Author's Note:/ My Dearest readers I am deeply sorry for the late delays in updates. I will try my best to get on an update schedule. I just love that Cliffie at the last chapter though. Didn't you?

Aviana: You're gonna get so much hate mail for that you know.

Author: Yes, yes I am aware.

Aviana: Just as long as you know.

Author: Hush you. Readers, this is my best friend Aviana. She is a royal pain in my hiney. But I love her anyways.

Aviana: I will bite you to death, Herbivore.

Author: Eeep!

Now onto the recognition!

LadyEllesmere: I am working on this story as often as I can. Once again I apologize for the lateness in update.

Hannah: I am so glad you are enjoying it! I'm sorry that you didn't like my cliffie but I felt it needed to end there. And thank you so much!

Hannah from Chapter One: I am so sorry to hear that. I know the feeling and the way I escape is music, writing, and reading. If you ever want to talk though, I'm a good listener or so I've been told. If not I totally understand.

Samanthatm: Thank you.

Guest: …. I know it is moving fast and she's a Mary-Sue. Believe me. I know. But that is just the way the cookie crumbles. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you don't have to read it.

Now onto the STORY!

Disclaimer::: I do not own INUYASHA or AFFILIATED CHARACTERS. I only own my own creations. :D.


Two days after Kaiko and Shippo had mysteriously collapsed, the pack was waiting anxiously for the no longer little kitsune to wake up. Only Kouga and Sesshomaru cared the tiniest bit about Kaiko and even their thoughts were fleeting. It was on the third day that Shippo woke up with a gasp. He looked around anxiousely. "K-Kaiko? Where's Kaiko?!" Shippo started to thrash around on his bed until an aura came out to caress his gently. It wasn't human or Youkai. It was incredibly powerful and matured his mind to match with his new body and a voice whispered in his head. 'You will have to experience life still, but now you are a mature kitsune Youkai. Treat our daughter well and you will be shown favor from the Kami.'

The moment the voice left his thoughts Kaiko woke up next to him with a sharp intake of breath. Her eyes snapped open and glowed purple for a brief second before dimming again to a normal look. Shippo scrambled over to her side, stumbling on his longer limbs. He'd have to train with Sesshomaru in order to be able to properly protect the group and Kaiko. Not the pseudo form of protection Inuyasha had been forcing on them all for years. Shippo heard Sango and Kagome gasp in shock he guessed but ignored them in favor of looking down on the girl who had quite possibly just saved his life many times over. "Kaiko… Thank you." He leaned forward and bestowed a simple Youkai kiss to her brow. It was similar to a mark in the bond it forged between them but it would only alert him to her extreme emotions. If she were in danger he would know and be able to just surround himself in a myst that would transfer him to her side. Kaiko closed her eyes at the sensation of Shippo's lips on her forehead and looked up at the handsome Kitsune. There was just one problem she'd noted before closing her eyes. He was naked. Starkers. In his birthday suit. Kaiko blushed deeply and opened her eyes keeping them on his eyes with great effort.

"Shippo… You're very welcome. But I have bad news for you." Shippo tilted his head in a questioning gesture. "You're naked." Shippo looked down at himself and smirked. He full out smirked! Kaiko groaned, already knowing what was coming. That was a self-satisfied smirk and even worse… She could feel something moving against her side where Shippo was leaning against her. She blushed an even deeper shade of red and slammed her eyes shut. This was Shippo! She had not just ogled Shippo's body!

"Get an eyeful?" Shippo's voice was incredibly sexy and she shivered just listening to it. What was he doing to her? He was tormenting her. She hadn't meant to turn him older, but it seemed it was making him happy so she wouldn't take it back for anything. All at once her memories returned to her of what had led to the thought of the older Shippo. She sat up with a jolt. Her head smacked into Shippo's with an audible crack and they both groaned. Kaiko fell back onto the futon in pain grunting when Shippo collapsed on top of her.

Now there was no denying it. There was definitely something prodding her side. She blushed crimson and did her best to shift away from it. Only succeeding in rubbing against it. Shippo moaned but not in pain as he sat up looking at Kaiko with pure lust in his eyes. Kaiko struggled to get out from under the heavier demon and finally succeeded in pushing him off of her. Kagome and Sango had left the room when Shippo had woken up and Kaiko panicked. She ran out of the room and past Sesshomaru. Shippo came stalking out of the miko's hut still naked and began to head after Kaiko with red in his narrowed eyes. Kaiko squeaked when she saw Shippo in pursuit and hid behind Sesshomaru. This was definitely not her day. "Sesshomaru please, help me! I don't know what happened." Kaiko begged Sesshomaru with panic still in her voice and watched as he considered.

"You have awoken his beast. He will not stop until he gets what he wants. The only ways to stop him would be to fight him or give him what he wishes." Kaiko went wide eyed. That was the most she'd ever heard Sesshomaru speak. Then his words sunk in and the panic crept back.

"What does he want?"

Sesshomaru trailed his eyes up and down her form slowly before saying simply, "Hn."

Kaiko paled considerably and swayed on her feet. "M-me? He wants me? Why? What did I do?"

Sesshomaru simply glanced at Shippo. "Onna… Do you truthfully not understand?"

Kaiko glanced around Sesshomaru and "eeped" when she saw the erection standing tall and proud between Shippo's legs. Thankfully when she had run she had run away from the village the hut was near. Otherwise Shippo would be mortified to learn what he had done. She shook her head to clear the thoughts from it and stared for a second before blushing again and hiding behind Sesshomaru again. "You mean he wants to… have sex?" The last word was said in a whisper as panic set in. She couldn't do this. She was still terrified of what her adoptive father had done to her! "NO!" The one word was shouted out in desperation and the red faded from Shippo's eyes as he looked around wondering who was threatening Kaiko. He saw Sesshomaru standing with Kaiko hidden behind him.

"Kitsune." The one word was enough to make Shippo growl. If Sesshomaru had been threatening Kaiko he would die trying to help her. He started forward.

"What did you do to Kaiko?!" Shippo yipped out the words in a language only canine Youkai could understand.

"I did nothing! You were pursuing the Onna and she hid behind this Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru moved away from Kaiko and in a panic she grabbed his Moko-moko. His eyes started to bleed red. Nobody touched Moko-moko without permission.

"Please don't leave me. I wouldn't survive mentally if he were to take me. Please… Please." She looked up at Sesshomaru with tears coating her eyes and Sesshomaru felt cracks form in the walls around his heart.

"Onna release me. The Kitsune has returned to himself."