The Director Eli David who lost his wife a year ago and a week ago one of his child's was with his other kid in America because of a conference. He let her stay with some Agents of NCIS. One of them was Gibbs. He liked Ziva.

She was six year old and not very talkative. But she seemed brilliant because she was reading an adult book and not such an easy children book. At the end of the day Eli and Ziva went back to their hotel.

Gibbs drove to the hotel because he had to bring Eli some files. But he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw what happened in the room. He saw some bottles on the floor and he could smell the alcohol. So Eli was drunk. Gibbs entered the room more and then he saw something bad.

Eli was using his six year old daughter as a punching bag. She was already laying on the floor but he didn't stop. Now her nose was bleeding and she had an open wound on her forehead.

Eli also called her names and said that she is nothing and didn't deserve to live. Then he sent her into her room. When Ziva left Gibbs went over to Eli and hit him in his face. He also screamed at him and then he went to Zivas room.

The little girl was in her bathroom cleaning her wounds when Gibbs entered it.

"You are coming with me. Grab your belongings. There is no way that he is going to take you back with him" he said to her and helped her cleaning her wounds. Ziva took all her belongings and followed the Agent who she liked when she was at NCIS.

She trusted him but didn't speak. Eli didn't care that Gibbs took Ziva with him he sat in a corner and slept. Ziva was happy to go away. She hated her father.