A/N: So this story - Well, the whole idea is exciting to me. And even though, I know my other story is receiving a lot more attention, I really wanted to update this one first.

The thing is though... I just a couldn't get the right inspiration for continuing. And then it hit me. And oh my gosh, Daryl has pretty much demanded to have his own chapter and be written in now. I'm not going to lie to you - I didn't even try to resist. Here it goes.

Beep. Beep. Beep. BEEP!

Daryl groaned into his pillow as he reached over to slap the damn alarm off.

He sighed as he struggled out of the sheets. Normally, waking up at dawn comes naturally to him. He's always seemed to have an internal clock. He usually tends to wake up just in time for the sunrise - something Merle endlessly hazed him about.

'Oh, was Darlina up early enough to see the pretty colors of the sun today?"

However, Daryl had just gotten off a 30 hour shift, and he had practically collapsed into his pillow after he set an alarm to wake him up after a few hours. He had a patient to check on in half an hour. He only managed to catch a few hours of sleep after that emergency surgery he got pulled into yesterday - today - sometime earlier, okay?

He yawned into his hands before he finally got up to stretch. He walked over to the installed bar by the top of his bedroom door, intent on doing a few pull-ups to wake him up more. He wished he had more time for a workout this morning, to really wake him up, but he did have to be at the hospital in 27 minutes now. He could only spare a few minutes here.

Thirteen minutes later, Daryl walked out of his small bathroom after he had freshened up. He grabbed an apple from the counter to eat on the way. He also made sure to grab his keys, wallet, ID, and the pile of paperwork he had been reviewing a couple days ago. He'd need to file it away later.

As Daryl walked the short distance to the hospital, he nodded to a few people he passed on his way. Familiar faces, even if he had never really interacted with them outside of this weird daily ritual he had going. It always amused him to see people's reactions to such a greeting from him.

He imagined what he must look like to those passerbys as he spotted the hospital in the distance. He was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt that had definitely seen better days. He glanced down and noticed a little bit of blood towards the bottom. Damn it. He hadn't really been paying attention to his appearance this morning. He must look like a serial murderer striding away from his kill to everybody else. It probably didn't occur to anybody that this shirt had been with his since his intern years, so of course, it has gotten messy along the way.

Yes, Daryl could probably afford to invest in a few new shirts already, but he was still paying off his medical school. Plus, he could barely find the time in his week between hunting and playing doctor to be bothered to go to the nearest Walmart.

His phone ranged right when he was within distance of the door.

Daryl glanced down and noticed two things. One, it was his brother calling. Two, there were still 6 minutes left before he needed to be in that room with his patient discussing surgery.

He quickly backed away from the doors that had automatically opened for him at his approach. He walked towards a corner as he opened his phone and greeted Merle with a gruff, "Hello?"

"Darlina! I didn't wake you up, did I? Of course not. You like to wake up to watch your - Hey! Watch your step! Left foot first! Left foot! Just climb up that rope already! It's not rocket science! Staring at it won't make it go any faster! Hustle, ladies! Let's get this over with already and move on to the good stuff already!"

Daryl sighed in impatience as he pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time again. Five minutes. He needed to get a new watch already. His last one had been destroyed by a bunch of questionable fluids last week. He hadn't even attempted to savage it.

"Sorry, bro. Newbies. A bunch of babies, the lot of them!" His brother boomed in his ear.

"What's up, Merle? Why are you calling? Do you need money again?"

"Money? Why, I'm hurt, little brother!" He could practically see Merle's smirk. Daryl twisted his face in aggravation as he waited for his brother to get to the point already then. He glanced at the time again. Still five minutes. Eurgh.

"How's construction going? Building something new today? Or still at your last job?" Daryl grimaced as he again cursed himself for not just telling his brother his profession already. He should've confessed years ago, but he just didn't care to hear his brother's mocking laugh if he knew where he worked today. For goodness sake, they were hunters. They were meant to kill. That's how they had been raised by their father. That was in their blood, and it was how the world worked for them.

"It's going fine," Daryl responded shortly. The thing about lying was that you shouldn't make the lie too intricate lest you be called out on it later down the road. "What are you calling for, Merle? You haven't called me in a couple months. Last time, it was a drunk-dial. What do you want?" Four minutes.

"Still hunting, I'm sure. Maybe you can come up and do a demonstration with me for this pack. They could use all the help they can get. Hey! Watch your step, chinaman! You're going to hurt yourself! I swear, Daryl, they're going to all get themselves killed if the apocalypse were to start tomorrow."

Daryl frowned as he quickly replied, "No, I'm busy. I need this gig to work out. Can't skip town right now. This one's going to be a good payday."

This conversation needed to end already. Two minutes. Daryl glanced nervously towards the door as he started to think of a quick end to this unexpected phone call.

"I've got to go! That guy is going to split his hand open if he doesn't stop twirling that knife around. I'll call you later through, little brother. We need to catch up. It's been awhile."

The phone went dead before Daryl could come up with another excuse for why meeting up wasn't in the cards anytime soon.

He quickly tucked his phone away and jogged through the doors and towards his locker. He pulled out a fresh shirt from inside to look a little less scary to his patients. Then he tugged on the standard white doctor coat and stuffed the files he had brought back from home into the locker. He pulled out a pen to stuff in his pocket along with a stethoscope.

He slammed his locker shut and hurried towards the nurse's station.

"Hey, Merissa, do you have the files I need for Mr. Langer?"

"Here. Hurry. The wife just dropped by a few minutes ago asking about you. I told her you would be there soon."

Daryl nodded his thanks and gave a brief smile before he hurried up the stairs towards the next floor up. He ran along the corridor and pushed open Room 246.

A/N: Doctor!Daryl. Because why not?

This was just a short intro to the Daryl I'm writing. A little bit of a filler I know, but it's been so long. I just had to update this already. Let me know what you think. Review! Any requests? Suggestions? Criticism?

Also, lots of thank yous to the following community on Fanfiction for adding me: "Waiting to be completed."