Two Guys and a Girl

AN: mither is the old way of saying mother... Heehee.

"Wake up, Emma!" my mither yells from downstairs.

I listen for a moment and all is quiet. Silence. Finally.

All of the sudden, mither lights a candle by my bed...then another one...then another. "Wakeup, Emma!" she yells practically in my ear. I hop up. "Ugh! I HATE summer school!" (yes, I'm not very school-smart so...I had to take summer school)

"Emthiel, it's Saturday," mither says.

"Oh, good," I groan. "Then I can go back to sleep," I say, pulling the covers over my head.

"Emthiel Nicolea Goldring!" (I know, I have an interesting name) Mither pulls the pillows and blankets off of me. "But you have to go to boarding school!" My pointy ears prick up. "And," mither continued. "Aragorn is picking you up!" That gets me out of bed! Aragorn, my high-school-sweetheart makes school worth while! 'Hot boy, big school, very few adults,' I think. Maybe school wasn't going to be so sucky...?

Last year a copy of my horrible report card was SOMEHOW handed out, SO I decided to change schools...the report card "incident" gave me a good reason to switch schools and to go to Aragorn's school (Gondor High)...Heehee. I wonder who gave everyone MY report card out? (duh)

I grab my dress. My parents are wealthy, if you don't mind me mentioning it, so I have nice clothes. My dress is white at the top and it becomes green at the bottom with little sparkling white gems on it. I bought it for the first day. Saturday, you ask? Well, yea, I have to be there on Saturday to get my room decorated. Most people come then!

There's a knock on the door. "Mither, get that! Tell Aragorn I'll be there in like twenty SECONDS!" My mither goes downstairs. "Aragorn, she'll be ready in like twenty minutes." "I said SECONDS!" I yell. I groan. I'm so late!

"Holy crap!" I gasp, looking at the school. It's so much better than my old one! My old one was red brick, this one is white brick with big silver posts and fountains. The grass around it is even greener than any grass I'd seen! All around the school were big beautiful shops with busy people getting ready for the day. "Big, isn't it? Aragorn says, wrapping his arms around me. I smile. "It's awesome! Let's go inside!"

I grab Aragorn's hand and yank him as I start running. I drag him in the halls. 'WHAP!'

"Oh my God...," I mutter and look up to see Aragorn looking down at me. My head is throbbing. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I was running and..." someone says. I'm pulled up by Aragorn and this person confessing...

"Oh my God," I say again. His hair is blond, his eyes are blue, his firm hand is on mine... He stared at me and gave a crooked smile that made my knees wobble. "uhh..." I say stupidly. 'Can't be looking at another guy!' I hear my voice inside my head. " head." I touch my head and feel a bump.

"I'm so sorry!" he says again. "I...I..." he stares at me like Aragorn isn't there. His smile gets a little bigger. It looks so cute! There's an awkward silence. "Uh.Emthiel, this is Legolas. Legolas, Emthiel." I nod. Legolas nods. God, even his name is hot! "Aragorn! It's so great to see you!" Legolas hugs Aragorn like he didn't even see him. Weird, I know! "Uh, Legolas, it's nice to see you...did you not notice me?"

Legolas pauses and this funny look is on his face. He glances at me...then Aragorn.then me again. "Uh, no...did you get a haircut or something? You look different!" he tells Aragorn. This Legolas guy is acting he's never seen a girl before. He looked at me again. I feel sudden bubbles in my stomach.

I watch them talk and all Legolas's attention is away from me. "Something's different," Legolas says, but I hardly hear him. The way he moves his mouth is making me daydream...of feeling those lips. Someone get me some popcorn so I can sit down and watch this guy forever!! 'What am I thinking?' I wonder. 'Aragorn, one of the sweetest guys in school, loves me and I am drooling over some other guy!' All of the sudden, I feel miserable. 'I'm a horrible girlfriend. I look up at them again and I find myself drooling over Legolas unnoticed...again. "Aragorn!" I snap in the middle of Legolas' sentence. "We have to go..."

"Hold on, I..." "NOW!" I snap. Aragorn looks at me wide-eyed, but I don't notice. If I look at Legolas anymore, I might just grab him and run off forever with him. 'I love Aragorn,' I think to myself. "Umm... talk to you later, Leg," says Aragorn.

I grab Aragorn's hand. "Emma, why did you do that?" Aragorn asks. "I can't tell you why," I sniff. Oh no! Here it comes!

"Emma, you know you can tell me anything...did you feel like I was ignoring you?" "No, that's not it," I sniff again. A tear falls. Oh no, I can picture in my head: my mascara dripping. I need to switch to waterproof.

"Emma, you always tell me everything!" Aragorn says pretty loudly. He turns me around and wipes my eye with his finger. I glance at his finger. It's black because of my mascara. Now I feel the tears really falling. Why am I doing this?! I can't figure it out! It's not that big of a deal! 'I only stared at a man and now I can't tell Aragorn the truth! That's not so bad is it? Girl's do that all the time to their guys right?' Oh, God, that was so horrible! How could I be thinking this?

Emma, two seconds ago you were running through these halls like they were made of chocolate ice cream...then you get hit and you..." he pauses. "Does your head hurt that bad?" "No," I laugh. The ice cream thing was kinda funny to me. I smile. "I just felt overwhelmed that we were going to my room and something distracted us and my head DOES hurt..." "Well, let's go to your room now..." he whispers to me with a sexy growl. "...and have some fun. That will HAVE to make you feel better..." "I don't know," I say dully. "I'm not in the mood. I'm only in the mood to straighten up my room and make it look like home." He frowns like a puppy. It's so cute. "O okay," he mutters. "See you later. I guess I'll straighten my room up too." The way he looks at me makes me realize, "I could never give Aragorn up! I love him!'

Ah!! I'm don't even know where this story is going to go...who should Emma like? You tell me, okay? I'm thinking this might turn out to be a good story! -Lauren Give me a review if you want me to continue!