So yeah, My original intention was to have this be the follow up of the previous drabble.

And it looks like my intention was fulfilled.

So yay...

I need to go to bed now oh god. ;-;

The Stars that Lit When Our Secret Was Made

Braixen sighed as she laid in the grass, staring up at the night sky that was filled with stars. It's been a long, long day. It was about time she got to relax. Her trainer went to sleep, along with everyone else. So it was just her, the night sky, and the glowing embers that were in the fire pit still.

Her dainty hand dragged along the blades of grass gently as she recalled her events from the day. The training session which ended with her Serena yelling at her and Pancham... but mostly her, some quality time with Frogadier, which quickly changed into a "who can be the better show off" competition in the end, and for dinner... she had a nice time telling everyone the stories of both of those events.

And then it was now, just her and the night sky... Though, she felt as if there was something missing.

The moon was bright as it was when she was worried sick about Frogadier potentially going into another gym battle that he wouldn't have the type advantage for. And that was truly the last tender moment she remembered having with him. Sure, the other day he had called her cute, but that would of been an accident at the least. Or at least, that's what she thought...

She sighed as her gaze was lost to the bright moon, her mind racing with memories of her and her closest friend.

There other times that they shared tender moments, like that one tail cleaning session that he gratefully offered to her when she was a Fennekin and he was a Froakie, And that one time that she had to be carried home. There were other moments too, such as the time where he was genuinely worried about her going into the water for a swim...

And there was that one moment, that Braixen held near and dear to her heart; the time where she was upset about not having hands. She could still remember his fingers wrapping gently around her paw. And the more she thought of that nostalgic memory, the more it tempted her to confess her feelings to him.

She was aware that those things happened months ago... But they always seemed close at heart, as if they happened yesterday.

As she had her mind set on replay of those tender moments, her eyes drifted along the sky, trying to create constellations from the ones she connected. She fell into a dreamy trance, and the ambient sounds of the nocturnal pokemon somewhere in the surrounding fores made the moment more indulging.

But this moment of indulgence was cut short, once she heard footsteps coming her way.

Braixen quickly sat up, turning herself around to see that Frogadier was awake... Partially.

"Oh... Uh- H-Hi Frogadier!" She said quietly, so she wouldn't wake anyone up. "W-What's up! Why are you up at this time?"

Frogadier yawned. "Well..." He said while wiping the sleep from his eyes. "I kinda... sorta... had a bad dream-"

Braixen quickly stood up and ran to him, quickly giving him a hug for reassurance. "H-how bad was it?" She asked, her cheeks flushed with a light pink color.

Frogadier snapped out of his sleepy daze at this sudden action. "How bad?" He said, his voice still sounding a bit sluggish.

"Y-Yes..." Braixen said, tightening the embrace a bit. "H-How bad was your dream? Did you get hurt? Is everything alright? Are-"

"Don't worry Braixen..." Frogadier cooed as he gently wrapped his long arms around her. "Everything's alright now. There's no need for you to worry..." He looked up at the night sky, his eyes still locked in a bit of a sleepy daze. "So... The sky looks beautiful tonight."

"Yeah..." Braixen sighed, giving off a bit of a smile as her face gently rested against Frogadiers flowing frubbles. "I-It really does."

"... Do you mind if I watch them with you?"

Braixens eyes widened as she quickly pulled away, her eyes locking with his immediately. Her cheeks quickly became a deep crimsion color as the question floated around in her head for a short while.

Frogadier softly sighed. "I mean... It must be lonesome to go stargazing by yourself. I just wanted to keep you company."

Braixen was flustered, she had no idea what to say in response to this sudden request, but after a while. She shyly gave off a small nod.

It was just the two of them now, laying side by side on the grass close together, counting the stars and connecting the dots.

"You know..." Frogadier said, pointing up at the sky. "That one right there looks a bit like a pokepuff!"

Braixens stomach rumbled, making her blush a bit in embarrassment. "Way to go Frogadier..." she giggled. "Now I'm hungry. And besides, I don't see what you're talking about!"

"You see that constellation right there? the one that's shaped like a star?" Frogadier said pointing at a nearby constellation.

Braixen nodded. "Yeah I see it."

"Go just a bit to the left and you'll see what I'm talking about."

Braixens stomach growled again once she saw the pokepuff that Frogadier was talking about, making her giggle once more. "Now I see it."

Frogadier chuckled as well, smiling as he nonchalantly brushed his hand up against her hand, making Braixen freeze in sudden shock.

"Y-your hand..." Braixen stuttered.

"What about it?"

Braixen rolled over onto her side, as did Frogadier. Her cheeks were flushed a deep crimson once more as her eyes met with his. "I-It's just..." Her voice weakened a bit.

Frogadier raised a pokebrow. "Yeeeees?"

Braixen gulped. "I... It's j-just... just..." Her voice trailed off as her gaze got lost in his.

There was silence between the two on the outside, but on the inside, there was this force. A force that told both of them to get closer to one another. A force telling them to close their gap. The two of them slowly inched their heads closer together, obiding the comands that the "force" was giving them. They both slowly closed their eyes as their lips were only centimeters away from one another. And after what seemed like an eternity, they finally met up in a gentle, awkward, yet blissful kiss.

It was... Strange.

Braixen never knew how to tell Frogadier how she felt, nor did she have the confidence to say so. And it was the same for Frogadier, although he was a bit more open with his affection beforehand, he never had the guts to tell her how he felt. Everything seemed so complicated but yet... something as simple as a touch of a hand, made them finally break the ice.

Again... It was strange.

Braixen could feel all of these emotions swell up within her as the kiss grew longer. She didn't know if she would cry, or squeal, or do a giddy little dance, or all three at once!

And as for Frogadier... he never thought that he would fall In love in the first place. It always made his heart beat a bit faster than normal whenever he would think of the times that he spent with Braixen as a Fennekin... At first he thought it was an ironically well timed thing, but as they grew closer, he realized that he fell for her pretty hard.

The two broke apart, taking in a gasp of air as they did so. There was another pause between the two as they collected their breath.

"W-well..." Frogadier said his cheeks were a bright red. "That was rather... Unexpected."

Braixen smiled. "Y-Y-Yeah..." She said, her voice shaking. "I-I-It was really... a... s-surprise..."

Frogadier smiled. As he tried to make eye contact with her once again however, his smile quickly faded. "Braixen?" He reached his arm out to stroke her cheek, finding that it was already wet from tears.

Braixen moved closer to him, throwing her free arm around him as she nuzzled her face into his frubble scarf. "I've... I've waited... so long for that..." She whimpered as she started to cry a bit more. "It almost felt like forever..."

Frogadiers hand had swiftly moved to the back of Braixens head and was gently stroking the back of her head as he allowed her to let her tears of joy out. "I know." He warmly cooed, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead to calm her down. "I've waited too."

Braixen giggled as she heard those words. She snuggled up closer to Frogadier as he continued to stroke the back of her head.

Staring at the sky once more, Braixen and Frogadier continued to point out more and more constellations, and even made up some of their own.

"That does NOT look like Chespin at all." Braixen said, giggling at the shape that Frogadier traced out in the sky.

Frogadier blushed in embarrassment. "I-It kind of does..." He said, trying desperately to retrace what he just drew in the sky. As he did so, he could hear his new girlfriend chuckle at how bad he was doing, which only made him blush more. "S-Shut up." He playfully nudged Braixen as he started to laugh a bit as well.

Braixen sighed. "So... how do you think the others will react to us being together?" She asked.

Frogadier shrugged. "Beats me."

"Should we keep this a secret? Or should we flat out tell them?"

"Well, what do you think?"

Braixen sat still in thought for a moment. Sure, telling them would clear out any sort of speculation between the two. But then again... It would seem strange to tell them straight in the morning after they got together. She smiled as she placed her hand on Frogadiers. "I think it would be best to wait... only for a bit." She finally said. "If secrets are eventually founded out in this group, we shouldn't try hard to hide the fact that we're together now... we'll just wait until they figure it out."

Frogadier smiled. "And how long do you think that would take?"

Braixen shrugged. "Who knows... But until then, this is a secret between you, me, and that deformed Chespin constellation over there. Got it?"

Frogadier chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Got it."

Braixens attention went back to the sky, scanning the sky to see if any patterns or shapes could be made. "Hey I found a heart!"


Braixen smiled as she began tracing the shape in the sky with her finger as Frogadier watched her do so. The two of them couldn't of asked for a better moment than this.

I so did not bother to actually go through and proof read this.

So if I greatly botched up SOMETHING (?) I am greatly sorry.

As I said: Two AM