L felt worryingly featherweight in Light's arms. Light could feel him writhing and squirming, repeating the mantra 'put me down...greatest detective...respect...put me down...' over and over. Resist as he might though, the drugs were now reaching a plasma concentration that Light knew would soon be enough to topple the stoic detective.

As they made their way down soft-carpeted corridors, Light prayed that no-one from the investigation team came out to hinder their passage. Light could only imagine the slow and torturous explanation he'd have to dream up for Matsuda.

L's body was loosening further in Light's arms. Light savoured knowing that the drug was forcing L to accede to its will.

Light finally reached the bedroom. He deposited a languorous L on the bed, and flipped on one of the lamps instead of the light, so as not to startle L.

Light relished the prospect that lay before him. All he wanted to do was look after L. There was something delicate and childlike about the man that made Light want to protect him. But L was so...unyielding to emotions. He was often cold towards Light, and there had been times when Light had felt sure that L wouldn't notice if Light simply disappeared.

Well-as much as he could be unaware of his prime suspect who happened to be handcuffed to him disappearing.

An aloofness surrounded L, making him unapproachable to Light in most matters. Now though. Now L's guard was down.

Light turned to look at L, swaying on the bed. He was so very vulnerable in this state.

Light loved it.

He walked to the end of the bed so that he could face L. L looked up at him slowly, lazily. Then he reached out a pale, epicene hand, caressing Light's face softly.

Light's breath hitched in his throat. He had not expected this. He could feel adrenaline coursing through his veins, and all he wanted to do was to kiss L. He knew that to take advantage of L in this state would be wrong though. L might end up pushing him further away than before. He couldn't risk that.

With enormous force of will, Light tenderly caught a hold of L's hand, and put it at his side. L looked up at him, confused.

'L-I think it's time you went to sleep.'

L was gearing up to be petulant again, Light could tell. His lips were beginning to form the childlike pout he had worn earlier.

Light sat behind L, stopping L from turning around by gently holding his shoulders in place. When L had stopped trying to peek at Light from behind his mane of onyx hair, when Light was sure L would stay in place, he slowly let go of his shoulders.

Hesitantly, Light began tracing shapes on L's back through his white cotton long-sleeved t-shirt. Light could feel the start L gave at first, but then he seemed to relax into the touch. Light thanked the miracle of modern medicine.

Long fingers snaked their way up to L's neck, and slowly massaged the porcelain skin there. L was becoming more and more tranquillized, the drugs and the soothing feel of Lights touch forcing him down under a blanket of pacification.

It wasn't long before L was recumbent in Light's lap, while Light carded his hands through the chaotic mess of his hair. L's eyes were only half-open at this point, and Light knew it would not be long until the detective would finally be asleep.

Light watched L's face freely, glad to be able to admire him openly without fear of recrimination. He loved the way L looked like this. He always wanted L to be this relaxed. Long eyelashes met the fragile, shadowy skin under his eyes, and L was asleep.

'Goodnight L.'