Sherlock leaned against the window sill of the observational room, watching and waiting for Becky to kiss Jim and save him from becoming a war strategist for the rest of his life. Becky leaned close to Jim, but just before they kissed she pulled back with a sad smile.

"Oh Jim. If only there was someone out there who truly loved you" she said quietly. Jim stared at her, surprised.

"But... but Becky... I love you... please... please..."

"Unfortunately, Jim, I never truly loved you"

"No... no..."

Sherlock swore loudly, slamming his hands against the window sill as Becky turned away from Jim and headed back inside to the observational room. He grabbed her arms as soon as she entered and shook her.

"What the hell was that all about?" he demanded.

"Sherlock! Leave her alone" Laura pulled Sherlock away before he hurt Becky.

"You've just condemned an innocent person to being a slave in fighting wars!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry, Sherlock, but I couldn't do it. I never loved him" Becky said quietly.

"You could have lied you could have done something, anything, to stop this from happening!"

"I couldn't have, Sherlock. What made you think that they were going to listen to you?"

"Because I am Sherlock Holmes and everyone listens to me!"

"No, Mr Holmes. We don't listen to you. Time for you three to leave" the head scientist said.

"But you said... you promised that if he was kissed by the one he loved then he would be free! You lied!" Sherlock shouted.

"James Moriarty is being deployed to a Star ship on the edge of the galaxy that need his intellect. He will be fine. Escort these three out, please, they've over-stayed their welcome" the scientist turned back to face the computer, and Sherlock, Laura and John were led back outside, Sherlock with his hands cuffed once again.

"For goodness sake I am not about to escape and attack anyone!" he protested.

"Standard procedure Mr Holmes I'm sure you understand"

"I understand that but you honestly are going to let Becky go after that?"

"Mr Holmes, Jim had no chance of being let free. He knows what he is, he admitted it last week before we started giving him the fear drug"

"Right. And you never thought to mention that to me?"

"It was not your place to know. You're free to go unless the Proclamation ever needs you again" they released Sherlock from the hand cuffs, and kicked the three of them out of the car. Sherlock rubbed his wrists as they drove away, and Laura touched his shoulder.

"Sherlock, sweetie?"

"They're going to use him... it's all my fault I could have saved him... and they lied... he is only vaguely aware of what he is" Sherlock stormed inside the flat, flopping in his chair with his head in his hands and refusing to look up at anyone.

"What I don't understand is why you were trying to save Moriarty. He killed you. Sort of" John said, looking at his friend with concern.

"Because, John, my race crashed and burned in the Time War, and ever since we have been trying to ensure the same does not happen to others" Sherlock snapped, running his fingers through his hair.

"Sherlock, it's not your fault" Laura said gently, touching his shoulder. He huffed.

"I know, I know"

"Can we go in your TARDIS again?" John asked, and Sherlock looked up, surprised.

"What for?"

"Because you promised me we'd go and see stuff"

"Oh. Sure" Sherlock stood, and slid his hand into Laura's, before snapping his fingers. His TARDIS whirred as it re-materialised back into the corner of the room, and he headed inside, bounding up to the console, grinning widely.

"Now this is something I never thought would happen again! Me, my wife and my girl all back together, accompanied by my best friend!" he shouted, running his hands over the console and laughing. Laura shook her head, moving to stand beside him.

"So where are we going?" she asked, and Sherlock turned to John.

"John can choose" he said, before realising John wasn't in the TARDIS. "John?" he called, confused, as the door burst open and John came charging in with his suitcase.

"I'm going on an adventure!"

"War strategist, how long until the ship is within firing range?"

"Two minutes and thirty one seconds"

"Lock aim and get ready to fire"

"Yes Sir"

Jim Moriarty glanced back at the captain before tapping the control screen. He had managed to gain control of all the systems, and now it was time to put his plan into action. He had been forced into becoming a war strategist, and no one ever called him by his name anymore, and he hated it. He sighed, and turned the ship around, setting course for Earth.

"Strategist, what are you doing?"

"My name is Jim Moriarty" he said quietly, one thought in his brilliantly intelligent mind.


Revenge on the one who failed to save him.


Jim smiled to himself, and hit the switch that bound the other crew members to their seats securely.

"Hush now. This is a revenge mission. You are going to do exactly as I say... or I will kill your families"

"What do you want us to do?" The captain asked, fear in his voice for his wife and young daughter. Jim smiled again.

"We're going to get revenge on a former friend of mine named Becky"

Author's Note:

Thank you so much if you read all the way to the end!

Any reviews/ideas for the future would be much appreciated as occasionally I get writer's block and then annoy everyone...

Thank you so much again :)