The red and blue lights flashed against the water of the harbor. Officer Lance was pushing another one of the thugs into the escort van, slamming the door shut behind him.

Oliver, Sarah and Roy all sat on a roof of the salmon packing plant, watching over the docks. It was a long fight, and they watched the police officers clean up their mess. Gang members were laying on the ground, mostly unconscious, but others were being roused and cuffed by Starling PD. Officer Lance was climbing into the escort van with the conscious ones, as detectives and CSI's stood in front of the moving van full of assault weapons, and even drugs.

"They'll be going away for a long time now. Although Oliver it may not have been in best interest to arrow every pack of Vertigo in that truck. The officers will now have a larger mess to deal with."

Oliver smiled as the light voice carried over the com-link.

Sarah rolled her eyes "He couldn't help it Felicity, he saw the pills and flipped out. Granted if he hadn't seen them we would have gotten finished a lot faster and they wouldn't have called in back up."

Sarah glared at Oliver, even Roy glared at him from under his hoodie, rubbing his arm where one thug hit him with a crowbar.

Oliver sighed. He knew he had gone a little overboard when seeing the Vertigo in the truck but he had flashes of Thea and Felicity fueling that anger. He slid his bow back into its place on his quiver.

"I'm sorry Sarah, but at least we had back-up they couldn't see."

Roy snorted. "Diggle should have been here."

Felicity's voice rang over the com-link, "Dig got stuck escorting Moira around tonight because she requested it. He had to get more security guards for her because of the campaign, and one was sick so don't blame Dig Roy."

Oliver and Sarah chuckled as they watched Roy turn bright red at Felicity's admonishing. Roy shuffled his feet and mumbled into his com-link, "Sorry Barbie."

Sarah laughed, climbing down the stairs. "Thank you for your back-up."

"It wasn't much. All I did was hack a Wayne database, set off all their phones to fry with Tock man's virus and it knocked them out."

Sarah scoffed. "Please. Without your help the shipment would have left the yard. At least now there are less guns on the street."

A sigh was heard over the coms. "Very true."

Oliver smiled, following Roy down the fire escape to the bikes. Felicity really didn't realize how valuable she was to the team.

"Thank you Girl Friday."

"You're welcome Mr. Queen."

He smiled, his heart stuttering a bit at Felicity's teasing.

Roy rolled his eyes, walking to his bike. "Seriously guys, can we go, I have to get Thea some dinner."

Oliver rolled his eyes.

"That's good Roy she's still upstairs in her office. Apparently new paper-work came in from last month. Something about having to change vendors for the champagne."

Sarah began replacing the knives on her belt with her spares on the bike. Roy took his bow, and placed it on the handles of his bike. As Oliver stepped up to his bike, Felicity's voice came over the links.

"Ooh! Dig must be here with my coffee."

"Caffeine will kill you eventually Felicity." Sarah gently admonished her.

"I know, but this is only my second cup today, and you promised to help me with my shoulder when you got back so I need to be awake."

Sarah nodded, smiling. "I remember."

"Oh, and there doesn't appear to be anything else out there, so take your time coming back. I'll let you know if it changes." They all nodded, and went back to checking their gear.

As Sarah and Roy began to climb onto the bikes for the next hit Oliver thought of the next move. Slade and the skull mask had kept distributing Mirakiuru at a rapid pace. Oliver grimaced. Slade hadn't made a move yet, except to Isabel. Slade's company wanted to become partners with QC, and Oliver had to sit in meetings and mask his feelings at all times when Slade was around.

What really irked his last nerve was catching Slade watching Felicity. It had even gone as far as Dig putting up cameras to watch her house, with an immediate warning line to the security he had posted on the street. Felicity thought it was a bit much, but as it was Slade they were talking about she went with it.

His relationship with Sarah wasn't working out well either. She didn't want what he wanted, their common past had dampened the relationship. Before leaving for patrol tonight she had told him that she didn't want to try again. That being partners in their crusade was good enough for her.

Oliver agreed.

Any chance he had with either Lance sister had gone down when the Queen's Gambit had sunk. Now Oliver kept thinking of another blonde, one who never asked him about his past, brought smiles to his face and broke every coffee machine he'd replaced in the office.

They climbed on to the bikes, a clang came over the com-links.

Oliver brought his hand up to his ear. "Felicity?"

"Who are you?"

"Where's Dig? What have you done with him?"

Sarah started up her bike, glancing at Oliver. "Felicity?"

A scream pierced the com-links.

"FELICITY?!" they all yelled.

Nothing greeted them but silence. Then, they all heard a whimper, and that got Oliver starting his Ducati.

Oliver started moving the motorcycle, his heart pounding as he tried to focus on getting back to the lair as fast as he could. "Felicity, we're on our way. We'll be there soon."

A crashing sound was heard, then Felicity begging, "Please, No. Please stop this."

Laughter filled their ears, deep and dark. Oliver ran red lights, pushing the motorcycle. Oliver knew that Sarah and Roy were pushing the limits of their motorcycles as well chasing him. It didn't help that they could hear everything that he was hearing.

Oliver heard Felicity crying and saw red. He just kept pushing the motorcycle. He vaguely heard Roy and Sarah behind him. He kept flashing back to the Count taking her, her cries and how they tore all rationality from him.

"Diggle?" He called out.

Nothing but silence filled his ears. Till a soft beep, and then someone answered him.

Sadly it was a voice that none of them wanted to hear.

"Nice place you have here brother."

Oliver gripped the handles, his heart pounding in his ears. Slade's voice kept coming in over the coms.

"You see Oliver, I know that there was a bunch of security at your house, your work but your sister's club doesn't have too much security."

"If you've hurt her."

"Ah kid, you don't get a say as to what I'm going to do to her. You see, she has this faith in you, and I know how you really feel about her."

Oliver saw Verdant in the distance, a few more minutes and he could save her.

"I'll break that faith and love she has in you Oliver. I'll break her, then you'll know how I feel."

Oliver jumped into the alley, his bike falling over sill running as he raced towards the door. He paused, kneeling next to Diggle, unconscious, bleeding at the back of his head empty cups and coffee spilled over the pavement in front of him.

Oliver checked for a pulse, letting out a gush of air as he found it. He quickly stood, hearing Sarah and Roy pull up to the back, he quickly pressed the code into the door, wrenching it open. Racing down the stairs and saw chaos in the lair. Chairs were all turned over, the salmon ladder was on the floor, and equipment flung every direction.

Only the computers remained untouched. Felicity's purse scattered underneath. Her chair lying on its side. Pens and pencils thrown across the keyboards. Yet the screens kept running.

Oliver walked towards the computers, the com-link visible on the desk next to Felicity's open phone.

"Yes Oliver, I'm not there. Did you think I would be that foolish?"

"Let her go."

"Tsk, Tsk. I don't think so. Although, I will let you hear her voice."

Oliver gripped the table, hearing the others come down the stairs in the background. Roy and Sara helped Dig onto the med table, seeing to his head but all he could focus on was the phone, desperate to hear Felicity's voice.


She sounded terrified.

"Felicity, I'm so sorry. I promise I will find you, I swore to protect you." I love you. Tears filled his eyes at the confirmation. No getting around it, no denying it. He loved his Felicity. The light to his darkness and Oliver clenched his teeth to keep from breaking down, the metal table almost bending under the pressure he was applying.

"I, I know Oliver. I know. I lo-"

He heard a muffled scream, and thrashing as Felicity fought, then silence. The table shook with his rage.

"Slade, I will find you. If you harm one hair on her head, I swear."

"Good luck finding her brother."

The line went dead, Oliver turned and threw a table of weapons into the air crying out in agony. He dropped to his knees, his heart aching in fear and dread.