A/N: Hello, children! So AU Matteney is back. Thank you for your thoughtful reviews! :) Sorry for making the last one short and leaving you hanging out there. So will we find out Matty's wish? ;)

DISCLAIMER: This is merely a work of fiction. No harm is intended to our dear Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox. Some events and details may be based off reality but some of them were revised out of imagination and for the purpose of our fun :p So please just enjoy Alternate Universe Matteney :)

P.S. It's meant to be super sweet, cheesy, fluffy, sappy, gooey - whatever way you want to call it.

The General Consensus



"I didn't hide them!" They heard her scream at him at the middle of a playful chase. "Courteney Bass Cox, I swear if you do not give me those shoes right now, you'll regret it!" He 'threatened' her, but it was rather unconvincing, given that the glimmer in his eyes gave his own amusement away.

Just as Chandler and Monica, Matthew and Courteney had managed to form a special bond between them which was observed by their fellow cast mates. Scenes would get messed up sometimes because the two would get caught up in their moment reveling in their own little inside jokes. Even when sitting on opposite sides of a room, they would steal small glances at each other and sneak off a smile. They have an undeniable connection that makes the others wonder what the real score between them really is.

"Come on Court, it's my only pair!" Matthew was carrying the other half of the shoes as he continued following playful Courteney around the set by his feet. "We're gonna start in ten minutes!" He added. "I didn't keep them. Why are you accusing me?" She said in a sweet tone. "Guys, a little help here?" He turned to the other four who were either making quick scans of their scripts or putting last touches on their makeups. "She's just getting back at you for hiding her earrings last week." Jennifer commented. "But that was different, they're accessories. Shoes are necessary!" Matthew said. "Oh, we don't want to get in your silly little fights. We won't want to ruin your moment either." Lisa said in a tease.

"Well my friend, you really wanna do this the hard way, huh? I'm afraid you asked for it, Court." Matthew ran towards Courteney and when he got hold of her, he tickled her on the spots he knew she had tingles on. She responded back with muffled giggles and light pinches on his cheeks. "Matty, stop it!" She said in between laughs. "I won't stop until you give me back my shoe." He smirked. "O-kayyy. you win…It's under my bed…" She said as Matthew stopped and helped her stand up. "Under your bed?" He asked incredulously. "I mean Monica's bed-duh!" She replied. "Uh - okay."
"Wow, it's far out. I have to go to the edge." He said as he checked under the bed. "That's the challenge." She said while sticking her tongue out.

After the taping, Lisa invited them all to a nice little dinner at her house to which everyone agreed to. They had a great evening, each one telling stories about their own families and some of their other experiences in their previous works. After dinner, they shared a few glasses of wine and the conversations got into more personal stuff, like their love lives.

"Have you guys ever dated a co-star?" Lisa asked casually. She looked around and noticed that the others were contemplating if they're going to answer or not. Jennifer broke the silence. "Yeah, there was this one guy from one of my first movies. We dated for quite a while and it did not end well. I had to stand beside him and smile during the premiere of the movie and I hated it." The others shared their experiences too. "It was hard seeing each other everyday and remembering the fallout. It was an uncomfortable time." David added. "Could we all just agree that dating a co-star is not a good idea?" Matt said. "Yeah, definitely." The others agreed; well except for two.

Matthew and Courteney were noticeably silent amidst the active discussion, with their gaze fixed on each other. It seemed like they were in their own little world again. "Guys, you agree right?" Lisa snapped the two off their trance. "Oh." He said. "What?" She said. "Dating co-stars would do you no good - agree?" Jennifer asked. "Yeah sure, I guess." Courteney said. She knows deep inside that she doesn't agree at all. Well, it was a change of heart. She had her share of co-star boyfriends and her experience was no different than what the others said. She knows it's definitely not pretty; but there was something that told her maybe it wasn't always the case. Maybe it could be different...Maybe he could be different...

Matthew felt sad when he heard Courteney's answer. Where would be his chances now? The others focused their attention on him. "How about you, Matty?" Lisa asked him. "Well if everybody says so...Yeah, it's a bad idea." He shrugged. "Oh come on Matthew, what do you really think?" Matt said. "I agree because I think so too." Matthew responded, sounding a little irritated.

"Okay, if it's settled then, why don't you say we make an agreement? You know; a pact: we don't date each other. No dating within the group. We all obviously know the consequences of it so I believe I don't need to talk you guys more into this." David suggested. "I mean, everything's going great. With the way our show is faring, I think we could go on for a good number of years. We have something special here both on and off the cam and though this may sound cheesy; we have actually turned into friends. It's just too much to risk. So, what do you think?" He added.

"That's a good idea." Jennifer said.

"I'm okay with that. Besides, we're family." Matt said.

"Well, I don't think this applies to me anymore but I guess I still have a vote. I agree with you." Lisa said.

"Okay..." Both Matthew and Courteney simply said. It was apparent that they were not as resonant with them. The others could have squandered them with questions but they decided to let it go.

A few days later, Matthew and Courteney dined in a casual restaurant. This was one of their supposedly platonic dates. As it became a regular thing though, the dates were now rather, much more intimate for a friendly dinner.

"So, do you really believe it?" Matthew asked in between chewing. They were now enjoying their desserts and both of them ordered a cheesecake.

"Believe in what?" She answered back.

"Dating co-stars is a bad idea." He said. A part of him hoped that she didn't. No; every little piece of him hoped she didn't.

"I guess, since it's just the two of us. No, I don't." She carefully said.

"What do you mean by: 'just the two of us'? Why didn't you wanna tell them what you really think?" He said feeling intrigued. He was hoping that the reason would involve him.

"I don't know...The thing is, they were going on and on about how bad it is that I just didn't feel like butting in with my own defense as to why it would be not so bad after all...And also, I sensed that you didn't agree with them so much too so I think you'll understand if I told you my side." She felt a little tense. He was the person she wouldn't want to tell her reasons to and the person she wanted to tell to the most.

"Well, you're right. I don't think it's such a bad idea either. Love's crazy weird whether you're co-workers or strangers or anything at all. It's just a universal reality. It's inevitable that it'll find a way to bite you in the ass sometime." He said. His face lit up when she chuckled at his last remark.

"It's just a matter of finding the right person...It's all about finding a strong connection with each other. It's about knowing that the love you have for each other is more important than any presumptions about co-stars dating not working out..." She stopped when she realized she might have said too much. She's not supposed to be that specific.

He could feel his pulse settling on a quickened pace. Could this be it? Could she be feeling something too? Was she giving them a chance? He for sure damn knows he doesn't want to be just friends. He could see her looking at him. Recomposing himself, he finally said something. "Hey Court, you wanna head out?" She simply nodded. After motioning to the waiter for their bill, they paid and drove home.

They pulled over in front of her house. They kept silent throughout the ride but Courteney decided that she should start something off.

"Hey, I still owe you that one wish from our deal last summer, right?"

"Yes. And wow, you reminded me. You were even daring to protest my well-deserved win back then. I'm proud of you for graciously accepting the consequences." He said with a smug.

"You know I always like things to be settled. I'm just following the rules. So, what will it be?"

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Yes. Please, oh please. It kills me not to know!" she replied. True enough, she has kept the thoughts of his apparent wish eversince that day, wondering what it could be; wondering if it could be something that she hopes for too.

"First of all..I guess, there isn't no choice but to say it. I.. I like you a lot Court. Not as a friend. I think I may be even falling for you...I think... I think I'm in love with you. It has been this way for a long time now. I'm crazy about you. And I'm totally fine if you say you don't feel the same way... Wow, it just feels so good to let it all out." He confessed. She was shocked but she was definitely happy.

"I-I think I'm falling for you too... I thought it was just because we were so close that we spend a lot of time together. But, soon I realized it's because we enjoyed each other so much that we actually long for each other. You make me so happy. Long story short, I feel the same way too." She was smiling from ear-to-ear. The skeptic in her formed scenarios where Matthew would laugh and say that this was just one of his pranks but she quickly shrugged the thought away.

"I-I don't know what to say... This is great. This is the best day ever!" He said not hiding his excitement.

"You still didn't tell me your wish..." She reminded him. They were looking straight into each other's eyes.

Just right then, she felt his hands cupping her face. He slowly caressed her cheeks then leaned in closer. Their lips, once inches apart were now brushing against each other. She felt the shivers on her spine when he brought themselves in a full-fledged kiss. It was a loving, tender kiss. And they thought it couldn't be more perfect.

"Wish granted." He whispered to her playfully.

They got out of the car, now holding hands. He walked her to her door and said his last goodbye for the night.

"So Miss Cox, I'm hearing you're up to dating a devilishly handsome co-star?" He said with a smirk.

"I'm afraid yes, those rumors are true." She said in her earnest tone. Afterwhich, she gave him her sweetest smile.

"The devilishly handsome co-star will call you then." He said as he kissed her cheek.

"This is different." she thought as she closed her door.

A/N: But what about the pact? Will they really go on a relationship? What if not? What if they were just caught up in the moment? It's just the beginning and we still got so much more ahead of us :D We got about 15 more years of Matteney to cover! ;) So please, be a dear and leave me out your reviews! Thank you :)