's won't be too important, just there to add spice and different opinions and point of views.