I'm glad I don't have to wear a uniform anymore.

I used to go to Ragako Prep but I got transferred for "Talking back to elders too much " and "giving the school a bad name for not trying."

Now I'm at public school, I'm actually a little stoked about it. I walked into my first class, Algebra II, and sat down in the very back in an empty seat. I looked around the room, all I see are a bunch of nerds. I still don't get how I'm even in this class, I'm too much a dumbass to be in advance classes. This kid with a coconut head at the very front has his eyes glued to a book. I can't tell if their a girl or a guy. The minute bell rings and more people start rushing in. This big nosed girl comes and sits in the back corner. She doesn't look so happy; neither does this undercut creep who stomps in and sits next to coconut head. The bell rings and the teacher comes in a closes the door. "Alright get started on your bell work, we have a lot to do today." The teacher sits at her computer and beings calling out roll.

"Armin Arlert" "Here!" They raise their hand like it's some big mission. I think she's a girl. I look at the bell work on the white board. I have no clue how to do this. Do you find the square root? Shit shit shit...

"Sasha Braus." The room is silent, I see a couple people give each other glance and roll their eyes. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. The boy closest to the door goes an opens it. I see him stand there and shake his head, and chuckle a little. A red headed girl rushes in and lands in her seat towards the front a couple rows to the right of me. She takes out her notebook and starts scribbling.

"Sasha, that's your 4th tardy this semester." Oh, so she's Sasha. Sasha looks up and scratches the back of her neck.

"I know Miss Ral, It won't happen again I promise." Ms. Ral stands up and goes to Sasha's desk to give her a piece of paper. "Since this is your 4th one, I'm going to have to give you lunch detention. Just 20 minutes. I'm really sorry." The girl sighs and takes the slip. Ms. Ral glances at me then double takes.

"Oh looks like we have a new student how silly of me to not notice!" She looks genuinely embarrassed and the whole class looks at me. "Hey! What's your name?" The boy who answered the door asked, she has short hard but a hard build.

"My names Connie Springer." I hear some acknowledgements as I look around and my eyes fall on Sasha's. Shes looking right at me. We were both just in a stance before I noticed my heart pumping and looked away. I took one last glance at her and noticed she had her face on her desk. Did I scare her? Oh god and she's cute too. After the commotion was over Ms. Ral went back to her desk and finished calling out roll.