A/N: This is a fic based on my rp portrayal of A, only I genderbent him into a girl for this specific idea. Her boyfriend/ex is H/Hunter, who belongs to my best friend and is a DN Wammy OC. The chapters in this may be pretty short and really I'm just writing this because I don't plan on ever rping genderbent again, and frankly writing it breaks my usual rule of super no to genderbends due to the fact 99.99% of the time I hate them. Anyways, please enjoy, if this is your cup of tea.

It was agonizing to wait. Each second that dripped by reminded her of the way rain drops trickled down the widows so often in the gloomy England weather. It was slow, it was nerve and gut wrenching, she wanted it to be over.

As soon as the moment arrived, she stood up from her bed, regretting the fast action immediately. She placed her arm to her stomach, groaning from the sudden nausea and light headedness that swept her. Still, she didn't dawdle long.

Stepping in to her bathroom, she snatched the stick from the counter top, dainty fingers trembling.

"Please.. please..."

Her mouth went dry, her throat closed up, her heart came to a grinding halt. Two small lines of pink had never made her feel so sick, and it was ironic considering what it meant.

She backed up, slumping down on the side of the bathtub, a bitter taste in her mouth. "This can't be happening." She repeated it over and over in her head, but the test didn't just rearrange itself. Nor did the sick feeling in her stomach ease any.

As she swept her hand through long midnight hair, it fell against her back and a sigh too heavy for such a small girl left her lungs.

Alternative was pregnant. The top prodigy, the hopeful successor to the Greatest Detective in the entire world. She was so close to her goal, she could reach out and touch it. But now it seemed a million light years away from her grasp.

What was she supposed to do now? She couldn't leave, where would she go? She had no friends to tell or ask for help and couldn't be sure if Roger would assist her in any way either. She certainly could never tell him. No there was no way she could. He would demand an abortion, or worse, would beat her until..

She shook her head. No, H could never know of this. She'd just have to do her best to hide it and when the time came, she'd take care of the baby herself. It could work. At least for a little while. No doubt in a few years the child would take on features that would closely mirror one of theirs. All she could do was pray that it would look more like her, and he would never know.

Could she lie to him though? After all they'd been through, after giving every bit of herself to him, would she be able to look him in the face and lie through her teeth?

Standing up from the side of the tub and looking herself in the mirror, she knew her answer. The bruise was still fresh on her cheek, the swelling had only just gone down this morning. Yes. She could and she would lie.

H would never know he had a child.