This one is AU. I kinda got this idea as I've been in a depressive state lately. I'm not saying I would ever do this, because I wouldn't. But I have been watching sad videos and such. I'm not sure where this idea came from to be honest. Katara is OOC btw, but then again, this is AU.

(I don't own avatar)

She was too late. If only she had been a few seconds sooner, she would've captured the people who slaughtered her family. She didn't know what to do; her mind blank as she stared at three familiar faces she had grown up loving and adoring.

Her older brother had been staring at her with a blank stare, his eyes void of any emotion. Her beautiful mother, laid on the floor with her eyes wide and mouth open. And lastly, her father, the only man she had trusted with her life (besides Sokka of course) laid in a puddle of blood with his face down. She wasn't able to see his face, wasn't able to look at all their faces as she had to work later than normal.

To come home early in the morning to this, nothing made sense to her anymore.

She had no one left to take care of her. Her Gran-gran had already passed from a terrible flu. They were the only family she had left. Of course she had her friends to stay with. But it's not the same. Zuko... Toph... Ty lee.. Mai... They all had their families to smile, laugh and enjoy their company. While Toph didn't get along with her mother and father, they were still there for her. Always willing to do whatever she needed help with and keeping a home over her head.

She didn't realize how far she had come out. The snow had begun to pick up much more quicker than she had anticipated. Her feet were sore and tired from all the running she had done. Her mind was blank as she stared out into the wilderness that was hidden behind the city. She didn't want to live a life like this. Surrounded by a group of strangers who used to be her friends. She didn't want to live a life where she was always alone and constantly reminded of what she just lost.

She didn't realize the cliff was weak from the wind and before she could react, it had crumbled underneath her feet. She screamed out in fear as she held on with what little strength she had left. Katara was a fighter; she knew she'd be able to get over this. She didn't want the same fate as her family. She wanted to keep on living for everyone she cared about.

Suddenly, she pictured a young boy's face as he smiled at her. She knew who the face belonged to. There was a boy she had a crush on when she was a little girl. They had grown up together until her family moved away. He was the first friend she ever had. 0

"Someone help me! Please!" She cried as the tears flowed down her face. The shock from the scene had subsided and now fear replaced the numbness in her body. She wanted to make her family proud, and she didn't want to let them down.

She felt her hands slip from the cliff and she shouted at the top of her lungs;


Her eyes closed as the air from her lungs stopped. She couldn't feel any part of her body but she knew she was somehow still in midair. She blinked before looking up at the hand that enclosed her own. It was warm and much bigger than she remembered. Her blue eyes looked up into a pair of gray and she felt them widen in surprise. Before she could react, the young man pulled her up the cliff and into his arms. She hadn't realized how much she was shaking until she felt the warmth radiating from his body.

"Katara..." the young boy whispered.

Suddenly, she began to cry even harder. Her body shook to the point he was scared she would break. He hadn't seen her in years, and while he was happy to finally see her once again, he hated the circumstances. As soon as he heard about the murder of her family, he had rushed down to her city to find her. He hadn't expected to hear her scream for his name, let alone find her almost falling from a cliff. His grip tightened in response to her cries, feeling his own body shake in anger. He couldn't believe someone would kill her whole family and put her in this position. It was so cruel and unfair. She didn't deserve this.

"It's okay sweetie... I'm here for you..."

He was able to feel her body calm down, though her breaths came out in harsh gasps. She wanted to say something, anything that would make this situation seem less serious. But she knew that Aang wouldn't listen or let her say anything different. The little boy she had a crush on was back in her life. And while she hoped it wasn't out of pity, she knew he would do anything for her. He proved it many times when they were little.

"You're not alone Katara. I'm here and I'm not going to leave you behind."

She looked up at him, noticing his eyes were calm but serious. Not knowing what else to do, she closed the little gap between them and hugged him as hard as she could.

"Thank you..."