I'm too good. I made double the amount of money I was suppose to get. I don't think Kuririn needs to know that though. I'll just put it in there. If I tell him that I made that much, he'll wonder how and then my secret would be out. Like it matters, it would only ruin Hercule.

Juuhachi shrugged it off and walked lightly towards the exit. Kuririn has been gone a long time. I told him to be careful.

Marron's small hand squeezed hers. "Mommy, can we go find Daddy now?" She was starting to look tired but she refused to sleep unless Kuririn were there to say sleep well to her. She was a little daddy's girl.

Juuhachi smiled. She picked her daughter up and hugged her. "Dad will meet us at home when he's finished playing hero. Then he will have something to tell you a bedtime story with."

"How cute. Is this your daughter?"

Juuhachi turned around and saw a man approach her. The man was dressed in a trench coat, sunglasses and had his hair pulled back. The coat was lightly open so you could see his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans.

"At least she got your hair. She looks to much like her father though."

"Who are you? Back off before I take you out."

The guy laughed and took off is sunglasses. His eyes were a perfect match to hers. Juuhachi looked at his pulled back hair. It was a beautiful jet-black and from where it hung in the pony it was about shoulder length.

"Juunanagou." She gasped. She set Marron on the ground. "Sweet Heart go over there and sit down. I'm gonna talk to this guy for a minute."

"Yes mommy." Marron ran obediently to the bench by the wall. As she climbed onto the bench she laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Juuhachi snapped.

"I came to see you win. The first female to win and the first android. But then no; you had to let me down for the best interest of your family." Juunana responded lightly. "I hope the money was worth it."

"It will be. Kuririn and I need it. With Master Roshi's stupid rent and the fact that fighting doesn't pay any more. You know that." Juuhachi stated defensively.

"I know. I just want you to look past these humans and see your true strength. You should have won today and yet you didn't. You married him and you forgot about everything we androids should have. I can't believe you weren't proud enough to want that victory, it was right there." Juunana glared at her. "You left me. Now you see what is happening to you? You're going soft. You want to protect your new family. So if you wanted to protect them so much how come I didn't know about that one until today?" he pointed at Marron.

Juuhachi looked away from him and from the direction he pointed in. "I didn't think you would care. I did leave you and I didn't want you to over react." Why is he pretending he actually cares? He would have hated me even more if I told him I was pregnant before I left him. Also why is he acting rushed?

"This won't be the last time we see each other, and I do miss you. I'm very disappointed though. You had him in your grasp." He put his sunglasses back on and walked away.

Marron jumped down. "Bai bai." She waved at Juunana.

He turned and smiled as he disappeared before the crowds enclosed him.

"Juuhachi? What happened? How did he beat you?" Bulma shouted as she walked closer.

"He over-powered me." Juuhachi glared at her. Maybe I actually will regret this...