Chapter 2

Suddenly, her hand slipped.

The cake flew into the air. And as she watched with horror, it fell painfully to the ground.

And with a sickening realization, Ichigo realized what she'd done.

She half expected Kashino to yell at her. But when she looked up, there was only sorrow in his eyes.

He'd have to become a doctor. After all these years, his efforts would be useless.

And it was all her fault.

Tears pooled up in her eyes. And this time, she couldn't stop them from overflowing.

All their hard work was ruined.



Her dreams faded away, until nothing was left. Like a fire deprived of oxygen, it all turned to nothing.

She felt numb. Sorrow rained over her, penetrating the hope she had left.

And then, she did the only thing she could.

She turned and ran.

Thank you to MintyAngel0508 and Rei Star for the favorites. They really made my day!

As the plot progresses, the story will become really deep. Prepare yourself...