Sonic rips off Shadow's muzzle and gets Chaos Speared through a building at lightning speed. Sonic rips off his arm and beats off Shadow's head with it all the while Shadow impales Sonic with a sharp mushroom and gnaws off his face. Mario smashes a computer screen over Sonic's head and jabs pieces of Sonic's skull into Shadow's abdomen while Rouge and Blaze bludgeon Mario with Boeing 787s, sending entire buildings crashing into the ground as the wings and bodies of the planes smash through walls and people.

Tails shoots at Knuckles with a 100,000,000 round belt fed machine gun while Knuckles eats half of all the bullets and uses them to lift up the city and use it to beat Tails before raising the United States and throwing it at Amy. Amy smashes them with her fists all before getting thrown to the moon by Silver, who's crushed by a hammer the shape and size of Asia by Eggman. BOOOM, Blaze destroys Eggman by sending the sun down to annihilate his subatomic particles, but is then blown to bits by a psychopath Cream, wielding the Interdimensional Ultimate Absolute Death Ray. Sonic is reborn as Super Sonic and punches Silver so hard, he creates a hole that punches through the entire planet, blowing it up and tearing Silver into several hundred sextillion pieces. Super Shadow grabs Mars and throws it at Earth. Just about killing everyone, only for Super Cream to grab the Andromeda galaxy and use it to bash Shadow until erased from existence.

Jet and Silver throw one million punches in ten seconds, grinding them both down to dust. Knuckles takes their atoms and eats them with his asshole, then spits them all back at Rouge, destroying her in an atomic machine gun flurry. TNT and atomic bombs rain down in sheets, blowing up the landscape while Sonic's teeth rip at Tails's leg, while Tails has Sonic in a neck-cracking headlock. Big comes in holding two flamethrowers, roasting death to all, and then completing the giant holocaust with acid with a pH of Negative Over 9,000, ripping a hole in the fabric of space and time itself. Hyper Shadic rises from it all and brings out the madness, blowing Big out the blowhole with the force of a million Kim Jong Ils, a level of power never before seen. Chaos Knuckles grabs reality and lifts it up then breaks it in half, screaming like a demon before Mega Omega rams through him and the other 10,000 Sonic characters, slicing out all their cells with an attack so powerful it will even kill Jesus.

Metal Sonic goes Ultra Metal Sonic and twists Sonic and Silver into one bloodless being before throwing it into the sun with such force the whole sun implodes. Ultra Metal Sonic and Super Sonic 4 clash in a titanic battle, where Sonic blocks a punch but the kinetic energy blows out ten million galaxies behind him. Super Sonic 4 then takes a nearby blackhole and sucks it up, blowing it back out Ultra Metal Sonic. He's beaned by God Tails/Cream who converts his face into Supermatter, and then takes a baseball bat- with a rusty nail in it- and strikes Sonic's head so impossibly hard, I can't even describe it anymore. It breaks apart all of reality and all of superreality and all of everything. Everything cracks up and breaks apart and explodes, it's clobbering time!


By Sonic Wildfire

Written to 'Bad Energy Troll' by Evergreen Terrace!

Written to 'Endless Nameless' by Nirvana as well!

Written to 'Over The Years' by 25 ta Life as well!