Epilogue Part Deux (French for - I forgot to answer one of those questions)

As Claudia and Eileen sat in the audience, the 2014 Emmy winners were announced.

"And the award for the 2014 Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series goes to…..….(long pause as envelope is opened)… Miss Joanne Kelly!"

"This is Ms. Kelly's first nomination and first Emmy."

*Thunderous applause as the actress walked up to the stage*

"Thank you for this. Really, it means a lot. I want to thank the writers, the producer, the director and everyone who makes this show the kind of work you want to show up for every day. And of course, I want to thank my friend, Jaime Murray. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here tonight. I am very honored. Thank you."

*Loud applause*

"And the award for the 2014 Emmy for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series goes to…..….(long pause as envelope is opened)…Miss Jaime Murray!"

*Thunderous applause and whistles*

"This is Ms. Murray's first nomination and first Emmy."

"Wow! Thank you. I don't know what to say. Actually, yes, I do. (laughter). I want to thank the writers who make this story come alive each week. I want to thank the producer who understands the idea of this show and isn't afraid to tell it. I want to thank the great actors who I get to work with every day, especially the very talented Ms. Joanne Kelly who is also my dear friend. And I want to thank Helena Wells – who had the vision to tell this story this way – to give a voice to all the women who stood in the darkness for a multitude of reasons, but without whom, we wouldn't be where we are today. Thank you, Helena, for helping us step out of the shadows."

*Applause and standing ovation*