It took me 9 months to finally update this story and for that, I'm so sorry. Life just got in the way, but I won't bore you with the details. I know you all have been waiting to see what's next in Bella and Landon's love story. So without further adieu, I bring to you Chapter 21!

Chapter 21: Bring Me The Night

When I close my eyes I want only to stay

Where the farthest you are is a heartbeat away

- Kina Grannis and Sam Tsui

Bella POV

I don't remember when we fell asleep, or if we ever fell asleep at all. All I knew was that we spent hours and hours just talking, catching up. We had thirty years worth of our lives apart and all we wanted was to feel whole again. I reveled in feeling Landon's warm body next to me. It's been years since I ever felt this content.

When I finally woke up, a smile made its way onto my face. Landon's strong arms were wrapped around my waist. His face was nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I turned slightly, careful not to wake him. I marveled at his peaceful sleeping face. I gently caressed his jaw, his cheeks, his temple… anywhere I could touch.

Landon's eyes fluttered open. I bit my lip at the sight of his beautiful gray eyes. God, I could drown in him forever. He smiled up at me.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said in his to-die-for morning voice.

I chuckled and leaned down to rest my forehead against his. "It is a good morning," I agreed.

His arms tightened even more around me as he gave me a gentle squeeze. "Any morning with you is always a good morning." He pressed his soft lips on my shoulder.

With a groan, I rolled over so that I could straddle him. "You, sir, are always so good with your words," I murmur, kissing his strong jaw. His arms gripped my waist.

"Careful there," he said with a slight growl. I pulled back and grinned at him.

I was still a bit sore from last night, and not wanting to push it, I settled on resting myself on his chest. My ears are pressed against his chest. I could hear the soft beats of his heart.

"You know," I started, "I've never actually had another relationship." There. I finally admitted it.

At that moment, I could have sworn that his heart skipped a beat. "What?" he asked, incredulity coating his voice.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and continued my confession. "I lied because I didn't want to seem pathetic." I scoffed at myself. "I mean, I was pathetic."

"Bella – "

I pull back a little so that I could look at him. "No, let me finish." I took a deep breath. "I just couldn't do it. I knew that no matter what I did, I would never get over you. So, I just didn't bother dating anyone."

Landon moved forward and righted himself up against the backrest of the sofa. "Surely, you at least hooked up, right? I mean, no one can say no to you." His eyes latched onto mine, confused.

At this, I blushed and shook my head. "I didn't even have any hook-ups." I bit my lip and look at him shyly.

His mouth parted open. "So you're saying that – "

"Basically, last night was the first time I've had sex in thirty years." I said the words so quickly, I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't catch my words.

"No way," he whispered. I cringed at the confession. "No wonder you were so tight – "

I squealed with embarrassment. "Oh my god, please stop!"

Landon let out a huge laugh. He moved forward and decreased the space between us. His arms wrapped around my waist. "Well, I'm glad to know that it's only ever been me," he murmured against my lips.

"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" I asked, staring at his luscious lips.

He pressed our lips together. My mouth parted open to let him devour me.

"I love that I'm the only one," he whispered, pulling away to kiss my neck. "And I love you."

I moaned at his kisses. "You're making me feel too much," I groaned.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" he asked, his voice dropping a few octaves lower. My body shivered with pleasure. He flipped us over, so that he was the one hovering over me. "How about we make your second time better that the first?"

God, I was so lost in him. We spent the better part of that morning making sure my second time having sex in thirty years was definitely better than the first. At the peak of it all, I let out a shuddering gasp. Landon fell onto me, breathing heavily, just like me. I stroked the back of his neck.

"Were you always this good?" I breathed out. I felt him smile against my collarbone.

"I could say the same to you."

After a few moments of silence, I finally had to break our long-awaited reunion. "You think that family is anxious to see us again?"

He groaned but nodded. "Oh, yeah. They've been bugging me like crazy even before you arrived last night."

"I guess it's time to face the music."

Landon and I get ready, but we take our time, and sometimes get lost in each other's presence every now and then. By 2 o'clock, we were finally ready.

We didn't even have to knock on the door. When Landon and I reached the doorstep, the front door burst open. The entire family was definitely waiting for us.

"We've been so worried!"

"Bella, I'm so sorry!"

"Where have you been?!"

"Geez, young lady, what were you thinking?"

Amidst all the chaos, Mandy pushed through all of them and was the first to wrap her arms around me.

"I've been so worried about you," she said, gripping me tightly. I returned her hug with as much fervor.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Please, come in, come in," Adrien said, ushering us inside.

And that was how Landon and I found ourselves facing the wrath of the family. Landon and I sat together on the love seat, our fingers intertwined together, a detail that didn't go unnoticed.

"Does this mean you're back together?" Ives asked, a glint of happiness in his eyes. Rhia backhanded his head. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Way to be fucking blunt about it," she hissed.

"I'm just asking what everyone else is thinking," he defended. The family looked around at each other and shrugged, most likely because Ives was right.

I looked at them and searched for Patrick. Finally, I saw him hiding behind Daniel. I glared at him.

"Patrick," I said in monotone. I could visibly see him gulp.

Go easy on him, Landon thought to me. But make him suffer. I smiled.

"Oh, she's scary," Rayne pointed out, a smirk on her lips. I could tell even she wanted Patrick to suffer a little bit. Like brother, like sister.

Patrick fell onto his knees and crawled towards me. "Oh my god, Bella. I'm so sorry! Please, please, please don't kill me. Don't hate me!" he begged.

"Well, he can't get any more pathetic than this," Ives said, chuckling. The family tried to hide their snickers.

"Patrick," I repeated. He finally looked up and met my eyes. A slow smile grew on my lips as I saw just how scared he was. "Seriously?" I asked, gesturing to his position on the ground.

"And why is she the only one getting an apology?" Landon asked him. Landon and I had talked about it last night. We weren't mad anymore. Not really. I mean, if it weren't for Patrick, how idiotic he may have been, Landon and I wouldn't be here together right now.

Patrick reached for mine and Landon's intertwined hands. "Sorry," he said again.

Landon and I looked at each other and laughed. Patrick looked at us, confused. "Oh, come here." I couldn't take it anymore. He'd suffered enough.

Both Landon and I gave Patrick a huge hug. "I'm so confused," Patrick muttered.

"We're just trying to make you suffer," Landon laughed.

"We're not mad anymore," I said. "Though you were stupid."

Patrick grinned. "So we're cool?" Landon and I nodded. Patrick jumped up onto his feet and did an embarrassing victory dance. "Okay, because really, I made this happen." He gestured towards us.

"Patrick!" everyone yelled. All he did was laugh.

"So now that this idiot has realized his mistake," Daniel started, "Is it true?"

"Yeah, are you back together?" Marc echoed Ives' previous question.

Landon and I turned to each other with smiles on our faces. We both nodded. Chaos erupted once again. When is there never any chaos in this family?

"I knew it!"

"You owe me a hundred bucks fucker."

"Landon and Bella kissing in a tree…"

"Ha! Cassandra, I told you so!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

I smiled in spite of it all. I caught Mandy's eyes. She had tears in her eyes.

Mandy? I asked.

I'm glad you're finally getting your happy ending, she said.

Thanks, Mandy.

Just don't fuck it up this time, okay? She joked.

I promise, I won't.

"I would just like to say," Ives started, standing up. "That I predicted this would happen."

Everyone groaned. "Sit the fuck down, Ives," Rayne sneered. He stuck his tongue out at her.

Landon tightened his grip on my hand. He lifted our hands up and pressed a soft kiss on my hand.

Daniel coughed and stood in the middle of the living room. Everyone hushed quiet. "Everyone, I've got something to say." He turned around and found me. Just with a simple look, I knew exactly what he was going to do.

It's time, he told me. I gasped out loud.

"Well? What do you have to say?" Cassandra asked excitedly. He must have told her to because there's no denying that pure bliss on her face.

"I made a bet to myself," he started to say, "That if Landon and Bella got together, there's something I have to do." At this point, it seemed that the rest of the family had finally caught on.

Landon turned to look at me, questioning. I nodded to answer his unasked question.

Daniel walked over to Rayne, who was looking so confused. He kneeled on one knee and pulled out the small black box. Rayne gasped. Tears filled her eyes. My heart clenched at the sight of their palpable love.

"Rayne Lana Fiore, I have loved you for eighty years and I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. I know you don't like labels, but this is more than that. It has been a blessing to call you my girlfriend for all of these years. And I think it's time that you finally become my wife, or well, fiancée first." Daniel chuckled nervously. Rayne was just staring at him in disbelief. All of our eyes were glued to the two of them.

Patrick had quickly retrieved his camera and was taking pictures left and right. None of us had the heart to tell him to stop because we all wanted to solidify this very moment.

"We've had our ups and downs, just like any relationship should, but throughout it all, we've chosen to stay together and fight everything together. It took Bella and Landon thirty years before they finally found each other again. And it's taken me the same amount of time to get the courage to finally ask you," Daniel took a deep breath, "Will you marry me?" He opened the box, revealing the beautiful ring.

It was so silent in the room that you could hear a pin drop. Tears had fallen over Rayne's cheeks.

"Say yes, stupid!" Ives hissed. Mandy groaned and covered Ives' mouth with her hand. Ives groaned, his voice muffled against her hand.

Rayne shook her head and escaped her shocked stupor. Finally, she nodded eagerly. "Yes," she said, her voice rough and scratchy. "Yes!" she repeated loudly this time.

A wide grin spread onto Daniel's lips. He put the ring on her finger. He got up onto his feet and Rayne hugged him fiercely. We all cheered and hooted for the lovely couple. I couldn't help the happy tears that also escaped my eyes.

"This is literally the happiest day of my life," Adrien announced, also wiping tears from his face. "My daughter is finally getting married."

"Aww, Dad," Rayne cried, leaving Daniel's side briefly to hug Adrien.

Landon walked over to Daniel. "About time!" Daniel chuckled as they hugged each other.

"I'm gonna take real good care of her," Daniel told Landon.

Landon nodded. "I know you will." Finally, it was Landon's turn to hug his sister. "I'm so happy for you," he told her.

She was crying on his shoulder. "Thanks, big brother." Landon gently rubs her back. I saw Rayne whisper something in Landon's ear but I didn't quite catch what she said. Landon replied with a smile and a kiss on her cheek.

Everyone took their turns congratulating the bride-to-be and groom-to-be.

"Everything is finally falling into place." Rhia appeared beside me with the most content smile I've ever seen on her face.

"Everything has gone according to plan then?" I asked her.

She looked up at me. "There were a couple of snags here and there, but yes." Without notice, she pulled me into a tight hug. I returned it instantly.

You're finally where you're supposed to be, she said.

Thanks, Rhia.

Rhia released me just as Landon finally returned to my side. "What was that about?" he asked me.

I smiled. "Nothing. Just sisterly love."

Landon looked dubious but didn't say anything. Dropping the subject, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side.

"Are you happy?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

I titled my head up and grinned. "The happiest." We lost whatever space was between us and kissed. Like always, a flash broke us apart. We glared at Patrick.

"Just doing my job!" Patrick grinned and flitted away, taking more photos of the happy engagement.

Landon and I just shook our heads and laughed. All it took was a photograph to bring us back together. I smiled and let pure bliss wash over me.

Alas, we're finally reaching the end of this story. There's only TWO MORE CHAPTERS left! Life has been a bitch to me so there hasn't been any time or any motivation for me to write. I re-read this whole story and finally had the motivation to finish the story. The next two chapters will be updated within this week, so you all have that to look forward to.

Again, I'm so sorry for going AWOL.

IMPORTANT: FanFiction has been a great and amazing experience for me. It's been almost 6 years since you all started this journey with me. You've given me so much love and I'll always be forever grateful. But I believe that the time has come for me to say goodbye to the Twilight FanFiction world. I've been losing the passion that I originally had for this world. I want to finally branch out and start creating my own stories. Twilight has been wonderful, but the characters aren't mine. I've been writing OC's for quite some time now to see if I'm capable of creating my own characters. And after all this time, I think I'm ready to create my own world, with my own characters.

You've seen me grow through my Twilight fanfiction. And Fly Back To You is going to be my last fanfiction story for quite some time. I might come back every now and then to post additional chapters, but there's no guarantee that I will.

If you're ever interested in reading my original stories, I'll keep you posted. I have links on my bio where you can find my stories.

Thank you again for all the love and support!

And like I said earlier, there are two more chapters left in this story, so we're not quite done yet. I'll see you again in a few days.