Hiccup's pov:

The other riders and I were on our way back from Dragon Island. We still hadn't found Runa yet. My worries were getting stronger by the minute. Where was she? Why did she leave? Why didn't she tell me? I sighed. Runa and I had been so close when I was small or smaller that is. But as soon as she was promised to Dagur she spent less and less time with me. It was all about him. That's all she thought about it seemed. I had started working at the forge soon after. It really helped me not feel so alone. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Astrid flew up next to Toothless and I.

"Don't worry Hiccup, we will find her soon."

She smiled as she finished causing me to smile in return.

"Thanks Astrid."

She nodded and let me take the lead again. Astrid was right. They would find her. I just hoped that she was safe, where ever she was.

Dagur's pov:

I was eating breakfast with Runa back at the house. I silently thanked her for coming to find me because once she told me to eat I started to feel really hungry. We ate silently; thankfully she was the only one in her family who didn't smack their food. Once we were done I got up and helped her out of her seat.

"So what are you doing today Dagur?"

"Just some more chief stuff, you know sorting out a few minor things so we can go on with the plan."

She giggled and I kissed her forehead.

"You can come with me if you want or relax around the village with your dragons."

"Hmm, how about I met up with you later?"

"As you wish my love."

"Oh but first…"

I watched her as she ran upstairs for something. It didn't take long at all to watch her come right back with what looked to be a saddle bag off her dragon. I watched in curiosity as she pulled out something. When she showed me what it was I almost ripped it out of her hands.

"Sorry I forgot about it last night."

She handed over my helm. I smiled at her before putting it on. It felt so good to have it back on my head again. Believe it or not but most Vikings feel incredible naked without their helm. I kissed her deeply feeling warmth seep into my veins as she kissed me back.

"Thank you Runa, my sweet."

We both walked out the door before she jumped onto that Changewing of hers with the Terrible Terror in the saddle bag. I watched as she flew off in one direction before I went the other way to do my job.

The Berserkers were arriving once again, just like every year at this time. Only this time Hiccup was not excited. In truth I had been in the past years when I was younger. I had been excited to see my sister get really happy as not a lot of things did that anymore. It was because of Dagur she got that way. I didn't understand why just because of one person she seemed to cheer up almost instantly at the sound of his name. Dad said it was because Dagur and Runa were the same age so they connected more. I felt sad when I heard this. Runa and I were supposed to be closer than anyone else. It had always been that way and now Dagur was stealing her away from me. I sighed as I remembered last year how I stood up to Dagur and what he did to me.

Dagur and Runa were hanging around each other as usual but then dad came over and asked to speak with Runa privately. So dad and sis left Dagur standing there alone. I didn't think much of him but then I noticed that he was walking out to the forest. I wondered what he was up to so I followed him. I followed him a ways away from the village only to find him torturing a little Terrible Terror before he chopped it head off. He began to laugh a most strange almost insane laugh. It sent shivers up my spin. This was the guy who my sister was promised to?! This guy was insane! Gods only know what would happen if Runa actually married him! I gulped and stepped out from behind the tree of where I was watching and asked,

"Why would you do that?"

Dagur turned to see me standing there and gave me this creepy smirk.

"Well now what do we have here? What are you doing out here Hiccup?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Me? Well I was just killing a nuisance dragon. That's all."

"How was that little thing being a nuisance to you?"

I watched as he looked at me closely.

"All dragons are nuisances."

I sighed, there was no use arguing with him but I wasn't about to let him get away with marrying my sister without me saying something.

"I don't like you Dagur."

"What? What did I do Hiccup?"

"You're insane! That's what! I don't think I want you marrying my sister."

I watched in horror as his fists clenched together and his eyes were set ablaze. He was truly a monster.

"What did you say Hiccup?!"

"I said I don't want you to marry Runa!"

Just then I was pinned against the very same tree I had been hiding behind.

"Runa is mine Hiccup! No one will stop me from marrying her!"

I winced as he growled into my face and started crushing me against the tree.

"No! She deserves someone better than you! You're a monster!"

With that he let me go, I thought I had gotten through with him but I was dead wrong he grabbed me by my shirt and went over to a nearby lake. Before I could do anything he pushed my head under the water's surface. I kicked and thrashed as hard as I could only to have him pull me back up and put me under again. He did this several times before I grew tired and then he threw me off to the side and stood before me.

"Runa is mine. Got it?!"

I couldn't move because of exhaustion but I managed to spit on his boot. This got me a hard kick in the stomach. I fell over in pain and heard Dagur laughing before he left. A few hours later I managed to get up and make my way back to the village. I saw Dagur and Runa hanging out again but this time I saw Dagur getting real close to her. I watched as their foreheads touched and Dagur told her that he loved her. To my horror I heard Runa say she loved him back. No, I thought, I had lost my sister to a monster.