So here is the chapter, sorry for waiting. Please leave down a comment below

The Peacekeeper of Aether

Piper's POV

That day went like a blur. Without noticing, it was already dinner. Due to tonight's capture the flag, Piper and her crew would be sitting in the mess hall. Piper sat beside Percy, who was glaring at his steak as if it slapped his mother in the face. Piper asked with concern, "Percy, are you alright?" Percy turned and managed a smile, but the anger behind his eyes was clearly shown, "I am fine, Piper. Don't worry about me."

Then Chiron stomped his hooves on the wooden floor and all the noises disappeared. "Tonight there will be a capture the flag between the campers and peacekeepers. All the campers verse all the peacekeeper."

Then a voice interrupted, it yelled, "Wait!" Piper turned her head towards Tyler, not realizing Percy clutching the wooden chair. "I want to join Piper's side." Tyler Announced. Piper covered her mouth with her hands and squeaked unknowingly, her eyes literally shining. The crews stared at Piper strangely. She had been chatting with Tyler for a few days already. She never thought that Tyler would side with them.

There was a moment of silence before it erupted to uproar. Annabeth screamed over the chaos, "What do you mean? Are you siding with these murderers?" Tyler turned to the raging Annabeth rolled his eyes, "Because, Annie. I know them and they are my friends." The yelling became more louder. Chiron called, "Silent! Children." Due to the respect to the old mentor, the yelling died down slightly.

All the campers glared murderously at Tyler while he just made his way to Piper's table. He sat beside Piper and smiled innocently, as if nothing had happened.

Piper's eyes was widen with shock and happiness. Even though Piper had never saw Tyler fought before, she had a feeling that Tyler is a great fighter. While Piper was still drowned in happiness for another person on her side, the campers were shouting protests to their table.

Percy shot up abruptly, slamming on the table so hard that the floor shook. The table creaked and fell into pieces. Everybody immediately shut up. Piper and the crew looked up at Percy amazed.

He was glowing a purple dark aura. Percy's eyes beautiful sea green eyes were replaced by a glowing dark red full of power. The tension atmosphere was so intense and unbearable that no even Apollo' smile could break it. The campers were cowering behind Percy's outburst.

Percy glared at the campers. If looks could kill, then all the campers would be dead. He hissed dangerously, "I am tired of your bullshit behavior. Keep your taunting till Capture the flag." His voice was like a knife rasping through stone, full of power and ancient, "Until then, shut the fuck up." He said in such a deadly calm way that sent shiver through Piper's back. For a second, Percy seemed to have the power to blow up the while solar system with a flick of his finger.

Piper stood up instinctively and put a hand in Percy's shoulder, his shoulder relaxed under Piper's touch. He took a deep breath, when he reopened his eyes it was sea-green again. The ghostly glow had disappeared around his body. He looked at the remains of the table and snapped his fingers. Like a miracle, the broken woods flew and reconnect with one another. Within seconds, a wooden table reconstructed. Percy turned to his heels and made his way out of the dining hall, leaving the campers in awe.

Tyler was still standing on his spot. He scratched his head awkwardly, "Uh….did I just did something wrong?" Piper face-palmed and hit her forehead on the newly made table.

Percy's POV

Percy was so pissed. He was so fucking tired of the campers. He accidentally let his anger to take control of himself and almost blew up camp by raw power.

He marched straight to the beach, the place where usually calmed him when he was in bad mood, which he was in.

When he arrived, his anger was almost forgotten. The salty scent of the sea attacked his nostrils. The cool and comforting touch of the sea breeze touched gently his face. The rhythm of the tides of wave lapping on the shore. Percy missed the sea, in heaven there were seas, only clouds and the sun.

Percy felt the feeling of the ocean, and the anger slowly but surely faded, like a old scar. It was night, and the Artemis was on duty. The moon sailed to the top of the starry night, glowing with silvery light.

Percy remembered the times when he and Annabeth sitting on the beach, enjoying the night on shore. The pain seeped into his chest. Time surely could change someone. Percy remembered the gentleness and intelligence of Annabeth, but now she was acting bitchy, that was the word. Perhaps her fatal flaw had taken over her. She was all proud and mighty, thinking all her decisions were correct. Percy's love for Annabeth had completely faded, but thinking how she had changed pained him.

Percy focused on the horizon, but his heart was like being poked with a pin. Piper's reaction to that son of Zeus had been troubling Percy. The way that Piper looked at Tyler was making Percy's heart ache. Piper had never looked at Percy that way before, and she had never been this girly before. The squeak that Piper made had almost left Percy a heart-attack, Piper McLean never squeaks, never. It bothered Percy a lot. Normally it would have been great for Percy that Tyler had joined their side, but jealousy filled up Percy when he saw Tyler chatting with Piper. Every time he whispered something into Piper's ears he would giggled slightly, which was absolutely cute. Even he hadn't done anything wrong, Tyler joining their side had increased the hatred Percy had for him.

He was so deep in thought that he nearly missed the horn that signals the start of strategic planning time for capture the wool.

Percy was about to run back to the forest when Chaos's voice rang in his mind. Perseus, For the sake of my name, you have my power now. Please create a portal and be like a true creator of the universe.

Percy suddenly filled with excitement. He asked in his mind, How? It's always easier to tell than do.

Chaos's voice replied with a sign of annoyance, just imagine the place you wanted to be at and concentrate the area in front of you to link with the destination. Chaos's voice faded and his presence left Percy's mind.

Percy concentrated and imagined the strategic tent in the west side of the forest. He imagined a line linking with the tent and the beach. Then Percy felt a tug in his gut, and the space in front of him bended and ripped.

Percy opened his eyes and saw a crack in front of him. He could see the strategic tent through the portal. Percy stepped a foot across the portal, squeezing his eyes shut expecting something horrible to happen. But he felt nothing. Hesitantly he walked through the crack in the air.

A moment before he was at the beach, the next second he was at the strategic tent, with the other peacekeepers staring at him in awe. Percy looked back and saw the portal slowly closing back. He turned at nearly snarled at the sight of Tyler, but he managed a fake smile and asked, "So….how's going on?"

Piper's POV

Percy was really acting weird today, and that bothered Piper a lot. The rage Percy just left out during dinner was unbearable. Piper had never seen Percy that angry before, but she guessed everyone had a limit from their breaking point.

Piper and her crew plus Tyler were discussing the strategy. Since Tyler was a camper here, so that he knew more advantages and disadvantages in the forest.

"So there will be three to four people guarding the flag. Can you guys han…" Tyler was interrupted when the space in front of them ripped open. Piper guessed it was Aether who was doing it. But instead a foot was set through the crack hesitantly.

Then a moment latter Percy stumbled through the crack. He looked at Piper for a while and glanced at the closing crack in the air. Percy's face twisted as he was staring at Tyler, as if his face was fighting each other. He scratched his neck awkwardly, breaking the stunned silence, "so….how's going on?"

First there was silence, and then uproar happened. Half of the crew was yelling what the hells and the other half was screaming that is so cools, which Piper was neutral.

Percy raised his hand in an ordering way, and instantly they shut up. "I will explain latter. Let's now focus on the problem now." He nodded at Tyler to continue with his burning a hint of anger. What is wrong with him? Piper was full of questions.

Tyler being obtuse as usual didn't notice. He pointed at the map and continued, "Before I was interrupted, three people should guard the flag. Wait on branches until they arrived. Surprise them by ambushing them." The three grinned evilly at the idea. Tyler continued, "Piper and I will stay at the border, trying to slow them down when Zak and Percy go to capture their flag. Are we clear?" Piper and the others nodded. Piper caught a glimpse of Percy's frowning, but decided to let it slip.

Then another horn sounded again, announce starting the game in five minutes. Piper strapped her last piece of armor and turned to her crews grimly, "Good luck guys." And with that they went to their respective places.

Percy's POV

Percy walked with Zak silently towards the left flank border. Percy was worried about leaving Piper with Tyler. Even though he knew that Tyler would do his best, he was still bothered, as if there was a stone forced into his chest.

Zak saw Percy's face and laughed, "Don't worry man. Your girlfriend will manage herself." Percy's face burned, "She is not my girlfriend." Zak snickered in reply, and added, "yet." Percy sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.

Zak said, "She does like you, dude." Percy turned his head at Zak and raised an eyebrow. "You might be dumb enough to see it but it was obvious enough that you both are in love with each other." Zak continued, "The year when she was recruited by Aether, she barley speaks. She never walked out her room unless for food or meeting. It took us years to make her be herself again."

Percy's heart filled with guilt. He stopped and looked at his toe and muttered, "It was all my fault. Before she was recruited, she was heart-broken by Jason, the guy we saw in Camp Jupiter." Zak nodded. "I was too distracted to notice her changes and left her alone for months. I left her abandon when she needs a friend the most."

"But you made it up." Percy looked up at Zak only to see him leaning on a tree. "when you came in. she was Ms. Sunshine all a sudden. She became more positive and cheerful whenever she sees you. Heck, you even slept with her on the same bed." Percy hoped that his cheeks weren't as red as he thought.

"She never let others into her room, much less than her bed. And then you came along and you are suddenly allowed everywhere and anywhere." It was hard to read Zak's face in the dark, but he had a feeling that he was smiling, "You changed him, Percy, for better. Does that make you feel any better?" Percy was about to thank him when the horn sounded, signaling the start of the game.

Percy replied simply, "We will talk later, it can wait." And with that he raced forward, drawing his dual sword. The chaotic metal swords glittered in the dark.

Zak was close behind Percy, holding his double-edged sword with both of his hands and grinning insanely like a mad man.

They ran a good twenty seconds until things started to happen. An arrow flew silently from the tree and headed straight at Percy's head. His instincts took over and deflected the arrow. Another couple arrows was shot and Percy deflected it flawlessly.

He looked up at the tree and saw Apollo archers sitting on the branches, arrows notched and pointed at Percy.

Percy turned to Zak and whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear, "when you saw your chance, go first. Piper and Tyler can't handle much longer. I can take care of myself."

Zak grinned back, "good luck, chief. We don't want Piper to see your pretty face ruin, huh?" And with that he dashed into the woods, dodging arrows like a ninja. Within seconds, Zak disappeared in the forest.

Percy turned only to deflect another arrow. He smirked deviously at the campers. He raised his dual swords and pointed it at them, "let's get started, shall we?"

Piper's POV

As soon as the crouch sounded, Piper and Tyler got into position. The night was silent. Piper could hear the birds singing, which was weird since no fight had begun yet.

Piper and Tyler sat on the branch, scanning for any sign for enemy demigods.

Tyler decided to break the silence, "you liked him a lot, right?" Piper stared at Tyler questionably, "What do you mean?"

Tyler removed his gaze from the field and looked at Piper in the eyes directly, "you know what I mean." He said softly.

In fact, Piper did, and she knew who that 'him' is. She fixed her eyes on the horizon, drinking the beauty of the night. Tyler stayed silence, but she knew that he was waiting for her answer.

Piper had thought of it in the past few weeks. The times when Percy held her when she cried. The way Percy brushes a strand of her hair behind her ears. Piper could never be able to list all of the things that Percy had helped and comforted her. he removed all Piper's problems from her shoulders to his.

Even when Piper almost screwed up their mission Percy was still standing up for her. Percy had the effect on Piper that Jason usually had, and Piper herself had confirmed it too.

Piper whispered without any sign of hesitation, "Yes, I like him a lot." It was barley a louder than a mumble, but Tyler nodded and smiled gently, the smile he had on his face the day they met, "then I won't interfere." Piper looked at Tyler. "I like you too, Piper. But I know that I wasn't the one for you. Percy is. I am not the one for you. You should enjoy your love life with Percy, Pipes."

Piper stared at Tyler shocked. Tyler frowned at Piper, "What? I am not like my dad." lightning flashed and thunder roared. Tyler looked at the night sky and yelled, "Sorry! Didn't mean to!" Piper giggled and Tyler flashed Piper a smile.

Then the peaceful conversation was interrupted by a yell, followed by another clang of weapons. Piper stared down and saw a group of demigod bellow shouting.

Tyler grinned at Piper and whispered, "Now." As silent as a assassin. They jumped down and landed on two campers, knocking them out instantly. The campers were shocked by the ambush and were too stunned to move.

Piper and Tyler pulled out their weapons and start hacking demigods, knocking them out cold with one swift whack. Within second twelve demigods were on the floor unconscious.

Piper was about to congrats Tyler when fire exploded in her side. She collapsed on the ground in agony. Tyler yelled her name and rushed to her side. Piper looked up and saw nothing, but she saw a trail of blood floating in the middle of the air. Piper spat weakly, "Annabeth Chase."

Didn't expect that, right? Finally Piper confessed her feeling at it was a large step towards their relationship. Sorry for the delayed update, but I was having a fever and my mother won't let me touch the computer. Sorry….
