#1 Rumble

Everyone at Rouge's party has one thing in mind which is to get as much wasted as you possibly can and hook up with someone hot. It's a foolproof plan that even the stupidest of mobians can follow. The best part of it is that if you get drunk enough, you'll find that anyone in attractive.

Mostly the boys, like the hedgehog placing his filthy hands on my hips and whispering suggestively perverted words into my ear. I shove him away with a displeased expression and flip him off as I walk over by the pool and drink my punch in a red cup.

Boozed boys and girls everywhere, some kissing, and some practically having sex in public. This is so disgusting to me that I just what to vomit, there's like herpes everywhere in this place, I'm sure of it.

"Amy!" Looking at the crowds of people I notice a pretty blonde hedgehog girl with blue eyes tumbling her way over to me, I don't even know her, how the hell does she know my name?

"Excuse me, you are?" I use my left arm to steady myself against the wall and force myself upright.

She finally reaches me and smiles bright and lets out a disoriented laugh and says, "I'm Maria Robotnik, heard you were coming so I decided to come say 'Hi', so hi!"

"Hey, nice to meet you." I replied, the suspicion in my voice crystal clear as I spoke. "What do you mean by 'heared I was coming'?"

"Oh, everyone knows about the new girl." Maria said woozly and hicuped from her bear, "You're very popular."

I stare back at her perplexed. I wasn't new, I've been going to NSSH ever since the very beginning.

I scrunched my forehead and tilt my head. I didnt understand where this girl was getting these 'facts' from. It was probably because I was always the one in class that nobody bothered to notice or even knew existed.

Then when the most popular girl in school invites me to one of her big parties out of pity after bumping into me in the hallway, causing me to drop all my books, I get noticed.

"Glad to hear that." I replied nonchalantly as I drank my punch. Her face dropped, and she slapped my cup out of my grasp. "What the hell? I was drinking that!" I complained.

"Don't drink that, don't you know the football team pisses in the punch?" She slurred out, squinting her eyes.

Spitting out what liquid was left in my mouth I stared at ger rather disturbed. "Are you serious?"

Maria nodded and raised her beer can at me with a goofy smile. "Yeah, here, drink some of this, way better than piss-punch!"

I shook my head at her not trusting what could be in her drink now. "Thanks, but, no thanks."

"Suit yourself." She shrugged. "But you'll wish you would have!" She teased.

"Thanks for the warning ." I said with a small smile as I crosses my arms over my black 'Sex Pistols' T-shirt.

She laughed again, spitting a bit on my face. "No problem. So, you enjoying the party?" She asked.

I wiped the spit away with my hand and laughed heartly. "Yeah." I lied. "Totally."

Maria smiled sweetly, seeming to cool down from her drunkness, if that's even a word. "That's good." She glanced behind-across from me and her eyes lit up.

Curiosity struck me and so I turned to see what she drooling over, a blue hedgehog with icy green eyes.

He was handsome I had to admit, way better than any guy I've seen.

"Is that your boyfriend?" I asked turning my attention back to her. Her cheeks flushed almost as pink as me and she shook her head quickly.

"No, well, we've been talking but I uh," She stuttered out nervously as she played with her sweaty hair, "Who am I kidding, I wish."

I couldn't help but frown at her solemn expression, this girl actually took the time to talk to me, I wasn't going to let her feel down. "I vet it, you like him."

I grasped her arm in my hand and pulled her through the drunk crowd, "W-what are you doing?" She asked uneasy.

"Calm your nerves," I smirked as we were reaching the guy of her dreams, "I'm doing you a favor."

As she was about to open her mouth in protest, we stopped in front of the hedgehog who raised an eyebrow at us.

"H-hey, Sonic!" Maria stammered out as her body shook. "Didn't expect you here."

He gazed with no intrest at Maria, unamused by her appearance. "Who are you?" He asked sharply. His good looks shattered as I reflected his words and actions, his voice was gentle though it expressed annoyance when he spoke.

"Maria..." She replied gloomy. "We have Chemistry together."

This Sonic guy sight and his eyes wandered away from her. "I see no 'chemistry' between us," He said with no emotion. "If you catch my hint, otherwise you're pretty stupid."

Maria's eyes widen and showed how much she wanted to cry, he didn't even let her down easy or let her speak more than she did.

I felt anger boil within me as I stared at Sonic who turned his back to us and began to walk away. "You're not good enough for me, I don't like drunk sluts, so don't even try."

Oh, that's it.

I sprinted over to his retreating figure as I shoved the crowd of drunks out of my way. "Hey, you, blue boy!" I roared through the loud music, I know heared me because he turned with an irritated expression and his face met with my fist.


The music stopped like an old record player, all eyes on this bastard and I. Jaws down, eyes wide were vivid in everyone's expression, except mine and his. Mine showed fierceness while his showed anger.

I didn't care, so what that I punched him across the face and he was trickling blood out of his nose?

My knuckles were sore and skin pealed by the contact, his chiseled face was hard and sharp so I got hurt too. My glare darkened and he returned it soon after though he looked rather unsure of the whole situation.

"Apologize." I demanded with a low growl and bared teeth.

Sonic stared at me bewildered as he grabbed his bloody nose to stop the bleeding. "I don't need to apologize for speaking my mind."

"Didn't your mom ever teach you, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all?" I spoke to him as if I was speaking to a child, judging by his wide-eyed expression, I knew I hit a nerve, "So, I'll repeat myself, apologize."

He seemed to cool down and his impassive expression returned to his features. "Fuck off." He said slowly to let his words sink in.

I huffed, fumming with rage. "No, I'm not just going to let you leave after telling Maria all that crap and crushing her poor heart. So apologize or I'll have to punch you again." I threatened, holding my fist up.

"You're stupid." He said ignoring what I had just said. His tenancity was so irritating. Did he really not care about Maria's feelings?

Laughing darkly I walked over to him and faced him, luckily for me, I had decided to wear red heels so I was about his eye level. "I could careless what you think of me, but, know this, no one fucks with me without getting burned."

He laughed a impeccable laugh and leaned down on me which kind of made him seem menacingly. "Don't cross me." He said sternly.

"Don't provoke me." I replied harshly and placed my hands on his hard chest and shoved him off. His expression still showed how pissed off he was with me.

I can practically see lightning bolts shooting from both of our eyes as we stare each other off. Who did he think he was exactly? He acted as if he was better than everyone, it was clear he wasn't enjoying the party so it didn't make sense as to why he didn't just leave.

The crowd filled with "Ooh's" and "Ahh's." The reason being that I had left the 'cool' kid without a word to say back.

I'm pretty sire I was the only one who ever stood up to his guy and I'm pretty sure this was not going to be the end of it either.

I turned my heel and walked over to Maria , whose jaw hung low. I felt really bad about all this, it was my fault that this all happened, I shouldn't have forced her to talk to this asshole.

"Amy...how could you?" Her voice quivering, she let out a cry and ran off crying. Wait, what?

"Wait, Maria!" I reached my hand out to her retreating figure and frowned. Yeah, I fucked up, but I also just exposed the bastard too and she still liked him, wow, she had low expectations.

I sight solemnly and averted my gaze to the door leading out this dog pound, I couldn't stay here any longer. Everything about this place did not give me a good vibe at all.

"Bravo, pinkie." A voice called out from behind, I didn't need to turn to know who it was. I sight bitterly and turned to face the white bitch, I mean bat. She had an amused smile across her lips, "Didn't know you had it in you, calling out the most popular guy in school, impressive."

"Yeah, well someone had to." I replied casually, to be honest I didn't even know of him until today. Probably because I was usually in the library. "It's getting pretty late, so, I think I better get going."

This was too much for me, first time I get invited to a party and it turns out like shit.

"Whoa, you just got here, hun." Rouge said tugging at my arm, I get it, I was the entertainment of the party now. "Stay a little longer."

I checked my watch and grimaced. "Sorry, it's already one in the morning and there's school tomorrow." I said yanking my arm away.

"Leave and I'll tell the whole school you're not no be associated with." She replied hastily causing me to stop dead in my tracts.

"Is that a threat?" I asked, side glancing her.

Rouge rolled her eyes at my question and laughed. "You're damn right, it is." She replied annoyed.

"Hmph," I said with a smile and walked ahead earning a gasp from Rouge, "Promise?" I asked sarcastically.

"You'll regret this, pinkie!" Roared Rouge with a sourful voice. Like I did with all the people that pissed me off, I flipped the most popular girl in school.

"Oh, just shut up already, all you do is talk." I whined feeling my nerves coming to a break point.

Great, first night out and I already made enemies with the two most popular kids in school. And I knew this was just the beginning of a huge war. Rouge, I'll beat you at your own game, and Sonic, I'll devour you.


This story is somewhat based on the song 'Miss Nothing' . So, should I continue or delete this story?

And it's not a type of story that I'm pretty sure any of you reading will expect. I feel like this was a bit too short but the next chapter will be longer that is if I get reviews telling me to continue.