Hey guys ,

This is a shout out to people who have been cyber bullied. I felt like I should write this story. It's something that is becoming more and more popular and it needs to stop.

It's not fun to be bullied at all. This story is going to explain what it can do to people when people harass them all the time on the web.

On the internet, you can find anything you want. The web can be used for good or bad. In this day and age people have been using the internet to bully people to the point where they can't take it anymore.

There have been many cases of teens committing suicide or extreme cutting because they never told anyone about it and they suffered silently until they couldn't take it any longer. This story I'm writing has a message knitted into it, to people who might be suffering or to people who know people who are suffering.

I don't own Skip Beat sadly.

I would also like to give credit to my amazing beta reader Jewelprincess7. That has done an wonderful job helping me write this story! Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoy this fanfic.


Recently, everyone had noticed something different about Kyoko. She didn't have that twinkle in her eyes when she talked, or any sort of her usual exuberance. Everyone, especially Ren, was worried about her. No one knew what was happening to her outside LME.


When Kyoko was done with her photo shoot for Kiss perfume, then she could go home. Her thoughts were derailed when she heard the director say, "Cut! That's it for today. Mogami-san, you can leave." As she approached the door, she heard heavy footsteps quickly approaching.

She looked behind her and saw Ren striding inhumanely quickly towards her with that damn fake gentlemanly smile on his perfect face.

Panicking, she turned around quickly to make a run for it. But suddenly, she felt a strong hand pulling her to a secluded corner.

She looked up and saw The Tsuruga Ren pulling her to a corner!

Kyoko's mind went into orbit; she couldn't believe that she was being cornered by The Tsuruga Ren, aka the Top Sexiest man in Japan!

Kkkkyyyaaaaaaa! This is bad bad bad !

Kyoko looked up and saw Ren looking down on her. He smirked and said, "Well hello Mogami-san. How are you on this fine summer afternoon?" giving his shiniest, fakest smile.

She really wished now, that she could smack that smile off his face but that wouldn't be proper.

Kyoko didn't know what to say; she was afraid to say anything. After a couple moments, she answered in a shaky voice, "I'm fine, thank you Tsuruga-san." Ren looked down on her, not buying it. As he eyed her skeptically, he asked, "Are you sure you are alright? You don't seem yourself today? Is something going on? "

Kyoko couldn't take much more of Ren's skeptical glare.

Oh God! He looks like he's going to murder me if I don't tell him what's wrong! But he mustn't know! He mustn't! Never! Ever!

She was about to come unglued; she had to find a way out of this situation. She replied quickly, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern though."

Ren's gaze darkened when she denied telling him what was wrong. He had known her long enough to know when she was upset. While her demons were trying to figure out a way to get away from him! The Demon Lord's aura shook up her demons; she could hear his bright voice in her head saying " Mooogggamii-sann why do I have a feeling I shouldn't believe you. You realize you can tell me anything." That look he was giving her was shattering her resolve , she just had to escape this situation immediately! !

When Kyoko was about to have a panic attack she pulled out Natsu, then she tilted her hips and said confidently,

"I'm fine Tsuruga-san; I just haven't gotten much sleep lately." Ren, noticing her personality change, said " Well Mogami-san shouldn't you have bags underneath your eyes? If I hadn't slept in a couple days I would have bags underneath my eyes. Why don't you?"

Mogami-san you try to get out of this one.

Natsu smirked saying," Tsuruga-san I have cream to go underneath my eyes so I don't have bags. It wouldn't be professional to come in with bags and looking like a zombie."


Then Ren thought a second then said, " Well I'm sorry to tell you but I don't think cream works that fast. If wouldn't be possible."

I got you now... Try to get out of this one! Hehe

Natsu let out a small giggle, " Yes, that is true.. But this is a special cream. It helps to hide and to take away the bags."

Ren then said proudly " Oh well then, please tell me the brand and the place to get some."

Now you can't get out of this...

Natsu then said " Oh I'm sorry it's homemade cream and it doesn't have a name. "

Damn! Ok that's it!

Ren getting tired of being messed with, suddenly became the Demon Lord staring at Natsu.

Kyoko quickly came back when she met the Demon Lord's eyes..

Ren's stare intensified, as did his darkening aura. Ren was beyond pissed, as his stare became colder. He said, "Mogami-san, what in the world is the matter?"

Kyoko got up some courage and said in the sweetest voice, "Really, I'm fine but I need to go; I'm late." After she finished her sentence, she tried to slip out of his grasp. Her attempt failed with Ren's death grip on her arm, so she couldn't escape his wrath.

Kyoko looked up at him then lied, "Please Tsuruga-san, I really need to go. I need to get going to Darumaya! It's getting late; if I stay any longer, it will be dark"

Ren unwillingly let go of her arm, then said smugly,"Well then, let me take you home."

Kyoko put on a forced smile, and politely said, "No thank you. I can walk." Before Ren could object, she already fled down the hall. Once he was out of sight, Kyoko frantically ran through LME to get out of there. She didn't want to be confronted again.


When she finally arrived at Darumaya, she ran to her room and slammed the door shut then slid down the door.

As she sat there behind her door, she ran through her thoughts on what happened. She hated lying to Tsuruga-san that everything was okay; she knew that he knew she was lying to him. But the truth was that she couldn't tell him that she was suffering silently in her room. It was getting unbearable, she knew that, but she couldn't bring herself to tell anyone about the horrendous emails she had gotten. She had come close to telling Moko-san but then decided not to. She didn't want to worry her half to death or get her angry at her...

When HE first started sending her emails, she had brushed it off as if it was nothing. After a while it started to get to her, however. His words were starting to affect her. After she reread them, it just told her that he was always right. She was nobody. She was a nothing... As she sat there thinking, tears began falling down her cheeks heavily. It was the first time she had a good cry in a long time.

As Kyoko stared at the mirror, she sneered at the face she saw in the mirror, hating the way it looked back at her. Suddenly, she felt nothing... She felt no emotion. It was like she was numb. Her heart seemed to be shattering into millions of pieces, as she stared at the reflection of the disgusting human being. As she stood there she thought ...

Not even the most talented makeup artist could even come close to make me beautiful.

The happiness and cheerfulness was gone and was replaced with depression and despair. She felt like she was in the inescapable Pit of Darkness of untold tortures. When she looked back at her mirror, she thought,

I don't deserve to be here... I'm just a burden to everyone around me. I can't believe they would lie to me telling me I was beautiful too! With a face like mine, it would be impossible to not hate it.

All the sudden, she was staring at the new package of razors on her dresser. As she opened the packaging, Kyoko found herself wanting to punish herself, for being a burden to everyone. The more she thought about it the more it made sense to her. As she placed the razor on her arm, tears streamed down her face as she thought,

I'm an unworthy, horrible, unknowledgeable, hideous, pathetic person.

She started to push down on the razor and pull it across her arm. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as the pain rushed through her veins. As she repeated it again and again each time a little harder, Sho's words haunted her thoughts. After cutting harder and harder, she finally stopped and went to bandage her wounds. When she came back into her she slipped in her bed and cried.

As she wept silently in the darkness of the night, she thought how disappointed Tsuruga-san would be if he ever found out.

As she thought about it, she made herself promise not to tell one single soul. Thinking she could handle this on her own without anyone's help.


Opening the door to his apartment, Ren contemplated Kyoko.

Something is bothering her; I know it. It was written all over her face that she was lying to me. I don't know what's going on. She has been acting really strange all week; well, as a matter of fact, this whole month! . She had been avoiding all eye contact with everyone and being very reclusive lately. I don't understand what could be the matter… This isn't like her at all. When I saw her today, it was like her sparkling light in her eyes was not there anymore. Her attitude was different, she wasn't cheerful, and high spirits today... Something is up and I intend to figure it out. This is not the Kyoko I know! I'm going to have to have a talk with her in the near future.


Out of boredom, she pulled out her laptop and checked her emails. The more she emails she read, the harder it was not to become upset. Sho had been sending non-stop emails to her for about a month now. When she looked at her inbox, she had three unread emails from Sho. Every time he emailed her, he talked about how horrible she was and how that she was lucky to be alive.


A month ago, Kyoko had asked Sho to go out to dinner with her. Sho had complied. During their dinner, Sho asked if this dinner was for forgiveness to come back and be with him. But Kyoko had said that all she wanted was to be friends and that her revenge for him was done. Sho was furious; he thought she was crawling back to him, but she wasn't.

Then, when she started to explain how her heart was healed and how she had become to love again, Sho became unglued. He started to scream at her that she was his and nobody else's, and demanded to know who had taken her heart. Through the tears running down her face, she whispered, "Ren Tsuruga". Sho's eyes widened as he stared at her; he had lost and he knew it but at that moment he decided to make her life a living hell until she comes back to him.

It was killing her from the inside out; every day she felt miserable, unworthy to live. Sho's emails were destroying her. Every night she would look at her emails then crawl into bed.

Once she thought everyone was deep asleep, the heavy, sorrowful tears started to fall from her cheeks. The weight of his words started to take affect in her mind. As she lay in her bed with a pool of tears below her, her mind was replaying every word in her head. Slowly and painfully the torturous words were seeping into her mind, haunting her in her dreams.


To: kyokomogami095()kmailcom

From: awesomeness/of/fuwa()kmailcom

Subject : You


Hi. How are you? I hope you are having a horrible day today. Just wanted to remind you that you are the most unattractive, ugly, plain, boring, distasteful, hideous, rude, annoying, bothersome, obnoxious person I have ever met. It would take a miracle for someone to love you. You have no skills at all. All you're good at is working in the food industry serving food to people. Do you honestly think some guy would want a plain, boring, unattractive, hideous girl like you?

You should be thanking me over and over again. I'm the only person that EVER took care of you... I can't believe you haven't tried to kill yourself yet. I would have, if I saw that horrendous face every morning. You know I wouldn't be able to live with that. Seeing a face that is so boring and unattractive makes me gag thinking about it. To be beautiful, you would need a major face reconstruction to even make a difference in your appearance. It's the plain truth. Your appearance must make people want to gag when they see you. They must feel sorry for you because of that awful face you were born with. People probably lie to you telling you look great but really they are sighing with disgust when they look at you.

Well I have to go, until next time.

Your friend,


To: kyokomogami095()kmailcom

From: awesomeness/of/fuwa()kmailcom

Subject : You


Let me explain something to you. You don't have a chance at show business. You're just a old washed up maid that has no business being at LME. The only reason you get offers is because the President Lory bribes them into it. Kyoko, you have no talent at all, and shouldn't be wasting your time with them. You will never exceed any of their expectations. You are just a plain, boring, stupid maid that has nothing unique about you. There really no need for you, really. You're not wanted at all.

No one wants you around not even your mother wanted you. Why would you think someone else would? Face it Kyoko, everyone is against you. You're a piece of shit; you are in the same class as animals. You are a nothing in this world. Why don't you go live with your kind in the woods? But if you wanted to stay the only thing you are actually worthy for is being a maid, or better, a slave to me. No one will ever care or miss you if you leave.

Your only friend,



The next morning Kyoko had just gone to sleep when her alarm clock went off. She sighed and was mumbling to herself, "Greeeeaaattt, I have thirty minutes to get ready". She quickly sprang out of bed to the bathroom, washed up and got dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie to hide the cuts on her arms.

She rushed downstairs then launched onto a stool to swallow her breakfast, then running out the door before anyone could see her. After she burst through the door she jumped on her bike to rush to LME.

When Kyoko arrived to LME with minutes to spare, she started to slow down before coming to the bike rack beside the building. After she had chained her bike up, she was slowly making her way towards the door. Before entering LME, she ran into someone's chest. When she looked up, it was none other than Tsuruga-san.

Kyoko started to panic, as her demons were cultivating a plan to escape his wrath.

Ok ok. Operation Get Kyoko away from Tsuruga-san in is session.

Demon 1 "Oh, oh! How about she smiles brightly and says sorry and leaves?"

Demon 2 "No, no, no! That won't work. How about she pretends she doesn't know him and walks away like nothing happened?"

Demon 3 "Oohh, I like that idea! Let's call in a vote all in favor say Aye."

Demon 1,2,3 " Aye!"

Demon 2 "Okay! Kyoko, ignore Tsuruga-san and leave!"

So she quickly snapped her head down and pulled her hood over face even more. She started to walk away like she didn't see him there at all.

Ren was confounded; she didn't even acknowledge he was there. He reached over and grabbed her shoulder, but she twisted out of his grasp and kept on walking. Ren didn't like that at all; she hadn't gotten but four steps. When he grabbed both her shoulders and turned her around, to face him, she wouldn't look at him.

When he turned her around he said, "Mogami-san? What's the matter!?"

She just stared at the ground, unwilling to cooperate with him. Ren was getting frustrated now, he tried to get her to look at him by trying to lift her chin with his hand but she jerked her head away. He was getting angry but kept calm.

He then asked her calmly as he could, "Hey, Mogami-san, What's the matter? You know you can talk to your Sempai about anything you know?"

She wasn't answering him and he was getting angry but he gently said with his sparkly smile, "Mogami-san answer me. "

Finally Kyoko replied, still studying the ground, "Good morning, Tsuruga-san. I hope you are doing well."

Ren felt he made some progress, because he got her to talk. He was still determined to get the answer to his previous question, "I'm fine Mogami-san, but it's you I'm worried about. What's wrong?"

She was getting annoyed, so she made up a lie quickly, "Do you really want to know?"

Ren sighed then answered, "Yes, Mogami-san. I want to know what been going on with you this week."

As she had her face down still not looking at her Sempai, she lied saying

" Ummm.. Well.. Tsuruga-san.. I'm actually.. Well. I haven't been getting much sleep at all the past couple days becaaaaauusee imonmyperiodandimgettingextremecramps sothatkeepsmeupallhoursofthenight."

Ren looked at her confused and asked, "Could you say that again slower?"

She was so embarrassed, but it was the only way to get him to leave her alone. So she said it slower this time, "I'm on my period and I'm getting extreme cramps. So that kept me up at all hours of the night."

She finally looked up to see that his face was completely tomato red.

After a couple of minutes, Kyoko said to Ren, "I have to go, Tsuruga-san.."

Ren nodded slightly; he was stiff as a board.

Out of nowhere, Yashiro came up behind Ren and asked, "So what's going on? Ren? ?"

Kyoko and Ren were blushing red now, but she replied, "It's nothing really. "

Yashiro was getting curious now; the more he looked at her, the more concerned he became. Adjusting his glasses to see her better, he looked at her skeptically then asked, "No, I'm curious now, Mogami-san, is there something wrong? You don't look like yourself today."

All the sudden Ren put his hand on Yashiro's shoulder and said, "Yashiro, you really don't want to know. Just trust me on this one, okay?"

Yashiro was about to fuss when Kyoko interrupted, "I'm deeply sorry, but I have to go. I have a love-me assignment. Bye."

As she was walking away, Ren had this feeling that he was being lied to and didn't like it at all. He could feel it in his gut that she was lying.


While she was putting her uniform on, her mind was full of disbelief, she couldn't stop her brain's train of thought...

KYYYAAAA! He's starting to notice! He knows something is up; I could see it in his eyes. He didn't totally believe me. I need to keep a low profile for a while so he won't find out! He can't! But I know one thing; Tsuruga-san is catching on fast. He's too smart for his own good. But, KKYYYAAA! What am I going to do?! He mustn't find out about Sho's emails. He mustn't. I need to build up a character so I can make it look like nothing is wrong! Yes, that's what I need to do, hide it.

Looking at her schedule, the only thing she had to do was a Love-me job for the LME gardeners.


After five hours, she had weeded and watered the gardens, put out seventy-five bags of mulch, picked up four gigantic bags of trash, and pruned the trees' branches.

That is what I call a hard day of work. I'm exhausted, filthy, sweaty, and sunburnt. I am in need of a bath quickly before anyone sees me.

Suddenly, she saw Ren coming from afar to greet her.

As he walked up to her, he politely said, "Well hello Mogami-san."

Kyoko smiled weakly, "Hello, Tsuruga-san."

Ren looked at her worryingly, "Are you okay?" Putting his hand on her shoulder gently, he said, " It's rather hot out here. Now that I say that, you look like you're about to drop due to the heat. Let me help you out of your jacket."

The moment he said that, she sprang out of his grasp, saying she was fine. However, she knew that she was overheating.

Ren stared at her then shrugged it off like it was nothing. He started to tease her asking her, "What have you been doing rolling around in mud? You look terrible. No offense."

Kyoko gave Ren a playful frown and said, "Very funny Tsuruga-san. No, I have not! I just got done watering and weeding the gardens, putting out seventy-five bags of mulch, picked up four gigantic bags of trash, and pruning the trees' branches. When someone does that in this heat, if they aren't as disgusting as I am, something is wrong with them. "

Ren just looked at her bug-eyed, and stunned that she did all that in five hours. When he finally got words to come out of his mouth he exclaimed, "Wow! Well then, Mogami-san you should be tired after all that. I'm sorry I insulted you for a hard days work; please forgive me."

Kyoko looked at him with a crooked smile saying, "Well, I guess I can forgive you for teasing me this time."

Then all the sudden she started to feel very dizzy. Before she knew it all had faded to black.

Ren had caught her just in time before she hit her head on the pavement , then saying "MOGAMI-SAN! Mogami-san! Are You Okay?!" She wasn't responding at all; he felt her forehead, "Dear God Kyoko! You're burning up!"

He quickly picked her up bridal style and ran as fast as he could to his car. He unlocked the door and gently placed her into the passenger seat. It was going to be a long ride; it was rush hour, so it was going to take them an hour before reaching Kyoko's house.

He was panicking; she was unconscious and had a horrible fever. He thought about something to help cool her down. He flipped on the AC as cold as it could get, then gently removing her jacket. After taking off her jacket, he saw her bandages but thought nothing of it.

After a couple of minutes, she woke up to find herself strapped into something. Once she recognized her surroundings she looked over to find a very pissed off, but scared half to death Sempai. She flinched, asking, "What happened?" Ren and Kyoko had a staring contest. Then all of the sudden she was scooped into her beloved Sempai's arms and pulled into a tight embrace.

Holy crap! He is holding me, in his lap! This is so embarrassing! Wait, why is he shaking? Why is he holding me tighter and tighter like I'm leaving or something? What happened to make him shake like this!?

Finally after Kyoko got over her shock she hugged Tsuruga-san back.

But then suddenly, the driver behind them honked loudly and Ren and Kyoko jumped back into place as he drove onwards.

Ren finally broke the silence, saying, "Mogami-san, you really scared me back there. You just blacked out. Is there something I should know about?"

Kyoko replied cautiously, "I don't think so. I think I just got too hot out there. I'm sorry for bothering you."

Ren was having that feeling again, like she was hiding something from him. Then he finally asked, "Mogami-san, something's been bothering me, and I feel like you aren't telling me something I should know about. "

Kyoko shivered at his gaze on her; she didn't like to be put on the spot either, but she answered her Sempai as calmly as she could, "I have no idea what you are talking about; I'm not hiding anything."

Ren was becoming angry; Kuon was starting to rise up to the surface. He started to grip the steering wheel firmly, trying to dispel some of his anger.

Kyoko felt that he was getting mad and asked cautiously, "What's the matter?"

Ren almost snapped right then and there but said as calmly as he could, "I don't know! You should tell me Mogami-san. You've been the one acting weird lately."

Kyoko look at him shocked then saying cautiously, "I don't know what you're talking about Tsuruga-san. I just got a little too hot today."

Ren was becoming angrier now as he slammed the his fist against the steering wheel and raised his voice saying, "You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

She looked at him, dumbfounded, then started to apologize, "I just got too hot. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

Tsuruga had had it, suddenly he pulled off to the side if the road and turned to her, eyes flashing, "Mogami-san, I mean this entire week you have been acting weird! What the Hell is going on!?"

As she tensed up and said, "Nothing! How many times do I have to say it?! "

Ren was beyond pissed when he pulled back on the road yelling," FINE! Don't tell me! I didn't realize that we were so distant that you didn't wish to speak with me about any of your problems. I'm sorry for just being there at your convenience!"

With determination in her voice she said to him"Tsuruga-san please there is nothing wrong!"

Tsuruga was beyond furious. She was not budging at all. He knew something was going on but he couldn't get it out of her. He hated seeing her like this; it was tearing him apart, but he couldn't do anything if she didn't tell him.

When he dropped her off at her home, anyone could see he was angry.

She wanted to tell him everything, but she couldn't.

It wasn't his problem or burden to bear.

She thought it wasn't important enough. In her heart she knew it was, but in her mind it wasn't. Once she got into her room, she released the tears she had bottled up inside.. She was miserable. She hated life.


She went back to her computer and saw another email.

To: kyokomogami095()kmailcom

From: awesomeness/of/fuwa()kmailcom


Why the hell are you even living you know? There's nothing here for you! I mean, like no one would miss you if you suddenly disappeared forever. They wouldn't even shed a tear for you. Life would still go on like it was before. They wouldn't even acknowledge that you were gone. And really, to say the truth, the world would be better without you. There's no one that will care one damn bit about you. So just face it you're a nothing. No one will EVER and I mean EVER see you as anything but a no good piece of shit that is meaningless to this world. I can't even believe people at LME can look at you.

You look like a hobo when you walk into the building! Just face it Kyoko, the people around you are lying to you. They say you are beautiful but really in reality you are a ugly, horrible, no sex appeal girl that has no talent what so ever. Why don't you just end it now. Did you know you are a huge burden to all the people around you. They have to put up with you every day. Just think about how much of a burden you are to your land lords, Tsuruga, President of LME...

- Sho

Kyoko was sobbing very hard but silently, because she didn't want people to hear her suffering. Her heart was breaking to pieces, wondering why God made her so despicable. When she walked up to the mirror to stare at herself, she despised herself. As she stared at her horrifying self, she took off her bandages from the previous time. In the reflection, she saw the razors and thought about the emails again. Tiptoeing to the dresser, she took the razor and stared at it, remembering Sho's emails. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she punished herself harder and harder for being a burden to people, and for being born.

While she was cutting, she whispered again and again, "I'm nothing. I'm worthless. I'm hideous. I'm despicable."

The tears were unstoppable now; she felt like she was in a black hole of despair. She wept silently as she let her cuts bleed. After a while, she cleaned up the mess and bandaged her arms up to her elbows. As she wept silently, she cried herself to asleep; another lonely night.

I hope you have enjoyed it so far. I promise it will get better!

Please Review!