Stiles kind of loved life right now, no one was in danger and he and Danny were driving the pack insane. It was almost hilarious. Truth be told, he and Danny didn't have a label for what they had. They weren't official and they weren't completely exclusive. Fuck buddies wasn't the right way to describe it either because the majority of the time they spent together was actually non-sexual because they were actually good friends. They frequently went to the Jungle but neither slept with anyone else without talking about it first (well that was the rule, they hadn't actually had to apply it yet). It was nice and there weren't any expectations.

Everyone was so eager to know though and that's how it had all spun out of control. Danny had been more than happy to play along with him because he'd gotten over Jackson hating all his boyfriends. To be fair Danny's love life had been one shit guy after another and Stiles had totally called Matt not that anyone had cared at the time. So they'd amped it up in front of the others, instead of keeping in private like they had in the past. Almost everyone had stumbled across something they'd been doing (thankfully nothing graphic because that would have been awkward) and now a month into the game the rumor mill was running red hot.

Lydia had backed him into a corner more than once, trying to find out what was going on. He hadn't given in though and when she'd done that thing she did with her eyes when she wanted something Stiles had just thought about Danny's eyes instead. Okay so he'd been thinking about his abs and his arms and his pecks and his butt as well. To be fair Danny had a really nice ass.

And all of it had landed them here, in a pack meeting in Derek's loft because apparently the pack had decided enough was enough and they wanted answers. So when Danny sat on the floor against the couch, Stiles had no problems with sitting in between his legs, his back against Danny's chest. He couldn't help but smile when Danny's arms went around his waist and he rested his own hands on Danny's. It was nice and something they'd done a million times before. To them it wasn't sexual, not that the others would see it they way he did.

"Okay so spill," Lydia spoke, "we want to know what the hell is going on."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb Stilinski." Jackson growled.

Erica pouted. "Come on Batman! Just tell us already."

"Why do you even think there's something going on?" He asked.

The room erupted with noise, the pack talking all over each other until Allison whistled and everyone went silent. Lydia, as before, went first, hands on her hips.

"You guys were all over each other when we were researching the other day."

"And you practically had an orgasm when Danny was massaging you last week and you offered to blow him." Erica added.

"I did?" He asked.

Danny laughed. "You were high on pain killers."

"When I was in your kitchen yesterday morning Danny was in his boxers cooking pancakes and I only left because you were all but dragging him upstairs so you could have shower sex." Isaac made a face.

"I went to go find you for research and you were both in bed asleep."

Stiles looked at Derek. "I'd say I'm creeped out but you've actually caught me doing worse things."

"And I went to your house your head was in his lap." Scott said. "I swear to god I thought you were groping him or something the way he was acting."

"We were watching Bring it On. And who said I wasn't?" Stiles smirked.

"Oooh which one?" Erica asked.

"Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku," Danny answered before biting Stiles' earlobe gently. "And that wasn't funny. I don't grope you in front of Jackson."

"Please don't." The werewolf groaned.

"But then we were at school and you guys were talking about dates with other people," Allison said. "I wouldn't be okay with Scott telling me about a girl who asked him about. You sounded like you were considering it until Danny told you he wasn't a nice guy."

"Danny and I aren't mutually exclusive." Stiles shrugged.

"But you guys act like you've been married for twenty years." Isaac threw his hands up.

"Stiles and I have an agreement," Danny smiled, "the gay scene in Beacon Hills isn't as big as you'd think it is. It's really hard trying to find a guy close to our age around here and I've dated more jerks and serial killers than I care to admit. Stiles isn't running around killing anyone and we're the same age."

"It's mutually beneficial. We don't sleep around on each other but we realize that if one of us likes someone else then what we have is over. It's not a big deal."

"Yes it is!" Lydia screeched. "You guys aren't fuck buddies. I've seen you. You're too close for that."

"You just want to be right." Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Don't you act like you don't want them together Jackson."

"It's Stilinski."

"Yeah but he's nice and Danny likes him and he's human so I know you approve." She snapped.

"Okay so I do but if they want to be fuck buddies it's not our call. Danny can totally do better."

"Not all of us want the best all the time, Jackson."

Stiles felt Danny's arms tighten around his waist and he leaned back further with a sigh. Danny's lips made their way down his neck and he bared his throat further. He didn't care what the others said, he liked what he had with Danny and if they were going to be exclusive it would be on their terms, no one else's.

"But you proposed to him in the boys locker room." Boyd said looking confused.

And that was when it all went to hell. But Stiles wasn't paying attention because he was a little busy making out with Danny because he liked Danny and he was a good kisser and they didn't need anyone's permission damn it.