Hi everyone. I just updated my other story, As Long As You're Here, so I WILL be updating this one soon. I just everyone to know that I AM back, and I'm ready to start writing my two stories again. I did change my username to MarnieG26, so I'm letting everyone know that Breebh14 is the same person as MarnieG26. NO ONE has stolen my stories (that I know of anyways) I hope you guys enjoy what I am going to upload in the future.



-Amari (MarnieG26)


I was in my room, watching TV. Dimitri had went downstairs to practice in the gym, so I left him to it. That was about four hours ago. I should probably go check on him.

'Oh please, you just want to see him shirtless and sweaty!' I thought.

I scoffed at myself. That wasn't the only reason. I just wanted to make sure Dimitri was okay and ask what he wanted for dinner. I decided to get my lazy ass up and go check on Dimitri.

I descended the stairs that led to the basement. It was usually occupied by some of my guards. Their was a lounge in the corner of the room and a kids playground by it. The wives of the guards and their children were usually in those areas.

The men were crowded around the boxing ring. When I approached it, most of the men looked at me in surprise. The sexiest bastards.

I smirked. "Did you guys think that I was scared to come down here?"

They all gaped. One of them, Guardian Mikhail Tanner, stepped up.

"Uh no Rose, we've just never seen you down here before."

"Today's Sunday so the rest of you won't be eating dinner with me, so I had to come ask Dimitri if he would want anything specific."

"Oh, he's in the boxing ring right now, but he'll be done in a few."

I looked at the ring. Sure enough, Dimitri was in the ring going against Eddie.

"Isn't that dangerous?" I said.

Mikhail laughed. "No. There are a set of rules that everyone agreed on."


"No hitting above the neck, no dick hits, no instigating, just things that would prevent harm to others."

"Okay. That's good."

I suddenly felt like going to the studio. When I was in high school, I joined the dance team as an extracurricular. After my career took off, I didn't have any time for extracurricular activities, so I quit. I did make Abe put a dance studio in the house so I could still keep it up.

"Hey, I'm going to be down in the studio. Do you know where Mia is?" I asked Mikhail.

Mia also danced, so whenever I felt like dancing I asked her to join me. Mikhail pointed over to the lounge. Mia sat talking to his wife Sonya.

"Can you tell Dimitri where I'll be?"

He nodded and I went over to Mia.

"Hey Sonya, Mia."

They both turned towards me with warm smiles.

"What can we do for you Rose?" Sonya said.

"Well, I just wondering if Mia wanted to join me in the studio." I replied, looking at her.

Mia smiled and nodded. "Just let me go get changed."

She hopped off the bar stool and skipped upstairs.

"Would you mind if some of us ladies came to watch?" Sonya asked me. "We get bored watching our men."

"Of course you can come. It's right next to the music room."

I suddenly got an idea that would benefit the wives and their kids. "Hey, why don't I plug in the wall screens and we can play Just Dance with the kids?"

"That's amazing Rose, I'll tell everyone and you go set up. Some of the men might join us too!"

We both grinned at each other likes idiots. Sonya went to the other women and I ran upstairs. I went to the dance studio and placed gym mats on the floor so the little kids wouldn't hurt themselves. I plugged the game into the TV and let it load while I went to the kitchen. I put a case each of Coke, Water, and Juicy-Juice in a basket. I also grabbed some chips, different types of candy, paper plates, dip for snacks. When I went back into the studio to set up all the food. Mia stood in the room.

"What's going on?" she said.

I had forgotten about Mia. She thought that we were going to dance.

"Oh, Sonya is going to bring up some of the kids and their parents and we're all going to play Just Dance and have some snacks. Is that cool?" I explained.

"I love Just Dnace!" Mia screamed.

"Great," I said. "Can you plug in the other two Just Dance games?"

"Yeah sure."

While Mia plugged in the games I set up the snacks and drinks on a table that was already set up. Sonya came in a minute later with most of the childrena nd their moms.

"Some of the guys are coming up after they change." she told me before ushering some of the kids over to the screens.

Mia's daughter Jill came up to me. "Thanks for doing this Rose."

I smiled down at her. "You're very welcome Jill."

She beamed up at me before she ran off to play with her friends at one of the screens.

I suddenly became tired so I sat in a bean bag chair. After leaning back and closing my eyes I smelled the familiar scent of Dimitri's aftershave.

"Hey Comade." I whispered. His aftershave was overpowering. I swear I almost passed out.

I heard the scrape of a chair behind me. Opeining my eyes, I saw Dimitri sitting in a chair.

"Hello Roza." he replied. "You shouldn't lean your head back like that. It's bad for the neck."

With that statement he grabbed my head gently and placed it on his lap. Dimitri began rubbing my neck and head gingerly. His hands were so magical; they made me moan (in my head of course). I was feeling pure bliss. Dimitri chuckled when I moaned outloud.

"Comrade this feels sooo good."

"My sisters used to make me massage their necks, so I learned from experience." His tone was wistful.

Dimitri really missed his family. They sounded really close. He came to America just to protect me, but had to leave his whole family. brilliant idea came in my head. It was September and Christmas was in three months. Dimitri needed his family desperately. I could fly them here, and they could stay until New Years or whenever they wanted to leave. I didn't mind, I had enough room in the house,so they could stay with us. I was on fire today.

I heard Dimitri talking to his mom on Skype. I never knew what they were saying, but I could use his Skype while he was working out.

I had a plan.

This is an OLD chapter! After updating the old, I will begin to update the new! Thanks for reading! There are very minor changes to this story, btw!

I'll write soon my lovelies!


-Amari (MarnieG26)