Cream the missing rabbit chapter 15

After the wedding…

Vector was sitting on the green grass of the Chao garden with Vanilla by his side, who was fiddling with his gold chains as she rested her head on his shoulder. "This is so romantic, Vector. Look at this beautiful sunset." She said

"Sure is." Replied Vector.

Vanilla cuddled up closer to him.

"Me and Miss Vanilla." Chuckled Vector.

"Just Vanilla is fine."

"Alright then Vanilla."

Vanilla giggled. Vector gazed at the sunset.

" This sunset's almost as pretty as you."

Vanilla blushed slightly.

Vector took out a small box out of his pocket. He handed it to Vanilla.

"Open it."

She carefully undid the lid and held up a necklace.

"It's beautiful Vector, thank you!"

"Anything for you Miss- I mean Vanilla."

He fastened the necklace round her neck.

They looked into one another's eyes.

They kissed.

When they had let go, Vector felt something land on his nose.


"Hey Charmy what's up?"

"I'm gonna miss you Vector." Said Charmy, looking as if he were about to cry.

"S'alright Charms" said Vector, giving Charmy a hug.

"I love you Vector"

Vector smiled

"Me too Charmy. Me too."

"He's not the only one." Said a voice from in front of him.

"Hi Esp-whoa!"

Espio gave Vector a huge hug.

"Gonna miss you boss."

"Chaotix hug!" cried Charmy, as him and Espio piled on top of him.

"Aww… hey, slow down guys! Me and Vanilla betta be off. So, I guess this is goodbye guys."

(another chaotix hug)

The end!

Thank you everyone who has reviewed! I'm doing a sonic and tails brother fluff next, so pls follow me!
