Chapter 22.

Belle frowned, tossing another item aside. She'd thought trying to make an inventory of all the items in the shop might help, but it was a long and tedious process. Plus, you could never quite tell what might mean the world to someone that looked so plain to the naked eye, she thought of her own chipped teacup and bit back a smile as she heard the bell on the door sound as someone entered.

She turned around and the smile on her face faltered at the sight of the Evil Queen…Regina, whatever she was known as. She frowned as she silently climbed down the ladder. The woman looked somehow different than usual; somewhat anxious, Belle noted, as she felt her own, old anxieties flush through her body.

"Can I help you?" she asked dumbly.

Regina stepped up to the counter, "Could we… talk for a moment?"

Belle frowned; talk? What the hell did that even mean?

"Uh, I suppose so," she answered apprehensively.

Regina nodded but hesitated, "Is Rumple around?" she regretted asking the moment she said it as the younger woman took an automatic step backwards and looked over her shoulder nervously, "I don't mean… I just mean I would prefer not to be overheard," she said hurriedly, "I'm not going to…hurt you, I swear."

Belle couldn't help being suspicious, "He's out," she said simply.

Regina looked relieved but still tense as she settled her hands on top of the glass counter that stood between the two women, "I don't quite know how to do this…or what to say, so I'm just going to…say it," her eyes were downcast until this point when she looked up, connecting eyes with Belle, "I am truly sorry for what I did to you," she said quietly.

Usually Belle would shrug off such an apology from the Evil Queen, who was never sorry for anything she did; no matter how horrible, but the tears in Regina's eyes spoke to her more than her words. She wasn't the kind of woman to fake emotion to get her way, in fact, she would much sooner do the opposite.

"Is that why you let me go…free, if you can call it that, with the curse?" Belle asked, feeling a little stronger now that it seemed Regina was on the back foot in this situation.

Regina nodded, "Yes. I didn't want to keep you locked up for so long… I couldn't – "

"Why?" Belle questioned, "You've done worse than lock innocent people up Regina, why is it me you let go? Why is it me that you're apologizing to?"

Regina clenched her fists as she tried to hold her ground, "Because I…" she faltered, "You were not just another prisoner, Belle. You were…different," she finished, somewhat pathetic and deflated.

"You cared about me," Belle answered; it was a statement, not a question, "Don't you think I could see it? And then you just vanished, because I scared you. Your feelings towards me scared you."

Regina looked away and crossed her arms protectively over her chest, "Yes," she simply answered.

"You could have kept me locked up here, though… or taken my heart," pondered Belle, "You could have had whatever it was you wanted from me... So why didn't you?"

Regina hesitated, "Because I didn't deserve you," she mumbled.

Belle's eyes were squinted, trying to figure out the other woman; she'd never seen her like this, she was always so cold, detached and here she was almost crying in front of her, "No, you didn't," she agreed.

"I'm sorry," Regina whispered, "For locking you up, for the curse, for everything."

Belle continued studying the older woman, once a force that had seemed so big, so terrifying and now looked like nothing more than a small, shivering child. Belle sighed, "It's okay," she replied, "I forgive you."

Regina looked up and a tear snaked itself down her cheek, "You…you do?"

Belle nodded, "Yes, I do," she paused, "You were desperately trying to get control… and I know that Snow White wasn't the only reason you cast that curse, Regina. You know, your eyes give away much more than your words; they always have," she paused, "You're changing, the whole town see's that. I'd be hypocritical if I didn't give you a chance."

Regina wiped her cheeks hurriedly, "You give me much more than I deserve, and I thank you," she said quietly, "If there is ever anything I can do… well, I owe you."

Ruby hurried her steps when she saw Regina leaving the pawn shop, frowning as she swung the door open.

"Belle?" she called, "Everything okay?"

Belle appeared behind the counter, sighing as she saw her friend, "I'm fine, Rubes."

"What the hell did Regina want?" Ruby was still in protective mode.

Belle shrugged, before looking down, "She…well, she apologized."

Ruby snorted, "Why? What did she need?"

The other woman shook her head, "It wasn't like that, Rubes. She didn't want anything. I- I think she really meant it."

Ruby still looked skeptical, "You're too nice, Belle."

"But I'm not stupid," Belle shot back, "You weren't there… Even when I was locked up…" she sighed, shrugging.

Ruby frowned, "What? You never talk about it…which is fine, that's your choice and I don't want to push you. I just don't like her coming around here," she admitted.

"I don't think she'd hurt me, Ruby," Belle said softly, "She was genuine. I know Regina, I can tell. Trust me."

Ruby couldn't just accept that as easily as Belle seemed to, but she nodded, trying to appease her best friend.

Emma yawned as she poured herself another coffee and slumped on the couch; she was bored. It had been nice to have a holiday and explore this quaint little town, but Regina was always in and out to the office and there was only so much day time television you could watch. She sighed; she needed to find something to do.

This day was slightly different though; Regina wasn't at work, she was going to see Belle and that had Emma's stomach writhing with more than worry. Of course, she was worried it wouldn't go well and she knew Regina would be upset if that was the case. But there was something in Regina's eyes when she talked about Belle, that pulled something in Emma's gut. She supposed it was jealousy, which was stupid, they had true love; surely, there was no reason to be jealous.

Her attention diverted as soon as she heard the door and she bounded down it to greet her.

"How'd it go?" she asked.

Regina smiled at the evident concern in her girlfriend's eyes, "It went quite well," she divulged, "Better than I thought."

Emma sighed with relief, "I'm glad," she smiled, "So, are you okay?"

Regina placed a hand on the blonde's cheek, "I am," she answered, "I think now I can close that door and truly move forward."

Those words sent a shock of calm through Emma's body, "You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that."

Regina smiled, "I'm sorry if I worried you, dear," she hesitated, "You know, you are the only one I want to be with. I love you."

Emma bit her lip and nodded, "I know," she replied, "I love you too," she grinned before placing a quick kiss on Regina's lips, making to pull away but Regina held her face and drew her closer, deepening the kiss until both pulled apart, slightly breathless.

"I think I need to find a job or something," Emma said suddenly, "I'm getting bored."

Regina blinked rapidly, "Are you bored right now?" she asked, pouting.

Emma smiled sheepishly, "No, not right now, I mean when you're not around and – "

"I see," Regina nodded as she thought, "Well, how about I entertain you a while and then we can find you a job?" she murmured.

Emma's eyes lit up as she noted the fire in Regina's own and nodded enthusiastically, causing Regina to laugh at her fondly, before closing the gap between them.