OK so I finally managed to get this story going. I ment to post it earlier but i was so freaking busy i kept forgetting so here it is. I like Percy/Harry twin stories and think that there aren't enough so for the rest of you people who also enjoy them here is another one

Disclaimer: Sadly i don't own Harry potter or percy Jackson. Rick riordan and Joanna k rowling do.

Sally POV:

I had just come home from work and got the mail. Percy was coming home from camp today. I was so excited to see him. I was shifting through the mail and entered my room when i came across a letter with the name i long since left.

Lily Potter nee Evans aka Sally Jackson

Apartment number 143

Upper East Side Manhattan, New York

I starred at the letter. Some one knew I was alive? Albus? Sev? Padfoot? Moony?

I turned the letter over and saw the Gringotts crest. Of coarse. I opened it and sat down.

Dear Mrs. Potter/ Ms. Jackson,

We have known you were alive for a while now. We know you reasons for leaving. But now it is time to come back and let the Wizarding World know of yours and you sons Perseus's survival. But first i think you should alert them of the existence of Harry Potter's twin brother. Harry is alive but not so well. Your sister and her husband have taken custody after your 'death' and the 'death' of Poseidon aka James Potter. We know of James's real identity for we have worked with Lord Poseidon for many centuries. Any way, Petunia and Vernon Dursley have raised Mr. Potter but not without abuse. Reasons why he did not go to Lord Sirius Black after your death is because Sirius went after the man who betrayed you and James. Peter Pettigrew. Lord Black went after him and Pettigrew blew up a street full of muggles and faked his own death. so it looked like your Lord Black did it. Black was sent to Azkaban and stayed there for 12 years before managing to escape. Harry knows and believes his innocence and has been in contect with him but is unable to go and live with him and away from my aunt, uncle, and cousin. He needs his mother and brother. There are fun events planned this year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Which, if he is willing, Perseus may attend. But I would have him talk to Lady Hecate before term so she may unlock his magical core that was dominated by his mythical core. He will keep all powers he has as a demigod son of Poseidon but will also have those powers of a wizard. This summer England will be hosting the Quidditch World Cup. We have 2 top box tickets reserved for you and young Perseus seeing how Mr. Potter already has a top box ticket. And this year Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. The rules have been altered so no child who isn't of age , 17 years or older, may enter. Mr. Potter will be arriving at the Weasley residence Sunday at 5 o'clock. I hope you are well.

Lord Ragnok

I starred at the letter. My baby boy was alive! All this time i have thought he was dead.

And my sister and her horrid husband have been abusing him. Oh when i get my hands on them!

Sirius was sent to Azkaban. Pettigrew betrayed us. I do hope Sirius is ok and i hope Wormtail rots in Tartarus.

Percy will enjoy Quidditch. Wait what was i going to tell Percy! How can i tell him he has a twin brother? And how am I suppose to tell Chiron? EVERYONE thinks that Percy is the only half-blood son of Poseidon.

I sighed. I'll worry about that later. Right now i must right to Dumbledor. I've got some time. Percy isn't due back for another couple hours. I'll right a letter to Harry and Remus as well.

Dumbledor's POV:

I was in my office discussing some things with Minerva when an owl swooped in with a letter.

Albus Dumbledor

Headmasters office

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The hand writing was familiar.

"What is it Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"Well Minerva it is a letter. And the hand writing on the front is Lily Potter's hand writing." She gasped.

"You- You don't think that- maybe-?" "We won't know till the letter is read Minvera" I opened it and began to read.

Dear Albus,

I know you believed me to be dead. But I am not. James and I fled to America, with some one else, when Lord Voldemort attack our home. We some how were unable to flee with Harry. I don't know how. But for the past 13 years James and I have believed him to be dead. But Lord Ragnok has informed me other wise. I shall be returning to England with the some one else James and I fled with. The some one else is Harry's twin brother Perseus Achilles Jackson-Potter. He prefers to go by Percy. I have lived in New York for the past 13 years with the name 'Sally Jackson' so Percy has gone by the last name 'Jackson' for his whole life. So please don't expect him to respond to Potter. I am pretty sure he will want to continue with Jackson or else it will confuse him. Harry has yet to know about him. The only people who do know is myself, James, Padfoot, and Remus. Most fortunately Peter Pettiigrew, the man who betrayed us to the Dark Lord, does not know about Percy. Albus, I just recently learned that Percy is a Wizard. I will train him myself so he is not behind, and I would like to ask upon you is he may attend Hogwarts this year. I am aware of the event happening there. An di will not tell him nor Harry because I want them surprised. I will be writing to Harry and hopefully seeing him again on Sunday. Percy and I will go with him to the World Cup. Of coarse after I have had words with Petunia and Vernon. James will not be with us an di will explain in person. It is something I cannot trust to put into a letter without the risk of it getting lost and some one else finding it. I await your answer. I hope you are well.


I had tears in my eyes as i read the letter and reread it. Unaware that Severus and Hagrid had joined Minerva and I.

"Albus? What is it? What is in Lily's letter?" Minvera asked bringing me back to reality. I sighed.

"Lily Potter is alive."

Harry's POV:

I was on my bed waiting for night to come. I had just sent my letter to Ron telling him that my aunt and uncle were allowing me to come to the Quidditch world cup with him and his family. I heard a tapping from the window and saw a unknown barn owl. I opened the window and it held out its leg. I relieve it of its burden and it flew to Hedwigs cage. I looked at the front of the letter

Harry James Potter

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey

The hand writing was familiar. I couldn't place my finger on who's it was. I opened it and read

My Dearest Harry,

I know you think me to be dead, but I'm not sweetheart. On the night Lord Voldemort attacked we, as in your father James, me, and some one else fled. We do not know how you had not come with us because I am 100% percent sure your father and I both had held one of your arms so you would come with us. For 13 years we have been in New York. That's in North America. And we believed that you were dead. But when I got a letter saying you were alive I was so happy! My baby was alive! In the time being here in NY I have been known as 'Sally Jackson'. That 'some one else' I mentioned earlier is your twin brother. His name is Perseus Achilles Jackson-Potter. But he prefers to be called Percy. He has gone with the last name 'Jackson his whole life so don't expect him to respond to Potter. Harry, I wish i could say more but i don't have much time. I still have to tell Percy of my life as Lily Potter and of you. He isn't home yet. I will explain more when i see you. We will be arriving at Privet drive Sunday at noon. We both will be coming with you to the QWC. Your father will not be coming but Percy and I will explain why in person. I can not wait to see you again my love.


Lily Potter

I starred at my mothers letter. She was alive! Dad maybe alive! I have a twin brother! How come no one ever told me? Did anyone know? A million questions rolled around in my head. I grabbed some paper and a pen and began one of my two letters. I wrote one to Ron then another to Sirius. I gave them to the owl that came with my mom's letter and let it out he window.

I neatly folded my letter and ran down stairs screaming "AUNT PETUNIA!"

"What?" she said as I ran into the living room. I held out my letter to her. "A letter from my mom came." She paled some and with a shaking hand took it and began to read. Uncle Vernon and Dudley were watching. Uncle Vernon had a look of utmost disbelief as Dudley was confused. As Aunt Petunia read on she grew paler and paler. She looked up at me, then to Vernon. "L-Lily. S-She's alive! A-and J-James maybe too! V-Vernon, H-harry has a TWIN! " she stuttered.

Uncle Vernon grew pale as well and Dudley looked shocked.

"There-There's more Vernon. She and h-his twin b-brother are coming tomorrow. A-At noon. Before the boy leaves with those Weasley's."

Uncle Vernon grew even more pale.

"Aunt Petunia. May I have my letter back? Then I will go upstairs and leave you all alone." I said.

With a shaking hand she gave me the letter back and I quickly went up to my room.

I was so happy. My mum and possibly my dad were alive. I had a sibling. And I might finally be leaving the Dursley's for good!

I laid down and slowly went to bed with a smile on my face.

Ron's POV:

We were eating dinner when a barn owl arrived. It was caring a letter with Harry's hand writing.

"Who is it from Ron?" Asked my Dad.

"I think Harry. It is his hand writing. But I Don't know who's owl this is." There was another addressed to Sirius. I quickly took my letter off and it took off with the other.

"There were two." Percy said.

"Yes but the other wasn't addressed to any of us. It was addressed to some one else Percy."


I rolled my eyes and opened the letter.

Ron- and Hermione if you are there

I just got a letter from my mom! She is alive and my dad maybe also! I'll explain more of the letter in person. But I'll tell you this, Mom says i have a twin BROTHER! His name is Perseus. But prefers to be called Percy. Mom and Percy are coming to the Dursley's tomorrow at noon. And will be coming with us to the QWC. I promise to explain more in person


My mouth hung open in shock. I gave the letter to Hermione. She read it and, like me, had her jaw slack in shock.

"Ron honey, what is it? What is it Harry wrote?" Mum asked.

"Harry, h-his mum and possibly his dad are alive." I said.

"What?!" Everyone said. Dad took the letter and read ten gave it to mom.

"That's what Harry's letter says. Also Harry has a twin brother" Dad said. Mum had tears in her eyes.

We were all in shock. Harry's parents were alive? And he had a twin.

Hermione spoke up "He said that his mother and brother are coming to his Aunt and Uncles house tomorrow at noon. Then will be coming with us to the World Cup."

We went to bed that night with questions for Harry and his mom and brother, Percy.

Sirius's POV:

I was in the small abandoned house I had found in Asia with Buckbeak the hippogriff. Hedwig had come earlier with Harry's latest later. I was happy he was going to the QWC with the Weasley's. There a good family. I'm glad Harry has them. I was about to go to bed when a barn owl came in. It had a letter in Harry's hand writing. Confused as to who's owl this is and concerned as to why Harry wrote again this quickly. I opened the letter and read.


I just got a letter from my mother. She and my father survived the attack. They fled when HE came but did not know why I had not gone with them. They made sure they had a hold on me before fleeing. For the past 13 years they believed me to be dead as I believed the same of them. They have been in New York in America this whole time and mom had gone under the name 'Sally Jackson'. She didn't write much about dad. She just said she would explain more 'bout him in person. Did you know I had a twin brother? Named Perseus? If so then why haven't you told me? Mum and Percy are coming to the Dursley's tomorrow at noon and will be going to the QWC as well. As I said in my earlier letter I will be at the Weasley's. Please write back soon. I hope you and Buckbeak are well.


Lily was alive? Percy as well? I knew James was because Moony and I know he is really Lord Poseidon. But he prefers it if we call him James. Thank the gods Pettigrew never knew about James and Percy. I was ecstatic. My sister and nephew in everything but blood were alive. And Harry might finally be taken away from the despicable Dursley muggles! I cannot wait to see Lily and Percy again.

Remus's POV:

I was in my small apartment drinking tea. Sense I could not find a home or job in the magical world I found shelter and work in the muggle world. While I was drinking tea a barn owl came in with a letter address to me in oh so familiar hand writing. With a shaking hand i took the letter and the owl took off I opened it to see more of the familiar letters


you like every one else believe I am dead. But I am not. You know 'James' isn't either. And neither is your godson Perseus. When the Dark Lord attacked James got us out of there. But we do not know why Harry hadn't come with us. We believe for 13 years that he was dead. But I received a letter from gringotts saying he was alive! Percy and I will be going to the Dursleys Sunday at noon. Then later will be going with Harry to the Quidditch World Cup. Percy is well and growing stronger with all his training. His mythical core dominated his magical core. As Harry's magical dominated his mythical. But Percy's magical core was unlocked so both cores are even and Harry's mythical core will be unlocked soon. They will need all their powers for the future. Percy is apart of a prophecy like Harry. They will need all their powers for their prophecies. I do so hope you are well.


Lily and Percy were alive! And what did she mean Percy was part of a prophecy? And Harry's demigod core was dominated by his magical one will visa versa with Percy, now that was odd. But understanding since Percy was born 3 minutes before Harry. I cannot wait to see my sister and godson.

Hey guys! I know there were a lot of POV's in this chapter but it would of been better then several short chapters. Saved me a lot of time too.

Please Review!