Runa's pov:

"Come on Slyskin, Ember, lets head back to Berk. I bet dad and Hiccup are missing use."

I got a couple of grunts out of both my dragons. Before I hopped onto Slyskin's saddle with Ember on my shoulder I shouted out to my friend Svala.

"See you later girl!"

"Bye Runa come back anytime!"

I smiled and patted Slyskin's neck.

"Let's go hun."

I felt him take off from my friend's island and headed in the direction home. I had always enjoyed going to see my friend upon my dragon's back. When she first found out that even I, Stoick the Vast's daughter, had her own dragons. Boy, she was shocked. I looked out onto the horizon to see rubbish floating on the ocean's surface. What the…? I heard my dragons let out a low growl as we took higher sky. I was able to get a glance of some Vikings swimming to whatever they could find to hold onto. That's when I saw him. Dagur. He was sitting on a wooden plank with his arms wrapped around his knees. His head was down and he looked stiff. What was he doing out here? And where was his helmet?

"Come on Slyskin, faster!"

He let out a small roar and took off. I looked back once more and I could've sworn that Dagur had looked up at us. I shook it off and focused on getting home.

Dagur's pov:

Another failed attempt to bring down Berk. I sigh as I hug my knees. Hiccup may be small in size but that didn't make it at all easy to defeat him in battle. He had his ideas to manage slipping through my grasp every time! Wait what was that? I looked up at the sky where I heard a faint roar. I saw the outline of a dragon and something or someone on its back. From what I could tell it didn't look like Hiccup or his friends. It didn't even look like the chief himself. So who was that? I couldn't be…or could it?

Runa's pov:

I felt Slyskin land on Berk. I was greeted by my brother, Hiccup, and my father, the chief.

"Runa! My daughter! Welcome home!"

"Did you enjoy your trip sis?"

"Hello dad it's good to be back. And Hiccup don't I always enjoy my trips?"

"Good point."

I laughed and messed up his hair. I began to look around.

"What happened while I was gone?"

I heard my dad sigh.

"Dagur happened. He planted Smokebreaths on Berk and then proceeded to attack. Luckily for us we have Hiccup."

"Yeah I was able to use the Smokebreaths against him."

I nodded in an understanding way.

"So where are the Smokebreaths now?"

"I'm about to help Trader Johann take them back to their island."

"And the metal?"

"Were going through it as soon as their on their way."

"Okay, well let me just put my stuff away and we will help you."

"Whatever you want to do."

I lead Slyskin over to our house and took off one of my saddle bags. I patted him on the neck before going inside. Ember had jumped off my shoulder and curled up on the floor. I smiled and went up to my room. I sat down my bag and laid down in my bed. I let out a sigh. So it was Dagur's fault my village looked like this. I had really been hoping it wasn't. Dagur may be a little on the crazy side but that didn't mean everyone had to fear him. I sure didn't. I closed my eyes and began to remember back when we were friends.

It was a long time ago when Dagur and I were the same age, and Hiccup was only 6. Dagur and I were both 10. He had come with his father to sign the Peace Treaty, like they did every year. Usually his sister would come instead of him. But she had disappeared, and Oswald thought it was time Dagur was there. I was with Hiccup at the docks waiting for them to show, when our dad walked up. We saw the ships outline the horizon. I looked down to Hiccup to see him excited to see everyone. I gave a small smile as I was indeed looking forward to seeing this Dagur. When the ships arrived Oswald and our dad took no time in catching up. While Hiccup and I looked over to a tall kid that had an interesting helmet on that made him look even taller. Hiccup bounced up to him and said in such a cute voice "hi", I had giggled when Dagur looked down at him and had a questioning look upon his face. I then caught Dagur's eye. I watched as he grinned at me and then proceed to reach out for my hand. I let him take it and got a shock when he kissed it. Hiccup looked disgusted while I only blushed.

"You must be Runa, my sister talked a lot about you."

"Oh well hopefully good things."

I smiled and it seemed to brighten him up some.

"I'm Hiccup!"

I looked down at my brother who I guess was feeling left out. Dagur's eyes left mine and looked down as well. I watched as he said,

"You sure are."

My eyes darted to his and glared at him menacingly. Everyone picked on Hiccup just because he was smaller than normal. Hiccup is what we call small things. And Dagur had just crossed the line. No one picked on my baby brother! He must've seen it because he looked confused. I grabbed Hiccup's hand and lead him away.

"Come on Hiccup let's go play!"

"Yay! Play!"

I looked back at Dagur to see him talking to his dad. I didn't know what they were talking about and I didn't care. No one was going to pick on Hiccup.

Just then I heard a knock at my door.

"Runa? Are you coming to help?"

"Yeah, I'll be out there in a minute!"

I heard dad leave. I shook off my thoughts and jumped downstairs. I met up with Slyskin outside.

"Come on hun, we got some metal to get home."

He let out a roar as I jumped on and flew off. We were able to track down the other riders at the site.

"Runa! Your back!"

"Indeed, now what are we going to do about this mess?"

"Sort through it and take it back."

"Alright well let's get to work, we can catch up later."

Everyone nodded and began a section of the nest. I looked through the nest when I saw it. I reached down and pulled out Dagur's helmet. So this is where it had gone. I should've known. I was about to toss it when I felt my insides give way. I looked at it again before slipping it into the other saddle bag I had on Slyskin. Luckily I always keep two with me when I go out, only to use one.

"Hey Runa you find anything?"

"Umm just some more metal objects you know these Smokebreaths always with the metal."

I heard them laugh and continue sorting. I looked back at my saddle bag before I continued as well.