"Darcy this is ridiculous." Loki rolled his eyes as Darcy shoved another ridiculous hat on his head.

"Says you." She took a step back and laughed. "Turn around!" She pointed to the mirror behind him. Loki sighed but did as he was told.

"This. Is. Ridiculous." He snarled glaring at the hat on his head. "It has ears! It's stupid!"

"Says the man who has a goat hat." She snickered.

"I do not have a goat hat!" Loki hissed.

"Yes you do."

"No I don't you pathetic mortal!"

"I thought we were done with all the 'pathetic mortals' thing."

"I am not wearing this."

"Oh come on! It's DISNEY WORLD!" Darcy bellows, "You HAVE to wear it! If you don't it would be an ABOMINATION!"

"The horror." Loki rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious goat-man, wear the hat or face the MIGHTY DARCY LEWIS!" She shouted putting her hands on her hips and striking a pose. Loki raised an eyebrow at her. Darcy shook her head. "That's it you're reading some comic books when we get home."

Loki looked at her curiously "What are comic books?"

Darcy gave a dramatic gasp and placed her hand over her heart. "Not knowing what comic books are? The horror!" She dramatically pretended to faint into Loki's arms. Loki rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's antics.

"The things I put up with."

Darcy opened an eye. "The things you put up with? Um did you forget about the time you threw my oven out the window because you burnt dinner?"

Loki scowled, "I did not burn our dinner. That was the machine's fault."

"Mmm-hmmm." Darcy snickered.

"It was!" Loki persisted.

"I'm sure." Darcy smiled and walked away.

"It was!" Loki shouted after her.

Darcy walked up to the cash register. "Here ya' go." She slammed down the money and smirked at the way the little cashier jumped.

"C'mon Goat-man! We've got rides to ride, characters to meet and ice cream is calling my name!" Darcy grabbed Loki's arm and dragged him out of the shop. "Disney world! A people trap set by a mouse!" She exclaimed.

"A what?"

Darcy rolled her eyes. "Come on you dork." She linked her arm in his and ran off, dragging the poor Asgardian along.