This will be the story I'll write before I officially post City of Ashes. It's more along the lines of humor with our Mortal Instruments characters (Clary/Alec as a couple, of course) The only thing to this story is that it is strictly "mundane." Hope that everybody can enjoy this story!

My sister was in Kindergarten and I in the second grade. We just moved back from England to New York after our father wrapped up an overseas job there in London- we came back during the early summer months and we straightened out our enrollment within the public school system. It was the first day of school and I was beyond excited to start my classes there. Isabelle, on the other hand, wasn't too enthusiastic about it though. Our parents literally had to carry her out of the house- Mom held her arms and Dad had her legs. I ran ahead of them as they carried poor Isabelle down the sidewalk, struggling to keep her in their arms. Although we almost lost her we managed to get to the school in one piece. It was something of a sight to see there- many kids were much like Izzy. They kicked and screamed- practically begged their parents on their knees not to leave them. Others, though, mingled about their summer vacation and caught up. Teachers stalked the premises, kids looking up at them as if they were mass murderers as they plucked the children away, telling the parents they'd be in their class before dismissing them back to their parents and would collect them again after orientation.

Mom and Dad settled Isabelle down. She stood on the concrete, looking evilly at any teacher who dared come near her. Her dark eyes were those of some kind of demon and I think she even bared her teeth a few times. Still, she was a lot calmer than from just mere minutes ago. My parents, on the other hand, looked worried. Not the kind of worry the other parents- that was leaving their kids and afraid they'd get hurt or cry. They looked worried that Isabelle would hurt them or make them cry. Mom and Dad whispered about the hell Isabelle's teacher would go through, keeping her under a watchful eye until, suddenly, Izzy's dark eyes widened and a little smile came to her face.

"Robert, what is she looking at?" Mom asked. She stroked Isabelle's long dark hair, following the five year old girl's gaze. My mother's eyes settled on what Iz was looking at- another little girl just a few feet away from us.

The little girl was wearing a white dress that stopped just a bit over her knees and it had flowers on it that nearly looked like snowflakes; also, like Isabelle, she had the same black flats and a back pack with the cat, Lucifer, from Cinderella. She had red hair that shone like flames in the morning sunlight tied into a pony tail, curling wildly; she had freckled skin and a big smile that could have melted the coldest heart. Also, she had big green eyes the color of emeralds. The girl was laughing, twirling around in her dress, showing off to two parents who gazed at her admiringly- a white haired man and a woman who could have been her carbon copy. Also, she looked to be Isabelle's age or a little younger. Maybe she could be in Head Start for all I know.

Dad and Mom can't catch Isabelle- it's too late. She's speeding off towards the ginger haired girl who looked at her with big green eyes. Instead of the horror that usually overtakes somebody when they're being charged at, the girl meets her in the middle. My parents and the girl's parents watch Isabelle and the little girl chat, talking about their shoes and their identical back packs, squealing over the littlest things. Then, the two seal it off with a hug, arms slung around each other's necks. Also, my parents and I learn the little girl's name- Clarissa Morgenstern.

I smile evilly at the little girl. She gives me a look back. "Aren't you supposed to be in, like, Head Start? You're really short." I stand with my arms crossed. My parents stare at me, mortified. Clary's father and mother watch intently as if Clary would burst out into tears. Instead, it is something way different.

Clary walks over to me. She turns me around, having grabbed me by my back pack handle. "You're like eight, right? What's up with the 'Thomas the Choo-Choo Train' themed back pack? That's for two year olds!"

"I happen to like Thomas the Train Engine," I say matter-of-factly.

"Well maybe I like being short, then," Clary says. The Kindergartener reaches up on her tippy-toes, smiling a wicked smile. "As a word of advice, Alexander, SpongeBob is the thing now. Until you get rid of that creepy choo-choo train, you're gonna get picked on!"

I stomp my foot. "How do you know?!"

Clary smiles. "My big brother is in the third grade and my friend, Simon, is in the fourth! They know this stuff! Better get rid of that, loser-boy." With a flip of her hair, Clary skips to Isabelle who is giggling, looking content with her new friend.

"Shorty!" I yell.

"Loser-boy!" Clary croons, skipping away into the school behind a teacher after giving her mom and dad both hugs and kisses to the cheek. My parents give me looks of disapproval and I simply shrug. My mother kisses my forehead, wishing me a good day. My father does the same, bending down into my ear, whispering something.

"If she's anything like Valentine is, she's going to kick you around, Alec. What you start, she will finish," Dad warns. He ruffles my hair, walking off with Mom to return home.

We have recess with the Kindergarten class.

The Kindergarteners stay bound to the swings or the slide. They're not big or brave enough to attempt to cross the monkey-bars or climb the jungle gym. The only two exceptions to that are Isabelle and Clary- they're both on the jungle gym, chatting with the other second graders in my class. The two of them smile and laugh loudly, making all kinds of friends- befriending my friends. That includes Jordan Kyle and Sebastian Verlac; there are girls, too- Seelie, Kaelie, Aline, Maia, and another girl named Helen. That means two little Kindergarteners are on second grade turf.

I rush towards the jungle gym, trying to lift myself up and Clary and Isabelle laughs at my attempt to climb.

"You're really letting a Kindergartener beat you in climbing a jungle gym?" Clary asks. Her legs dangle from the darks, swaying to and fro.

I glare at her. "Stop putting me down!"

Clary chuckles. "You started it, Alexander!"

I finally reach the top, settling myself to talk to the girls- mostly tease Clary. "How'd you get up here, Shorty? Needed Jordan and Sebastian to help you up here?"

"I helped Isabelle after she helped me. You, on the other hand, took forever and a day to get up here with us," Clary says. She cracks a wicked smile, looking back to Maia who begins laughing and talking with her. "Loser-boy."

I roll my eyes. "Shorty."

"Loser-boy!" Clary exclaims.

"Shor-" I feel myself being knocked backwards and I tumble through the air, landing flat on my back in the wood chips surrounding the jungle gym. From above Clary and Isabelle stare at me, smirking. "That was foul play, Shorty!"

Clary shrugs. "You just got owned by a Kindergartener."

I stare at her with an evil glare, pushing myself up into a sitting position, shaking the wood chips from my hair. Right then and there I decided that I hated her- I hated her with passion.

At the end of the day we're all dismissed. I'm the first to my parents who are talking with the Morgensterns. Their oldest son is there; his dark eyes ever so vigilant for his baby sister or any bullies that could come her way. Moments later Clary and Isabelle run from the school, supervised by their teacher. The older brother scoops Clary into his arms, holding her in a tight hug and she does him. Even Isabelle wants to be hugged by the Morgenstern boy.

"Mom; Daddy! This is Isabelle Lightwood- my best friend!" Clary squeals as she's scooped up by Valentine.

Valentine chuckles. "I see. How was your first day, Clarissa? Was there any problems?"

Clary shakes her head. She simply glares at me in secret before she goes into detail about her day. Even Isabelle talks with Valentine, infatuated with my little sister, offering her a smile. "Mr. Morgenstern, I want to know if Clary can spend the night with us."

"I wouldn't see why not," Valentine says. "But it is up to your parents, sweet girl."

Mom and Dad look at one another. They nod and smile in agreement and automatically, Clary and Isabelle jump into each other's arms, hugging each other tightly. "Next weekend will be perfect, Valentine."

I pale. All that I didn't want to happen is becoming true. Isabelle and the midget are best friends- and now I'm stuck with her, too.

Aren't you guys in for a treat the next chapter? Clary most definitely will be Clary- just a bit more amplified sarcastic attitude and will be loud. Extremely loud. She'll be the girl version of Jace, in other words.