AN: Oh gods I was distracted, lets just continue this sorry for the wait.

Dean drove on the open road for what felt like days was really just for a few hours before he stopped at a crappy gas station to take a break, then was quickly back on the road again. He felt dizzy and cramps in his stomach but he refused to eat, not even drink water. He must've been a day away from his brother unless he was following him, but judging by his phone constantly ringing he must've just stayed in the city. He pulled over at a motel, but didn't even go inside and instead spent the night cramped in his car until morning shined through the windows. He got up and continued going west, that is until he pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of no where to hurl. It was gross what was coming out of him, nothing more than acid in his stomach and it hurt. He stayed in a crunched up position on the ground for a good 30 minutes before he moved and felt pain hit his stomach. It must've been 4 days since he ate. He was so thirsty too, but he didn't want to drink, he thought maybe it'd weigh him down more. He itched his head and got back into the car.

Sam threw his phone on the motel bed and gripped his head with frustration. Dean wasn't picking up any of his calls and he was worried sick about him. Why wouldn't he eat? Dean didn't seem like the kind of person to be like that, but of course it hit Sam that you can't really tell with anyone. Castiel looked at the younger Winchester with sorrow and pity in his eyes.

"Sam..." He tried to calm the man. "Dean will be ok, he's strong."

"I know Cas its just...!" Sam growled and took a deep breath before continuing. "It's just Dean is my big brother you know. I worry about him sometimes." They both sat down on the bed and Castiel looked down.

"If I had any grace left I would help...but..."

"Its ok Cas. I just need him to pick up so I can track his call."

"I'm sure he will show."

It had been 7 days, a week since he last took a sip or bite and he felt mad. Not angry but insane, sitting in a motel with a constantly dripping sink with each drop he felt himself slip away. Should he drink? No no no he'd be a fat ass if he did. He scratched at his mark until it turned a scary red and he tapped his foot with anxiety. He was so fucking thirsty and hungry but he needed to keep his cool. He needed to stay thin. He needed to look in the mirror and straighten himself out. Who was he kidding he isn't fat?

In a quick movement he ran to the bathroom and lifted up his shirt to look into the mirror. What was there was ribs, but what he saw was fat overflowing and he panicked. He dropped his shirt down immediately and punched the mirror ignoring the sharp glass fragments. He ran out of the bathroom and began to pace while gripping his hair. He felt like it was greasy and yet it was thin. He ripped out pieces of his hair and even some from his brow. He picked up a glass shard and looked at himself. Am I normal yet? He threw it down and went to the bathroom to vomit what ever was left in his system.

"Oh God I just want to be hot." He sobbed on the bathroom floor, little did he notice Crowley stared in awe in the other room.

"I found your brother, he's a wreck." Crowley said with hands in his coat pockets. Sam and Castiel were outside their motel about ready to go get some information when Crowley showed. "Here's his motel address, better hurry."

Sam took the slip of paper the king of hell held in his hand and nodded. "Thanks." The two humans hoped into their car and drove off ignoring the demon left in the dust. Crowley nodded.

"Yeah sure Moose. I just need that damn mark." he mumbled to himself before he disappeared to somewhere else.

Sam and Castiel sat in the car quietly along the way, it would take a day non-stop so Sam just stared at the road with anger and worry burned into his face. Castiel just watched the trees and time go by.

When the morning of the next day came Dean felt almost dead. No water for 8 days drove him mad and his growling stomach that went inwards was hurting him. Chunks of his hair were missing and he was resting on top a bed with pieces of the mirror all around the floor. When he woke up his vision was blurry and he felt no energy in his body, yet he moved himself onto the floor. He looked at himself in a shard of glass and sighed at his reflection, and threw the glass at the tv. He lay on the floor and looked at the ceiling, emotions burning up in him and tears on his cheeks.

Sam and Castiel bursted through the door with haste and shouted Dean's name. Dean didn't move and waited for them to find him laying there before he said anything.

"Hi Sammy." Sam sat by his side with worry.

"Dean what the hell...Are you doing..."

"Trying." Dean responded with a dry voice.

"Trying to do what? Kill yourself?"

"Trying to be attractive. I'm a gross fat ass Sammy." His raspy voice said as he gripped onto his brother. "Look at me."

"Dean are attractive ok?"


"I'm serious."

"Why is it" he coughed roughly "I have fat rolls then."

Sam then was confused then saddened even more. "You don't...Dean...Please stop doing this to yourself..."

"I do!" Dean tried to sit up and failed, but he lifted up his shirt taking deep rough breaths. "LOOK AT ME! IM THAT FUCKING LAZY AMERICAN EVERYONE MAKES FUN OF! I'M NOT A FUCKING MODEL I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE!"

"Dean, please you..." he looked down at Dean's sad stomach and back at him with tears running down his face. "You are my big brother would I lie to you..."


"Dean no...I wouldn't..." Sam turned around and looked at Castiel who had been standing in shock the whole time. "Call 911 Cas."

"Nah." Dean grumbled and rested his head on the floor, Sam gripped onto his body as Dean passed out.

"Cas call 911"

"I am"

"DO IT FASTER" Sam cried and held onto Dean, crying into his brother's shirt. His brother was starting to die. "DEAN WAKE UP!" He shook him