Chapter 52~ Giving up is not option!

Disclaimer~ I Glen Senpai does not own Fairy Tail. If I did, my ships would have been sailed by now. The cover art does not belong to me, it belongs to yoriru on tumblr! Please go check her out!

Authors Note~ Hello everyone! I know it's been a long wait, but some bad things happened to me recently. Well not me, my mother. She accidently injured herself, and she had some bad internal bleeding. I can't tell you much, but, I've been ultra worried about her.

I've been taking care of her and stressing out, but it's all okay now. She's healing up nicely, so I just got to keep an eye on her. I also just finished an essay for school, so that took away a lot of my time.

And even worse is my finals are next week. I'm just glad I could update before finals. I'm sorry for being so absent, but school always comes first! Thanks for waiting for this chapter. Sorry for any grammar issues! I'm really tired so yeah, please enjoy!

Also a little warning for the chapter.

Trigger warnings- Suicidal thoughts (it's very brief) Personality issues. Something like a panic attack. ( You guys for real I hope you are all doing okay so yeah, proceed with caution.)

Please enjoy this chapter!

The sun lit up the room as it peered through the window. The fire was no longer lit, only the remaining burnt wood was left in the fire place. I have a sneaky suspicion that it was Natsu who decided to have a midnight night snack.

Shivering as the wind picked up and filled the living room up. I hissed as I moved my hands around to grab some sort of warmth. Yet there was now. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to go back to sleep, that failed as well.

The sunlight had decided to settle upon my eyelids. Sleep was deciding not to claim me. My eyes opened up slowly to only squint. The sun was becoming a real jerk today. My back was so sore as well. I felt like I had a whole day of training with Erza, which I didn't.

When I had fell asleep last night, I was so comfortable. What happened?

I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust to the lighting. I turned my head expecting to see Natsu and Happy. That was a no.

My face turned to knock right into a table leg. I lunged forward, attempting to get up nicely, but noooo, fate had other plans for Lucy Heartphilla today. As I had lunged up I knocked right into a chair. I was knocked back down.

I soon found out I was on the floor of the living room. The chair had done a number on me. I had hit my funny bone. The worst name for the bone, honestly, I was in pain. I held onto my elbow as I gently lifted myself off the ground.

I glanced around the room. My eyes landed on the couch where I laid last night. Natsu and Happy were cuddling together on the couch. Sometime around the night, I was either kicked off the couch, or I rolled off. I just sighed and slapped a hand on my forehead.

They were really adorable. How could I even be mad. Natsu was sleeping so soundly. Happy purred as he snuggled closer to Natsu. A man and his cat, best friends forever. I was smiling down at them, if someone had walked in I would probably have been called a creeper.

"Fish~" Happy purred out.

"Food~" Natsu practically drooled.

"Idiots." I mumbled. I moved around the furniture groggily, but carefully. I made my way to the bathroom. On my way there, I saw my magic pocket outfit. I moved towards it. It was laying on the table in the kitchen.

"It's cleaned." I smiled. I was so happy I could finally change these clothes. I would have to thank who ever cleaned these. I had a good feeling it was Mira. I made a mental reminder to thank her.

I continued my daily preparation. I left the bathroom feeling clean as can be. I was back in my normal outfit. It still felt weird without a dress or skirt of some kind. I made sure my keys were strapped around my waist. I sneaked around the house to see if anyone was awake.

Erza, Jellal, and Thomas slept soundly next to each other. I knew Mira and Laxus were in Thomas's room. I found myself back in the living room. Natsu and Happy were still grumbling about food.

I decided it would be good for me to go out on a walk. I headed out the front door. The camp site that everyone had set up was so quiet. How early had I gotten up? I'm usually an early riser though on my good days. I made my way out to the forest.

The forest brought wonderful sights to my eyes. On my little walk I spotted a few bunnies. My heart soared at the sight of them. I came up to them slowly, only for them to run away. With a heavy sigh I continued my walk.

The sunlight was now more refreshing than annoying. I smiled to myself as I sucked in a huge amount of air, only to start coughing. I swallowed hard and finally caught my breath. Walks could be fun, but sometimes not.

I shivered as I imagined a bug getting caught in my throat. I sucked another huge amount of air. After I finished coughing like a maniac, my legs moved forward.

I rubbed my chest a little. It felt weird after coughing so much. My lungs felt a bit tight, but I soon forgot about it. My eyes glanced around the forest, the end of my lips quirked up. I could see a little clearing up ahead.

The sounds of running water came flowing into my ears. A stream must be close by.

Soon I had lost sight of the house when I came across the small stream I had heard a while back. I sat myself down and glanced at the water that reflected an image of me. I reached a hand out and tapped the water once.

The water felt so refreshing on my skin. I reminded myself that I would have to go swimming with the gang once more. I laughed aloud as I remember the memory of an angry Jellal, who's eyebrows were leaking.

Glancing back at the water, I stared at myself some more. A look of confusion flashed across my face.

I felt something fire up in the depths of my lungs.

My fist began to clench up without my permission. My vision began to blur. It was like the air in my lungs was trying to escape. It almost felt like, a boulder was laying on chest. A wave of nausea washed over me.

Soon anxiety flooded over me. I couldn't do anything about it. I soon felt my back press up against something.

I soon had realized I had collapsed onto the ground. My body was becoming very stiff. It was like all the muscles in my body became tense. As much as I wanted to cry out for help, my voice would not go along with my mind.

My throat burned and my eyes refused to close. All my body wanted to do was breathe! But that was the last thing it had done.

A little bit of air, come on!

It was very painful. I had somehow gotten control of my hands. This sudden pain was making my body go into spasms. My spine arched up, no longer toughing the ground. The unknown pain had me gasping for air. My right hand clenched onto the front of my vest.

Not even tears would escape my eyes. I just stared with wide eyes up into the sky. When I had touched my chest, I felt something wrong. Not the pain, but it was a weird feeling. When my finger tips touched my vest, it felt as if my touch had no presence.

I tried to think of a way to escape this pain. My head was pounding, thinking was no longer an option. I could barely hear a distant whisper.

You can... no longer... run... from... ME!

My hands gripped onto my ears and tried to block out the whispers. They wouldn't leave though. My whole body was being overrun. I could do... nothing.

But in the depths of my mind, I knew if I didn't fight back this pain... I would be gone.

I didn't know what gone meant at the moment. I just knew I had to get out of this somehow. My head had fallen to the right side. I took in the scenery, that was all I could comprehend at the moment. That path that I had taken to get here, it was no longer there.

My eyes widened to a size I didn't even know was possible.

I realized, that one little thing was changed about this place. I took it as my escape. It was like I had just snapped out of it. The pain was no longer there. I was back in my original position where I had started. I was right back to staring at my own reflection in the water.

I reached a shaky hand to my throat. My breathing was back to normal. I could still feel that weird feeling in the depths of my chest. My hand fell down to my side. I took a quick glance back to the path way.

It had reappeared.

I didn't realize it then, but when I had looked back to the pathway, I was holding my breath. I let out a shaky breath. The nausea came rolling back. I was sweating immensely. I clenched my sweaty palms and began coughing frantically.

As gross as it sounds, I had started to vomit. Once I was done I stared down at the only thing that came up. I more like glared at it. A small star shaped candy. It looked like it was starting to dissolve, but didn't get the chance to yet.

It was glowing purple. It basically oozed evil, It even looked evil. You must be asking, how could the cute little star shaped candy look evil? Well, after that whole mind trip, you tell me! I moved closer to the water, and washed out my mouth.

I drew my face back and uttered the only words that came to mind.

"A-A spell?" I panted out. The weird feeling in my chest left as soon as those words left my mouth. My head was no longer pounding. I wiped my mouth from the water.

I bit my lip at the sound of laughter. I shot up off the ground and onto my feet. I ran off as soon as I could. I followed the trail which would lead me to the house. I had to get back. I had to get away from whatever it was I was running from.

Of course something had to go wrong on my way there. I tripped on a tree root.

"Shit!" I hissed. My whole body fell right into a bush. I struggled with the bush, it wouldn't cooperate with me. This bush had made a wrong enemy today!

"Meet your maker bush." I growled out through clenched teeth. I would have continued my struggle with the bush, if it wasn't for me hearing something. I heard, voices. I stopped moving, I couldn't see anything but greenery.

The voices were loud and clear though.

"Where in the world did that girl run off too, I'm so fast and yet this happens?" A young males voice was heard. Was this person talking about me? Another voice soon interrupted my thoughts.

"I knew you should have chased after her, but noooo, you were laughing too hard." Another males voice came. I heard some sort of a smacking sound. They were getting closer to this bush. Oh please god in heaven spare me!

"Macbeth was so shocked when she escaped his little trick with the candy, how could I not laugh?" Someone snorted. Macbeth, that's such a sweet name. It must belong to a pretty girl. Oh Lucy do not compliment the evil doers!

"I was not! Once we get this girl like asked, we will soon reach true freedom." A man's voice laced with annoyance said. I assumed this was Macbeth, a man. I bit my lip and made the ugliest face known to man.

I wanted to laugh, but didn't want to die. Oh god. Why are you so cruel to me? It will be okay Lucy! They will soon pass by and leave you to laugh until it hurts.

"I say we wait a while, she could still be around here. Exactly!" Another voice uttered out. They were literally next to me. I wanted to smack my forehead repeatedly. Okay I am a heroine in distress! Natsu Dragneel you better not be still dreaming of food!

"Good idea Richard. I'm tired anyways." Macbeth yawned. Even though I was put into a tight spot, I still want to see what these people look like. Moving was not an option. Ugh why me?

I could hear them all sit down next to me. For some reason, I felt chills when I heard something brush up against the bush. Please oh please do not give me away!

"I can hear her, just not sure where she is though, She said Macbeth had a pretty name though." Someone uttered. My throat ran dry.

"My name is not pretty, it is dark and scary." Macbeth hissed. Okay Lucy, think about food, food is pretty good right.

"She'll come out eventually, if not, then I will have to take matters into my own hands." I wanted to slam my head into a wall. My thoughts were being invaded by another. I already have Natsu for that.

"Cubellios, come lay right here." Someone patted the ground. I heard something that sounded like a hiss. My whole body tensed up. Oh no, a fricken snake? Oh please let that not be a snake. It was soon confirmed that it was, a snake.

"Eric what is it with you and that snake?" Someone asked. I gulped. Oh cheese and crackers why couldn't it have been a cat or even a mouse? A kale beast would have been better!

"Sawyer, what's with your hair?" I assumed this must be Eric. It seemed like he was avoiding the question. Wait a second, what am I doing? I should be thinking about a way to get out of this bush.

Or maybe... I should check these people out some more. They seem like they are trying to get to me. Are they trying to kill me? I have no idea! But I guess I shall just wait it out. I mean what could possibly happen?

"How long are we waiting for this girl?" Sawyer asked. I heard humming.

"Well until Eric wakes up from his cuddly time with his snake over there Right?"

"I wish Sorano was with us, she's smart. As soon as we get Blondie, we get to have her back." Richard grumbled. Sorano, is Angel... right? These guys know Yukino's sister! Okay, I should really stay now. Come on, tell more of your secrets to the great Lucy Heartphilla!

"What else did that cloak figure tell us to do?" Macbeth muttered.

"Do unnecessary things. Like rough a few people up." Sawyer replied. An idea struck me, I could call Natsu somehow. With the weird communication thing. I didn't like the sound of them 'roughing people up'.

I closed my eyes. Natsu Dragneel, you better get your lazy ass up!

Natsu's P.O.V

"Natsu." Ungh, that must be Lucy. I wonder why she's up so early.

"Natsu~" She tried calling to me again. I ignored it. Sleep was just so nice at the moment.

"Natsu Dragneel, you better get you lazy ass up!"

"Lucy?" I called out. I opened my eyes to see Happy, but no Lucy. I unwrapped my arms from the warm blue cat. I stretched out my arms. Was she in the bathroom? Maybe she needed toilet paper.

I rubbed away the sleepiness in my eyes. I got up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom. I could hear the shower running. Should I scare Lucy? A smile crept upon my face. Prepare yourself Lucy! I grabbed the handle.

What should I say when I go in there? Should I be on fire when I do this? A million thoughts coursed through my mind. I settled with just yelling something. The grin on my face widened as I opened the door quietly as I could.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door quietly. The shower curtain was a perfect way for me to sneak up on her. I moved closer and set a hand on the curtain. I was so filled with excitement to scare her.

Laughter almost busted out from the depths of me. I gripped onto the curtain and pulled it back. I was so horrified by what I saw.

"N-Natsu!?" Gajeel squeaked as he took the rubber ducky was holding and placed it over his private parts. Both of our eyes widened in horror. Gajeel, was, full on, naked.

"My eyes!" A scream erupted from my throat, along with some fire. My hands flew up to my eyes to cover my eyes from the filth. The whole bathroom turned into something like a sauna when the flames touched the water. I could hear Gajeel's feet squeaking against the shower floor as he tried to get his footing.

"THAT'S HOT YOU BASTARD!" Gajeel roared. I tried to run out of the bathroom, my whole body collided with the door. I fell to the ground. I looked up to see Gajeel, still in his naked form. A frown was plastered onto my face.

"Save me Lucy!" I screamed as I jumped up and moved as fast as I could. I opened the door with a struggle. Gajeel reached out for me, only god knows what he was going to do. Gajeel easily slipped right past me and slammed into the wall.

I ripped the door open and closed it just as fast as I opened it. I let out a sigh of relief as my knees and hands met the floor.

"Oh my god someone bleach my eyeballs out." I hissed. Every time I blinked, I got a full on image of naked Gajeel. It was bad enough I see Gray naked, that pervert. Was this some mean trick Lucy decided to play on me? Where the hell is she anyways?

Usually when she screams inside her head it's because she either needs toilet paper or she can't reach something on the shelf. Something in the pit of my stomach began to grow. I felt, worried. Where in the world could she have possibly gone?

I got back onto my own two feet. I made my way over to Erza and Jellal. I opened the door to see the three of them cuddled up on the bed. Evil things passed through my mind. Only if I had a marker with me.

I made my way to the bed and decided for some flames. I lit my hand aflame. I smirked as I reached towards Erza. My flame went out in a second. Erza the beast was staring right back at me.

"Natsu, what were you doing?" Erza asked, she gave me a grave look. I gulped as I let my hand fall to my side.

"Looking for Lucy, I didn't see her when I woke up." I laughed nervously. Erza was tight-lipped. I took a few steps back to put distance between us. Erza watched me closely.

"Have you checked the bathroom? I heard someone in there." Jellal leaned up from the bed. I grimaced at the memory.

"Trust me, I checked." I gulped. I almost wanted to puke at the very explicit memory. Jellal eye me carefully.

"Where in the world could she have gone?" I bit my lip. Maybe she was outside with the others? Her scent doesn't linger over there. An idea popped in my head. How could I forget about my strong sense of smell!?

I sniffed the air, she was only in here briefly. I left the room. Leaving behind Erza and Jellal. I continued to walk around the house. Soon Erza and Jellal began to follow me. Thomas somewhere along the way decided to follow along.

"What is Natsu doing?" Thomas yawned. Jellal chuckled as he ruffled Thomas's hair. I sucked in a huge amount of air. Lucy was... not even in the vicinity. Panic flooded over my entire body. My throat ran dry.

"She's not... here?" I questioned myself mostly. I wanted her to just walk through the door right now. Flashing me a huge smile like she did every morning. Heck, even a punch in the face from her would be better.

I felt a hand grip onto my shoulder. I turned my head to see Erza standing behind me.

"Natsu, what do you mean?" Erza asked. I gulped. I didn't know what to think. Something just, wasn't clicking.

"Lucy, where's Lucy!?" I exclaimed. I shoved Erza's hand off of my shoulder. I ran towards the door, only to be pulled back by my scarf. It almost unraveled from my neck. I turned around to see Erza once again.

"Don't freak out, I'm sure she's okay." Erza tried to calm me. It didn't work one bit. I tried my best to get my scarf from her grip.

"Do you want me to go full blown dragon in here?! Let go!" I hissed. Erza sent me a glare, my anger was surely getting the best of me. Erza let go of my scarf reluctantly. Maybe Erza was right, but how could she be so sure?

"I have to find her Erza, if you're so worried, come with me." I growled. Erza nodded. I waited for Erza, I knew she wouldn't let me take a step out of here without her. Erza headed to the couch and shook Happy awake.

"Happy. Wake up and get everyone up." Erza left the groggy cat. Erza walked towards me, and gave Jellal a look. It was like he understood with just that.

"I'm coming with you two." Jellal walked forward, but didn't make it very far. Thomas clutched onto his cloak.

"Let me come with you." Thomas pleaded. I was basically itching to run out of here. I was going out of my mind just standing here.

"I'm sure she just took a walk, come on Thomas," Jellal grinned. "Before Natsu pisses his pants from shaking so much."

I growled and gave Jellal a good dirty look. Jellal just smiled back. We soon all walked out of the house. I was about to take off running once I caught a whiff of Lucy's scent, Erza thought otherwise.

"Come on, you can walk normally can't you?" Erza hissed. I clenched my teeth. I was walking fast, but staying in Erza's sight as well. I sniffed the air and scanned the whole area. Once I caught on to where she was, Erza pulled me to the side behind a tree.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed. Erza shoved a hand onto my mouth with brute force. My eyes widened. Erza put up a finger to her lips. Erza took a glance behind me and moved back once more.

"There are people there, and they don't look friendly." Erza grumbled. Jellal hid Thomas under his cloak. It didn't help much, but if it made Thomas feel safe, then no problem.

"We have to save her, where is she?!" I whispered frantically. Was Lucy there? Was Lucy okay!? Come on what happened to Lucy. I felt as if I was forgetting how to breathe.

"I can hear you."

Lucy's P.O.V

"I can hear you."

Yep, I'm done for. With clenched teeth I suppressed a hiss. I knew this little game of theirs would only last for so long. I jumped out of the bush as soon as those words had left Eric's mouth. I saw a glimpse of pink hair and bolted straight towards that. Home free, until a slippery thing wrapped around my ankle.

"See, it was more fun to see her jump out of the bush right Cubellios?" Eric chuckled. So he knew, I was there, the whole time. I gulped. I reached a hand towards my keys. I gripped onto one and shot it towards the sky.

"Pun Pun!" I seriously wanted to punch myself out right now. Eric looked like he knew what was going to happen. I shoved Plue's key back into my key holder. I saw my captors. They were all very, I guess you could say interesting to look at.

One looked like he just came out of a horror play, another had a face which was cubed like. One of them had been in a spandex suit. Covering his whole body, a pointy nose to top it off as well. The person standing in front of me though, he gave off a feeling of, uneasiness.

"T-That's one big snake you've got there." I laughed nervously. All I could think about was either I'm going to die, or Natsu Dragneel. Right on cue. Natsu was there. A smile fluttered onto my face. It soon disappeared though.

"Lucy!" Natsu practically screamed. His voice was usually so smooth and childish. His tone of voice was now dripping with something I've never heard before. My hears were buzzing from the almost roar he had released.

The grip on my ankle had lacked enough for me to slip away. I yanked my ankle from the grips of the terrifyingly giant snake. Natsu stood in front of me, his body was spread out with flames. I stared up in amazement.

As much as I have seen Natsu "fight" with Gray, I've never seen him truly fight before. A new feeling had come and enveloped me. My eyes stayed glued to Natsu's back. I gulped a little, Natsu never fails to impress me. Admiration you could call it. That's what I felt at the moment.

Natsu tried to land many hits on the man called Eric. Eric did the same. Eric seemed to dodge every move Natsu made. His words ringing in my head once more.

"I can hear you."

Those words seemed to mock me over and over again. Those words seemed to make an ugly side come out of Natsu as well.

"I don't care if you can hear me! You're asking for a fight!" Natsu growled. I watched as I saw smallest flicker of scales growing on Natsu's skin, Eric seemed to take notice as well. His eyes widened a little.

Surprise didn't last for long with Eric, he now had a full on smirk set on his features.

My brain went on full alert when I was suddenly tugged back. I struggled with the unknown force, only to see Thomas staring at me. His eyes seemed to be filled with worry. He was worried, for me?

"Lucy, are you okay Lucy?" Thomas asked. I nodded my head slowly. Just when I was about to get up, I was surprised you could say. An arm slung across my chest and smacked me right to the ground. The air from my lungs were sucked out from me. Something more like someone, had knocked me into the ground... full force.

I didn't think much about my pain though. I glanced next to me, Thomas was freaking out. He shook me like crazy. He was yelling something at me, he was close to tears. A ringing sound had roared in my ears.

That damn speedy guy.

I felt as if he would come back for round two, which had me on my feet in a second. I pulled Thomas into my arms pulled him off to somewhere safe. But was there any place for safety anymore? I gripped onto my whip and headed to a nearby tree. I pressed Thomas to the tree and stood in front of him.

Protecting him was more important than laying on the ground like a fool.

I saw a glimpse of something. It was not really clicking in my head. Magic could do some amazing things, but also some horrible things. I felt Thomas grip onto the back my vest for dear life. He was shaking, which worried me.

I looked ahead of me to see Jellal and Erza jump into action. They went after Macbeth, who was taking a nap in the middle of battle. They didn't begin to battle him until his eyes suddenly opened. My attention was drawn elsewhere when an arrow shot past me.

Not just any arrow.

An ice arrow.

"A fight without us!? That's just mean!" Gray and Lyon came bursting in. The arrow had hit something. There was Sawyer, or Racer, or Speedy... whatever you like to call him. Sawyer was not hit directly, but his clothes were now attached to the tree from the arrow.

Richard, didn't move, he just kept saying violence was no longer his thing. I guess he was just along for the ride.

"Damn it! What the hell? Can you read minds?!" Natsu shouted as he tried to lay another punch. He looked like he was having a hard time with the big snake there as well. Okay Lucy, time to join the party and face the music.

I gripped with my free hand onto my key holder. This time I had picked correctly. Leo was now smiling brightly at me.

"You called Princess?" Leo asked. I nodded. I stepped out from covering Thomas. I pointed to him.

"Protect him Leo, not even a scratch." I panted out. That hit from Sawyer really did a number on my lungs. The wind was knocked out of me. Thomas gripped onto my arm.

"You can't leave me as well." Thomas whispered. As much as it hurt to leave him, I had to help.

"I'm here Thomas, I'm just going to protect what I love." I gave him the best smile I could muster up at the moment. Thomas was hesitant, but soon let go. I winked to him, and then Leo.

"Don't strain yourself too much, I'm already using up your magic." Leo reminded me. I nodded to him. I turned back and glanced to Natsu's fight. He was struggling trying to land a punch.

I made eye contact with the huge snake. I gulped. Okay Lucy, prepare yourself!

The snake darted towards me, I was prepared to take it on. That was until it spurted wings and shot above me. My throat went dry as it soared above me.

I turned around as quick as I could to see the snake shoot past the trees. One name passed through my mind.


I followed the snake. The snake moves so fast, it's hard to keep up. I'm out of breathe already, but the adrenaline keeps me going. The fear as well, the fear eats at me every step I take.

I swing my arm back with the whip in my hand. I swing my arm forward as hard as I could. The whip reached the snakes tail. Wrapping around it, it was now trying to drag me along with it. I dug my feet into the ground, trying to keep my balance the best I could.

My heart almost dropped when I heard a very loud roar. It shook the whole forest. It was Natsu. Was he okay? Did he get hurt?

That roar sounded like... a battle cry.

I did the most idiotic thing without thinking, I looked back. The snake had gotten out of the my grip with the whip. I was flung forward. My face was now smashed into some dirt, or at least I hope it's dirt.

It sure doesn't smell good.

I quickly get back onto my own two feet with a bit of a struggle. I saw glimpse of a bright light. I knew it was Leo when I heard his efforts from afar. I soon made it to my destination. Thomas was nowhere to be seen.

Leo and the snake fought. Leo made a small mistake, he was bitten by the huge snake. He was soon glittering away. Leo gave me a pained smile.

"I'm sorry Lucy, I have to return from such kind of poison." Leo left with just those words. A million things went through my mind.




I felt a couple tears threaten to unleash. I didn't get here in time. I didn't get to protect Leo, the spirit whom I swore to fight by. I would have to make it up to him later. My attention was more on the snake at the moment.

The snake turned to me barring fangs at me.

They were practically dripping with poison.

I knew, if I wanted to stay alive, I needed to stay ten feet back from that. I could see a glimpse of blonde pop out from behind the tree. I had tried my best to keep the snakes attention towards me. By teasing and taunting it.


I could have sworn that snake had just talked. My jaw dropped. I shouldn't be surprised. I mean it can fly too! What else will it do? Poop money? Puke rainbows? Unnecessary thoughts coursed through my mind.

"Eric.. needs.. blonde?"

It was like the snake was confused. Hell! I was confused. The snake watched my every movements. I wanted to call another spirit, but what if they would be bitten too. I couldn't ask that much of them.

"Eric... will.. be... happy... with blonde.. boy? Girl?"

I swear the side of my cheek was sore from how hard I was biting down on it. The snake and I were just having a stare off. I could have sworn, when I glanced into those slits that were its eyes, I saw something human.

"Eric... will.. like. BOTH!"

I had lunged backwards. I dodged the snakes sneaky tail. When it had slammed into the ground, it left something like a crater. I had really hoped that Thomas had took off running. I tried to strategize.

But strategizing was very hard when a huge snake was trying to bite you the whole time. I clenched my teeth as the tail had come too fast. I has slammed into the tree. My back was trembling with pain.

Everything in my body cried out pain.

OH come on! This snake was more than you think. To think, it seemed so human, amazed me.

Only if I hadn't left the whip Virgo had given me at home! That one was so cool! I brought the black one with me! Gah! This was so stressful. I heard another roar come from Natsu's direction. I could feel something coming from there. It was the feeling of...


The snake seemed to sense it too, but what the snake sensed was completely different.




The snake zipped towards me. It was pissed. I could senses it's rage. I gulped as I began to move quickly away from the vicious snake. With a swoop with its tail, my back met the ground once more that day.

The snake opened its mouth to reveal it's Very. Sharp. Teeth. I now had the whip into both of my hands. The snake comes down to bite me, but only a little bit of relief flushes through me. The snakes mouth was wide open, with my whip supporting it open from both sides of it's mouth.

I began to panic right then and there. I feared that a drop of poison will reach me. The snake thrashed around, I tried my best to keep its mouth at a good distance. Suddenly, the snakes face dived a little bit closer to me, but not with its own will.

The snake's eyes stared into mine.

Thomas was standing next to us. With a rather large stick. The snake tried once more to snap at Thomas. I lifted both feet and kicked the snake in the jaw. The snake slumped to the side. No longer conscious.

"Lucy, it hurts, what do I do?" Thomas uttered out. My eyes landed on him. A panic alarm was going off inside my head. I glanced at his body. Nothing seemed wrong, but he was visibly shaking. He dropped the stick. He tried to stifle the sobs.

"What hurts Thomas?" I asked wary. I had gotten up on my knees, no longer laying on the ground. After dropping the stick, Thomas hid his hands from me. I could feel my heart pounding through my ears.

"Let me see. So I can help." I whispered. Thomas was never suppose to be hurt. Thomas gulped as he held out his right hand. There was the source of his pain. His hand was practically glowing purple.

I had gasped aloud. I couldn't keep it in. Thomas cringed as I grabbed his shaky hands into mine. I could see where the snake at bit him. My heart sank. I couldn't even let out any words. I needed to keep a calm exterior.

I couldn't let him know that it wasn't alright.

"We need to get to others. They'll know what to do." I gave him a thin smile. Thomas nodded his head as fast as he could. As I got up onto my feet, he fell down. I caught him before he had reached the floor.

"Lucy, it really... hurts." Thomas's eyes fluttered shut. Mine had widened in horror.

"Thomas! Stay with me!" I exclaimed. Thomas's eyes shot open once more. His face cringed in pain, and stayed that way. I quickly got him on my back, and began running off. My legs could only carry me so far.

I continued to run anyways.

Even if I had to push my limits, even if I'm close to failing, I'll continue on. Giving up is not an option!

"Thomas please stay with me!" I practically screamed to him.

"Lucy, I'm sorry I'm such a burden. I'm sorry you had to take care of me. Take care of the farm for me at least." Thomas whispered to me. I didn't realize it then, but tears streamed down my face.

"No! You are staying with me! You got that?! You have to!" I sobbed. I could barely see up ahead with tears in my eyes. But I knew, that we were getting close to the others. They'll know what to do, they have to! I wasn't thinking clearly. I just didn't understand how such terrible things can happen to good people.

"Lucy, I don't think I have much of a choice anymore." Thomas panted. I clenched my teeth.

"You know Lucy, it's my fault, not yours." Thomas coughed. I shook my head.

"No Thomas! I was suppose to protect you!" I hissed. How could I be such an idiot. How useless am I?! Gah! There's no room for a self pity party! Thomas is in trouble, he's my focus.

"No, Lucy. I could have moved." Thomas's grip tightened onto my shoulders.

"What do you mean?" My legs almost gave away at the moment. I hiked Thomas up so more and continued on.

"The snake came at me, everything told me to move. But then, my body didn't follow along." Thomas knocked his head into the croak of my neck. I could feel something wet there now. He was crying.

"Lucy! I thought I wanted to die! But I moved last second because I decided to live on! But now it's too late." Thomas cried into my neck. I could feel the inside of my cheek start to bleed. My heart was pounding against my chest loudly.

"Thomas. Long ago I wanted to die too. I was too scared to attempt anything. I regret even the thought of it." I coughed out

"My father, as you know, had abused me. I later found out it wasn't really him. But still, it didn't hurt any less back then."

"I didn't have many people for me. I was alone Thomas. But you are not alone!" I gripped my hands onto his legs.

"I've found a new family now. They take care of me. I'm your family Thomas. We all are! I'm here for you! So please, live on!" I screamed out.

"I will! I will!" Thomas sobbed. We had finally arrived to the others.

Only to meet a terrible fate.

"Jellal! This isn't you!" Natsu growled out. I had stopped to see the group of villains I had encountered earlier, were defeated. They weren't dead, just unconscious. You would think I should be relieved, I wasn't.


His face had a wide smirk spread across it. Erza and Natsu began to fight him off. Jellal's eyes landed on me. I didn't think it was possible for his smirk to widen.

"Ha! Princess has arrived." Jellal cackled as he stopped fighting all together. Jellal's voice was no longer his own. It sounded mixed with another. My jaw tightened.

Everything... was turning to shit.

Make it stop.

Please make it stop.

Jellal raised a hand up to his own throat.

"Shall I kill myself first? Or you guys first?" Jellal laughed as he pretended to cut his throat repeatedly.

"Jellal, please, think about how important it is not to lose yourself." Erza yelled. Gray began to hold her back along with Lyon. She has few bruises here and there. I wasn't sure if it was Jellal or not.

Everyone looked just as drained as I felt.

"Oh shut up. Don't you realize Jellal isn't here no more." Jellal proclaimed. I glanced back to see Thomas staring at Jellal. I had no idea how to describe the look on his face.

"You all are stupid idiots. You can't even damage your own friend who is not all there!" Jellal cackled once more as he jammed a finger repeatedly into the side of his head. His smile was no longer genuine. It was drenched with insanity.

"Please! Thomas is hurt! He needs you most!" I called out. I could see Jellal's eye twitch. His mouth opened, but then closed. His hands reached up to grip onto his hair.

"Complete idiots! You all are doomed!" Jellal coughed out.

"Erza needs you!" Natsu shouted to him. It seemed like Natsu was catching on. Hitting Jellal where it hurts most, the heart. No need for physical fights, a mental battle was shown in front of us.

"We all need you Jellal." Erza called out to him. Jellal with wide eyes stared at Erza.

"I've failed you all." Jellal sounded more like himself now.

"I couldn't protect you. I hurt you... again. How could I fail so badly?" Jellal asked hoarsely

"No you did not! You have protected me for so long Jellal. You protected my heart and brought me nothing but happiness!" Erza scrambled out of Gray and Lyon's grip. Erza stumbled as she made it to Jellal.

"Do not come near me!" Jellal cried out. Erza grabbed onto Jellal's wrists. Gently put his hands back down to his sides.

"Jellal, please. Come back to me." Erza bit down a sob. Seeing Erza in such a vulnerable state, was hard to watch. It didn't change my perspective of her though, it just made her look, so much stronger.

"I've failed you." Jellal hissed out. I could see a grin struggling to form on his face. Jellal was truly... going insane.

"No you haven't, you've only failed if you stopped trying. Giving up, it's not an option!" Erza was practically crumbling down to her knees. Jellal crumbled to his knees as well. They knocked foreheads together.

"Thank you." Jellal whispered as his eyes fluttered closed. Thomas's grip on my shoulders tightened.

"Lucy, it hurts to stay awake." Thomas panted in my ear. Natsu turned back slowly to me. He seemed out of breathe.

"Lucy, what happened?" Natsu called over to me. I could see Natsu's knees buckle under him. I made way towards him.

"Natsu!" Thomas and I called out in unison. Natsu had passed out. Gray and Lyon fainted as well. Erza was even asleep now. Tears came rushing down my face. A panic attack was coming on.

"Thomas, I need to set you down for a moment. It's going to be okay." I sucked in a huge amount of air.

"Okay, I won't sleep." Thomas said as I lowered him to the ground gently. I quickly pulled out my keys. Taurus stood out the most.

"Open the gate of the bull! Taurus!" My voice called out. There he appeared.

"Lucy! I thought you forgot about me!" Taurus exclaimed. As much as I wanted to laugh, it wouldn't come. I was exhausted. Too much magic was used. I had to hold on.

"Help me, carry the others please." I croaked. Taurus went right to it. Taurus picked up Lyon, Gray, Erza, and Jellal. He stared down at Natsu and Thomas with uneasiness.

"I can't carry anymore, and you can't call me for too long." Taurus muttered. I nodded. I quickly lifted Thomas onto my back.

"Hold on Thomas, please hold on." I huffed out. Thomas nodded slowly. I walked over to Natsu. I made sure Thomas was holding me tightly. His legs were wrapped around my waist. I leaned down a little and grabbed onto Natsu's arms.

"Sorry Natsu." I hissed as I began to drag him. I just had left the villains, they would be just fine. Along the way back, I think we had gotten lost. It hadn't been longer than five minutes this walk. I could feel that my feet had began to gain blisters. I could hear Thomas's faint breathing.

I had glanced to my left, it was like a miracle. A small cottage sat in the middle of the forest. With a tree growing out of it. I gulped. Help.

I walked slowly towards the small cottage. I tried to avoid hurting Natsu's body at all costs. As I made it to the door, it opened.

An older woman stepped out with a broom. A smile set up to my face. She had a frown upon hers.

"I don't like humans! You better leave chicky." The older woman hissed at me. She looked like, a witch. I had never seen one truly before, only in books. She was quite pretty for her age though. Her pink hair was kept up in a bun.

She wore a long red cape that had many accessories on it.

"Please, I need help. The younger one had been poisoned. I don't know how much longer he has left." I croaked. She stared at me for a long time. Her red eyes were glaring right into my very soul.

"Miss. Please help me. I'm sorry for being a burden." Thomas croaked. Her eyes widened. She stared at his arm.

"Get inside, quickly!" She yelled. I nodded as I ran inside, with Natsu hitting his head on the steps a few times. I said a silent sorry. I looked around the room quickly to see greenery everywhere. It was s magical in here.

It made me almost forget what I was doing.

"Put them all on the beds." She growled. I followed her orders. I stared around the room, she seemed like she was born to heal people. I quickly ran towards the beds that were all lined up. Taurus followed along.

Soon everyone was laid out on a bed except for the older woman and I. I waved Taurus goodbye, he complimented my body. With a heavy sigh I shooed him off once more. He went away with shimmering sparkles to follow.

"Girl, shouldn't you lay down as well, you don't look like your having a good day." The older woman was hovering over Thomas. She had multiple herbs in her hands. She glanced over to me.

"None of us are having a good day." I sighed. I wanted to be awake until they were awake.

"What kind of snake was it?" She asked while she continued to rush around the room. How could I even forget that snake? Well, I didn't that's for sure.

"It was a big purple one, the size of me maybe or even larger. It could fly. It could talk as well." I grimaced. She smacked her hands on the table next to the bed loudly. Thomas stared wide-eyed at her.

"That wasn't a real snake you fool! That was a take-over mage!" She growled. She ran over to another table and grabbed some more things. Like Mira and Lisanna?

"It might have been a take-over mage but for sure it didn't think it was one." I sighed heavily. I could see Thomas's free of poison hand twitching. I reached out and held on to it. He muttered a thank you.

"That may be possible. Confused since birth huh? That's so sad." She mocked. I gulped a little. This lady was kind of mean, but nice. Hard to decide what she was truly like with such comments.

She seemed like a hermit. Not really getting much company here huh?

"This is going to be one hell of a spell." She hissed. She once more ran towards Thomas.

"Are you going to just stand there or help with the others?" She growled at me. I nodded quickly. Thomas's grip on my hand tightened. I looked down once more to him.

"I'm not leaving anywhere Thomas, this woman is going to help you." I smiled to him. He nodded and shut his eyes tightly. He let go of my hand. I ran over to the others and began cleaning their wounds with some things the older woman gave me.

"It's Porlyusica." The woman grunted. I turned around to meet her gaze.

"What?" I asked. She frowned.

"My name is Porlyusica not 'this woman'." Porlyusica turned around and began working on Thomas's arm.

"My name is Lucy Heartphilla. Pleased to meet you." I smiled. Suddenly I felt like the room had a different mood to it.

"Oh poor girl. What has happened to you. You're a human who understands pain." She wasn't mocking me this time. I hummed as a reply. I might as well make friends with the lady. She seems kind of, lonely.

"So, what are you doing alone in the forest?" I asked. She growled at me!

"I've been born in the tree, never left the tree. The tree goes where it wants, I'm just in for the ride." Porlyusica replied. The... tree?

"The tree moves?" I asked as I finished cleaning up the wounds of everyone. Now it was time to use some bandages.

"Are you even surprised. The tree is a magical one. Moves where someone needs help. Only in a forest though." Porlyusica grunted. I could hear a squeak from Thomas.

"I-It burns!" Thomas cried out. My eyes widened as I looked back to see her putting some weird liquid stuff on his arm.

"Sorry kid. It's going to hurt a lot." Porlyusica seemed like the lady who didn't know how to handle children. That was so not a good thing to say to anyone actually.

"Gah! It really hurts. Make it stop! Please!" Thomas gurgled out. I clenched my fists. No pain no gain. I had finished up the bandaging of the wounds on my friends. I quickly walked over to Thomas and grabbed his free hand once more.

"Thomas, it's going to be alright." I bit my lip. Thomas's eyes widened.

"AH!" Thomas cried out as his body began to shake. I was horrified. I didn't know what was going on. Porlyusica just stared blankly at him as put a few herbs on his arm. The poison had spread.

"What's happening to him?! Aren't you going to do something?!" I cried out. Thomas's eyes rolled up and shut. My jaw dropped open.

"He's dead." She uttered. I looked up to her.

"Just kidding." She cracked a smile. I clenched my eyes closed from the tears that escaped. This lady was so asking for a punch to the face.

How do you even joke like that!? Dry and very dark humor!

"Ha ha." Her laugh seemed forced. But then I realized, it wasn't. I groaned internally. This was such a weird day.

"Why the hell do you think that was funny?! What happened!" I demanded answers.

"He just went into shock from the pain. You should have seen your face." Porlyusica went back a poker face. If my whole body wasn't in so much pain, I would have strangled this lady already.

"Okay now we wait. Don't mess around, I need to get something." Porlyusica left the room and went to another door. I let out a large sigh. That stupid joke she made really put me in a bad place. I let go of Thomas's hand and walked towards a shelf.

"Are those.. candles?" I asked myself aloud. I should have just sat down. But noooo, I'm an idiot who doesn't know when to rest. I glanced over the tons of jars that sat on the shelf. I grabbed one. Let's hope it smells good.

When I opened it, I heard laughter. Bubbly laughter. My eyes widened as I glanced around the room. No one was awake or laughing. Yet here I was, hearing laughing. I shut the jar immediately.

I carefully put it back on the shelf. A smile appeared on my face. I grabbed another one. I opened it carefully, and lots of grunting sounds came out of it. My face turned bright red. I shut it as soon as I opened it.

"What the hell is this lady into?!" I whispered. I returned the jar to its place. Maybe I should stop messing with these. But my hand reached out for one more. Big mistake. I tried to open the jar, it was hard to get the top off.

It finally came off with a pop. Screaming was all I heard. Bloody. Murder. Screaming. Everyone except Thomas had lunged up. Porlyusica came running from the other room. I could only hear screaming.

I could feel my eyes roll in the back of my head. I had felt my body collide with something. Maybe a chair. I wasn't sure. All I knew was...

Those weren't candles.

Yo This will be a little time skip.

"That idiot! I told her not to touch anything!" Someone growled. Was it that older woman? I had a bone to pick with her. She had terrible jokes, she was kind of mean but nice, and she had some sort of screaming jars.

"What are you doing here Porlyusica?" I knew it was Natsu who asked that. I could tell easily. Wait a second! They know her? Gah! Of course they do! I don't know what I expected!

"I live here you idiot." She growled. I wanted to laugh, nothing came out. Okay, maybe she was a little funny. Only a little! She gets only a little credit!

"How did we get here?" Erza asked.

"Princess over here dragged you over here. You should thank her when she stops playing sleeping beauty." Porlyusica sighed. Okay Lucy, wake up!

Hold on a second!

Why won't I wake up?


Anyone there?

"What do you mean?" Natsu and Gray asked in unison. Yeah! What's going on here!?

"Those people you were talking about. Put a sleeping spell on her. She must have coughed it up earlier or it dissolved. It took effect on her when she slept."

"Not sure what will wake her up." Porlyusica snickered.

"What?!" Everyone yelled. Even me! Internally of course.

"How do you know this?!" Jellal asked. Porlyusica hummed.

"Long ago I had made little star shaped medicine. I didn't think someone would alter it. It was suppose to help with sleep. It gives good dreams or even good illusions."

"I can only imagine what the altered version was like." Erza mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"Well, figure it out idiots!"

I can't believe it. Knowing my friends, I was doomed!

Just kidding, I'm sure they'll wake me up soon... right?


"I say we start will the original one. Kiss her Natsu!" Lyon laughed. You know, that doesn't sound so bad. But in front of everyone, that's kind of embarrassing.

"Okay! Wait, I forgot to brush my teeth." If could smack myself right now, I would have.

"Natsu Dragneel wake her up!" I heard a yes ma'am and that's when I felt pressure on my lips. Well, I'm not awake! Natsu pulled back.

"Well, that didn't work!" Natsu grunted.

"Oh! Tell her something so embarrassing, that she will have to wake up!" Gray cackled. I didn't like the sound of that. I heard Natsu snickering. Oh my god I'm done for. What does Natsu have in store?! I have no idea!


I felt someone lean over me. I assumed it was Natsu. From the warmth, I was sure it was him. I could feel warm breath reach my ear.

"Lucy, you're saying such mean things about me in your head." Natsu whispered low enough so only I could hear. He was right up in my business.

"When this is all over, and we get married I'll surely have to... BEEP BEEP BEEP." ALRET! ALRET. CODE RED. CODE. RED.

Yeah that was my brain having a malfunction. My eyes snapped open to see a smiling Natsu staring down at me.

"Natsu you big dork I'm going to kill you!" I hissed. My face was burning from the blush that covered my whole face. Natsu's smile never vanished.

"Well, it's true." Natsu raised his eyebrows repeatedly. I could see everyone else in the room just stared at Natsu in confusion.

"What did you say boy?" Porlyusica asked.

"Well I just told her how I was going t-" I slapped a shaky hand on his mouth.

"He said how he ate everything in the fridge and left the cave in a mess." I rushed out. I would say I was pretty smooth with that, no? Natsu just lifted an eyebrow and stared at me.

"I may have been born at night. But not yesterday night. You hormonal idiots." Porlyusica sighed heavily. She walked over to Natsu. I had now realized I was complete and utter idiot, also that I am laying on a bed.

"Well, now that you are awake Lucy. We would all like to say, thank you." Erza grinned down at me. I slid up into a sitting position. Yeah, this totally did not feel good. I smiled and waved it off.

"You guys don't need to say thank you." I laughed. They all did anyways. I took a glance over to Thomas.

"Has he woken up yet?" I asked. Porlyusica looked to me and frowned. Was that a yes, or no?

"He's woken up once but went back to sleep." Porlyusica. I sighed with relief. I stared out the window to see it had gotten a little late out.

"Is he, going to be okay?" I asked. Porlyusica scoffed.

"With my help, he'll be more than okay." Porlyusica rolled her eyes. I sighed with relief.

"Lucy, we need to go see the others. They must be worried. Stay here and rest." Erza ruffled my hairs as she began walking towards the door. She turned to Porlyusica.

"Thank you Porlyusica." Erza and I said in unison. We laughed at the coincidence. Porlyusica replied in a grunt as she arranged some things on a shelf. The candle, I mean horrific jars of sounds.

"See you later Lucy." Everyone but Thomas, Natsu, And Porlyusica left. I turned my head in Natsu's direction. He shined me a famous smile.

"Ugh, young love." Porlyusica sighed. I only laughed. I moved over a little and patted the spot next to me. Natsu jumped in with glee, he was quickly wacked in the head with a broom.

"You two do not sleep together in my presence, you sleep in the other bed fool." Porlyusica hissed. Natsu grunted as he rubbed his head.




"No." Porlyusica grunted as she went over to Thomas. She tucked a few lose strands of hairs behind his ear. She removed the rag that laid upon his forehead. Porlyusica drained the sweat in a bowl.

She rested it back on his forehead and tucked him in. She was like a mother. I wonder if she has kids of her own. Porlyusica quickly hissed at us and looked reluctant to leave Thomas's side.

"I'm going to bed. Natsu you sleep in between the two on your own bed." Porlyusica said as she entered another door which I assumed was her room. Porlyusica opened the door once more and pointed to the bed Natsu was suppose to be in.

"Go boy, or should I say dragon?" Porlyusica glared. Natsu sighed as he went towards the bed and crawled in. He kicked off his shoes. He huffed and puffed as he pulled up the covers.

"Are you happy now?" Natsu glared at the ceiling. Porlyusica hummed.

"Move the bed a little closer to Thomas." Porlyusica smirked. Natsu sat up and hissed.

"Are you kidding me?!" Natsu whined. A smile appeared on Porlyusica's face. It was genuine. It didn't even look forced. Natsu's features soon softened.

"Go to sleep humans. I shall wake you in morning." Porlyusica let out a little laughed soon put back her poker face. She blew out the candles in the room and closed her door. I laid back down and smiled.

Today was eventful, but still quite traumatizing.

"Lucy." Natsu whispered. I hummed in reply.

"I'm coming over there." Natsu let out a little snicker. My eyes widened.

"No way, Porlyusica is going to be pissed if she finds you here." I laughed a little, Natsu continued to come closer to me. He was soon sliding into the bed next to me. I rolled to my side to look at him. He sighed with a huge smile appearing on his face.

"I'm a rule breaker." Natsu chuckled. I rolled my eyes. Natsu scooted closer to me and held onto my hands. His finger grazed over the ring he had given me.

"Lucy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you out." Natsu knocked his head onto my shoulder. I laughed a little. Not loud enough for Porlyusica to wake up. I reached my hand up and ruffled his hair.

"I'm sure you fought well. Everything was okay in the end. Natsu, please don't say you're sorry anymore." Natsu looked up to me and nodded his head. He raised a hand to my cheek.

"I was so worried Lucy. My mind was on you the whole day. I even saw Gajeel naked while looking for you." Natsu groaned. I held in a fit of giggles.

"Was it really that bad?" I asked after my giggles subsided. Natsu nodded his head quickly and clenched his eyes shot.

"I saw his, everything." Natsu grunted as he let out "Ah's!" and "Gah's" .

"Stop making me laugh. Porlyusica will hear me." I giggled some more. Natsu reached his hand and clasped it over my mouth.

"You know Lucy, I like you a lot. I actually love you a lot." Natsu whispered. Natsu leaned forward and let his hand fall down to his side. Natsu stopped when he was an inch away from my lips.

"Natsu, I love you more than I should." I smirked. Natsu laid a kiss on my forehead, cheeks, and even my chin. He pulled back to shine me a bright smile before he finally closed the gap between us.

Kissing him always made me feel better. it's like a little shock had sparked in the kiss. Natsu licked my upper lip, trying to open my mouth. I pressed a hand to his chest. Pushing him back gently.

"Na uh. Not here." I tried to keep a straight face. Natsu whined as he shoved his face in the pillow. He muttered something as well.

"What was that?" I whispered. Natsu turned his head to me slowly.

"Ya know Lucy, I have limits." Natsu turned his face back into the pillow. I swear my face must have represented a tomato. I tugged on his sleeve. He looked back to me.

"You're such an idiot." I mumbled. Natsu smiled at this. He leaned over to me once more and knocked foreheads with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist so that we were so close I could hear his breathing.

"I'm your idiot." Natsu closed his eyes. I leaned my head up and kissed his forehead. I leaned back relaxed. My eye lids fluttered closed. Natsu's warmth led me to sleep. Everything was just right.

"Goodnight Lucy."

"Goodnight Natsu."

With that, I drifted off into dream world.

Sleep tight.

Authors Note~ Hello my friend! I know you've all waited for this! I'm glad I could update before evil finals come to haunt my dreams. I made this chapter extra long just for you guys! Also for those who are reading a bad day turned good, please enjoy the new chapter coming out tomorrow! SO you get two updates, aren't I cool?

Alright! The story will be coming to a close soon! It will not be a disappointing ending that's for sure! Now I will update as soon as I can. The month has been crazy! Next chapter expect to see our lovely villains, Nalu, and some adventure!

I hope you all have good luck on your finals ( if your even taking them!) Also have a good weekend, weekday! Whatever floats your boat!

One more thing! Thank you for all the supporting reviewers! You are what keeps me going! I read everyone so please don't think you are being left out! Really, thank you. If you guys ever need someone to speak to, or need something, please talk to Glen here!

Alright! Good day to you all!

Glen Senpai out~