It wasn't at all what he had expected to hear. He'd only left her alone for a second…to save Laurel. That split second put her in danger and now all he could do was stand there and try desperately listening to what Diggle had been telling him.

"Oliver!" Diggle hissed through the comm. "Oliver, are you hearing me?!"

"Yes." Oliver replied shakily. "I heard you, Diggle."

"I've been tracking her phone but the signal cut out."

"Try again." He demanded, pulling himself back to the matter at hand; he had to get to her. The Dollmaker had her and if he didn't hurry, she'd die.

"I'm doing everything I can." Diggle assured. "I can't promise you much, Oliver. I'm not exactly her. I can only work around computers as well as you."

Oliver picked up his bow. "Where did the signal cut out?" He heard typing on the other end and a small "what?"

"This can't be right." Diggle said. "It looks like the signal cut out a few miles from the Glades, but they're…"

"The perfect place to stash dead bodies." Oliver said bitterly, breaking into a sprint to reach his bike.

"Oliver, wait for Sara. She can back you up." Diggle insisted.

"No time." Oliver growled.

"So impatient." He heard Sara mumble as she said her goodbyes to Diggle before leaving the foundry.

Fifteen minutes later, Oliver had arrived at the Glades, or what was left of them. He scanned the area carefully, looking for any sign of them, only to see absolutely nothing.

"Your stress isn't helping your surveying." Sara stated from behind him. "You need to calm down, Oliver. The desperation of finding her is blinding you from what's really here."

"We're running out of time." He shook his head. "Damn it!"

"Oliver!" Sara snapped. "We will find her. You need to calm down."

"I can't!" He roared, facing her. "I can't just calm down, Sara! This is Felicity we're talking about! We can't lose her!"

"You can't lose her." She corrected him. "I know you have feelings for her, but it's not going to help us if your emotions aren't in check!"

A faint beeping had them snapping their heads around, searching for the source of the noise.

"Digg, what is it?" Oliver asked.

"You need to get out of there!" Diggle panicked. "Oliver, you and Sara need to leave, it's a bomb!"

"We need to go." Sara tugged on him arm.

"We can't." Oliver pushed her hand away. "We find Felicity first."

"Oliver!" Sara and Diggle yelled.

"This place is about to blow!" Sara screeched, clutching his arm as hard as she could and dragging him away with much difficulty.

The beeping became louder and faster, taking no longer than two minutes before going off and destroying the ruins of the Glades.

"No!" Oliver screamed, pushing Sara to the side.

"Oliver, there's nothing we can do now!" She grabbed onto him, having never seen him this desperate since the island. "Oliver…there's nothing we can do."

Back at the foundry, Diggle had let some tears slip from his eyes, having heard the explosion through Oliver's comm. He had his hands folded in front of his mouth to stop the violent sobs he was sure would leak through. Diggle wasn't a man that cried, but he had also never felt so defeated than in that moment.

An hour later, Sara had entered the foundry with Oliver trudging behind. His shoulders looked heavy with the way he had been slouching forward, green paint long gone from his eyes that seemed to be bloodshot.

Sara made her way over to Diggle and, despite having just met him, threw her arms around him in a hug.

Diggle focused on Oliver, who had stood in the middle of the training mat before collapsing to his knees and began punching the ground and screaming. He felt Sara trembling in his arms, obviously not used to Oliver's actions. She began crying as well; even though she hadn't known Felicity, she had never felt so helpless since her days on the island.

The funeral for Felicity Megan Smoak had been held two months later when police had determined she hadn't made it. The weeks they spent searching for her turned up empty. The countless nights Oliver, Diggle, and Sara had spent turning the city upside down for her only led to dead ends. Sara and Diggle watched Oliver slip deeper and deeper into his anger; anger at himself for leaving her, anger at the Dollmaker for taking her, anger at the police for giving up, anger at…everything.

Bare with me here, guys. I've had this idea rattling around in my head for a while. This chapter started out fast because I wanted to get it out there, I'll eventually edit it and my later chapter's should get better since I won't rush them as much as this one.

This is my first story in a while, since all I've been doing is writing one-shots because they're easier. I want to take another crack at writing stories so I can find some way out of my writer's block to finish my Once Upon a Time story.

Much love, guys (:
