*Sigh* here we go again.

I had just finished Necessarius Tour and barely had enough sleep before jumping up and try to entertain you all...

Review answers for Necessarius Tour chap 6 time!

Loopsey: It's like everytime people asks me to write more, I just want to quote Sweetwater from Battlefield Bad Company: "With what? Happy thoughts?!" Incase you readers didn't noticed it, I'm running out of ideas here, so a little help would be helpful. Just a subject to steer me in the right direction.

FlyingCow65: My fic was at a dead end until I remembered Febrie. She was just so cute I couldn't resist. I mean! Just let her stand next to Othinus! I don't plan on writing more of the same subject, but I'll still include it in as many fics as I can.(Most likely, this would be my final fic before I give up on humanity and stop writing OTP.)

Othinus(?!): Well, that's quite a name change. It made me feel bad that I'm stopping my OTP fics. Either way, now with another daughter like character, things just has to progress in a way that made Kamijou Touma roll in misfortune.

Okay! I will repeat this! I need ideas! So if you want me to continue, think of a subject for me to write! I'm half interested in Hawaii, but what happened to it after NT3 anyway? Maybe a school trip...but, restricted character limit.

Okay, story time!

Disclaimer: If I can adjust font size, I'll keep this at the smallest size possible. I do not own TAMNI.

Either way, let's move on with the story!

Actually before story can move on, let's have a look at the "Aftermath" of Index's trip to England.

Shall we?

Kamijou Touma was seriously confused.

The last few days was so strange on so many different levels he didn't know where to begin.


"YOU IDIOT! ! ! ! ! !"-As soon as he stepped into class, the walking power plant that is Misaka Mikoto threw a billion volt of electricity at his face.

Although it was negated with ease, he is still horrified.


"It's because!"-Then, Mikoto stopped as she realize she has no idea how to bring up that subject.

"WHAT!?"-Kamijou pressed, as he took an actual fighting pose.

It was only by chance he got into that pose, as he is unaware of it himself, but Academy City #3 has sweats pouring out from that action alone.

'Had...had he took enough that he is angry at me? If he decided to fight for real! ! !'

Mikoto could take on and army and won. But to the hero of WWIII, Saviour of the Misaka network, and her, and many more female characters, and a god, she was all she was. A middle school girl.

"If you want to drop a Railgun rain on me, fine! Or a giant lightning that blacked out the entire city! Fine! But tell me! WHY?!"

"Eek! Ah..."-The girl shakily brought up her phone and opens a certain picture.

"Oh...this is...Ah right! I was gonna tell you that but..."


"A billion volt of a lightning spear."-Kamijou deadpanned.

With that, the girl shrunk again.

"Yes, so Othinus decided to took her in, and by complete chance, we got our own apartment. Hopefully close by."

"W-well. Is she doing good?"

"Ah, Index is takng care of her."

"?! That nun?! I can't see her taking care for anyone!"

"Well, she's growing up. After she became an actual nun, she seems contended to work. AND she was paid monthly by Necessarius now."-Was the boy's answer.

It made Mikoto felt slightly shameful.

Everyone is moving forward. They are advancing further and further. That idiot's back seems even smaller as they were before.

Only her is still standing there.

If that nun is making her own progress, she has to try something new to.

"Say...say Touma."-She looked up...





But the boy wasn't there.

"Eh?"-Turning to look, she saw he was dragged away by the other two Delta Force member.

He was locked in an idiotic conversation of mixing bunny girls and maids together.

At that, Mikoto calm her thoughts.

'Okay. I'll change. I'll try to improve myself to catch up to him. But...'

"DON'T JUST FORGET ABOUT ME IDIOT! ! !"-A bolt of lightning came through again.

She still has her complex about number of appearances.

And, as mentioned above, the small cute blonde that is Febrie was being taken care by Index.

Having a small girl nearby really made the nun try to be a good role model. She still lacks cleaning ability and cooking, but heating up food from the fridge is now capable. Her character is slowly changing with the passing days, surprising both Kamijou and Othinus.

"Hm? What's this?"-Kamijou looked at the small piece of paper with some ingredient written on it.

"I tested some ingredient to came up with a better recipe for existing dishes."-Index said as she was drawing a picture with Febrie.

"You? Did this?!"

"Toumaaaa! Why are you refusing to believe I made it?!"

"Ah! Sorry! It's just rare that you are working, Index-san."

"Well..."-Index's eyes glinted for a short moment-"We are a family right?"


"So I wanted to help out..."

"I see."

"And that Touma cooks better food!"-Index's eyes sparkled.

"I'm torn between patting your head and yelling 'That's your real intention?!' right now, but I'm glad you are willing to help, Index."-Kamijou smiled.

"Papa? Dinner?"-Febrie turned to them.

"Yes, yes."-Kamijou looked back to the apron wearing goddess that is cooking dinner-"Dinner should be ready soon."

"Come on, Febrie! Let's go take a bath!"-Index quickly leads the smaller girl into the bathroom, with a radiant smile on their faces.

The preparation for the move is reaching final stage.

"Alarm clock. Keep. Good luck charm? I have no luck, but must be from dad. Keep."

"Old clothes...guess we can leave them."

"Sphinx litter box, leave."

The cat purred as if saying "Then what I'm I going to litter on?"

Meanwhile, Othinus dug up a treasure.

"Family album! Kamijou Touma special!"

"?! That exist?!"

As they skimmed through, Kamijou gets a better understanding of his life before losing his memories, and Othinus found enough teasing material for...pretty much a life time.

"We can leave the bed. Manga collection..."

"Keep."-Index voiced. It's one of the only past time she got. Even with perfect photographic memory.

"TV, leave. We're getting a new one there."-Othinus had just finished packing her clothes.

"Fridge content? Keep."

"Oh look, your test grades."

"Laugh all you want."

The conversation dragged on.

Quite the family, huh?

"The new neighbors are here! Misaka Misaka cheered as she runs for the door!"-As soon as the doorbell rang, Last Order got up and opens the door.

It went awfully quiet.





So quiet that Accelerator thought Last Order was being kidnapped.

Flicking on his choker, the boy jumped to the door, ready for some ass kicking.

But what he got blew any expectation he might be having.

"Fucking hero?!"


"The fuck are you here?!"

"I just moved next door!"

"I'll kill you you motherfucking hero! ! ! !"

"WHATTTTTTT?! ?!"-When Academy City #1 said that, one better hope he was joking.

Catching the commotion, the rest of the two family gathered at the door.

"Othinus-chan? You're moving here?"-Yomikawa asked, recognizing her fellow teacher.

"Uhm. We recently got this and..."

"? Is that the guy who beat Accelerator to a pulp back in the Level 6 shift?"-Yoshikawa peered in.

"That's it! I'm killing you, fucking hero! Get your will ready!"

"He?! Beat Accelerator?!"-The Anti Skill member is confused and slightly horrified, gawking at the familiar boy now in totally new light.

"Hey! I got beat up just as bad! Even worse!"-Kamijou defended himself.

"Papa! Strange people!"-Febrie got into view, clinging to Kamijou's shirt.

Her cute presence alone was enough to calm down everyone.

Last Order, seeing the Chemicaloid, and recognizing her as the one they saved from STUDY's plan, is easy to make friends.

After finally calming down, Accelerator switched off his choker, and small talks ensued.

But the two main protagonist felt that they are missing something very important.



"Othinus?"-A female voice about highschool age called out.



And it came.


"You are here."

"And you are here."

The two girls connected the dots...



And soon turned to the two heroes with a grin on their faces.

Accelerator and Kamijou Touma paled.

They only exchange a short glance before pulling out their cell phones.

"Boy's night out?"

"Right. I'll call Hamazura and Tsuchimikado."

"Then I'll call Unabara."

It was clear they would still receive horrendous things when they get back, but, it would still be for the best.

"Hamazura said bowling alley. And he brought his old friend."

"Shitty bowling?"-Accelerator didn't refused that, however.

"Papa/Accelerator? Where are you going?"

"Out!"-Was all the crippled boy said before turning on his choker, escaping WORST grasp and into the elevator.

"Sorry Febrie. I'll be out for a while with...Uncle Accel. Yes! Uncle Accel! So stay here and behave yourself! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"-He dashed to the elevator, dodging an attack from Othinus.

"Wait!"-The two girls quickly tries to reach the elevator, using their esper power and magic even, but Kamijou negated them all before Accelerator controlled the vector to forcefully close the door and sends it down.

The two heroes survived.

For now.

If one were to look carefully, their coordination was at a level even Othinus would consider. That teamwork between them really is rare to see.


"They'll kill us tonight..."

Then, let's drink themselves to a stupor, huh?

"Lead the way, hero."

"No, you first."

And there! This is a short chapter that is most filling in before we get into the real thing. I don't know how much I would be writing, but I hope it's long enough.

Anyway! Reviews and favs please! Ideas and Suggestion are welcome!
