A/N: After the last chapter in the Drabble Collection a reader asked if I had any "outright bliss" available for posting. I didn't at the time, but as it was Valentine's Day last week, an idea came to me to help mitigate the angst I was vomiting on the fandom. I concocted this antacid and I hope it soothes.


Tony was bored and a bored Tony often spelled trouble. A bored Tony on Valentine's Day was even worse. A bored Tony who had been drinking on Valentine's Day was borderline dangerous.

Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't the skirt chaser everyone thought him to be. It was an image he projected so they wouldn't find out he was in a monogamous relationship and had been for years. The only reason he didn't tell anyone was that the person with whom he was monogamous had no idea he was his better half. Tonight, however, Tony was going to find the courage to let him know – or so said the alcohol.

Grabbing his keys, he set out on foot to the corner grocery. He knew better than to drive but figured that if he got away with pretending he was completely straight for 12 years, he could manage to pretend to be completely sober for 12 minutes. He picked up another 12 pack and a burn phone, loading it with more minutes than probably necessary but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. Small talk of a transaction nature with the night clerk went smoothly as he paid for his items and he was home with in minutes.

The cold February air had taken the edge off what buzz he did have and the more his buzz dissipated, the more he reconsidered the brilliant plan alcohol had given him. Still, having spent over $100 to see the plan through he thought it was worth a shot and popped open another beer while setting up his new phone.


Meanwhile, across town Gibbs was in his basement sanding the hull of his boat letting the gentle rasping sounds cloud his mind along with the bourbon. He never cared for Valentine's Day – or to say he hadn't since Shannon and Kelly were alive. He remembered how Shannon used to get so angry with him for bringing her flowers or chocolates on that day claiming that he showed her how much he loved her and Kelly every day and a pretend holiday was not going endear him to her anymore than a random day in August. So of course, he bought her flowers or chocolates on a random day in August as well.

Now his ex-wives were completely different. They almost demanded to be fêted on Valentine's Day. God forbid he should have to work late on a case and forgot what day it was – he never heard the end of it. He would have to spend most of the next month or two trying to make it up to them which now in retrospect, was utterly ridiculous.

He stopped long enough to refresh his mug with more bourbon when his cell phone chimed. As he picked it up, he frowned, not recognizing the number but opened the text anyway. Putting on his glasses, he read "Hey handsome. Happy Valentine's Day. What are you doing?"

Gibbs chuckled to himself, put the phone down, and removed his glasses. It was obviously a wrong number. He swallowed a mouthful of bourbon and turned to continue with the boat. After a few minutes, he heard his phone chime again. Once again, he stopped sanding and picked up the phone along with his glasses. "The text was meant for you, Jethro. I don't have the wrong number."

Now Gibbs was curious. He responded "Who is this?" He did know how to text; he just didn't like to. He would rather speak on the phone than type. It was much faster.

"Happy Valentine's Day. What are you doing?"

"You said that before. Who is this?"

"You asked that before. Who do you want it to be?"

"What? Who are you?"

"You can find out who I am easily, but you won't. You like the mystery. Maybe what you need is in the anonymous."

Gibbs poured and swallowed another mug of his bourbon. "Not on this phone. Government issued. Text me at 201-555-3479."

His private cell phone chimed. "Been holding back huh? Got a private cell- I did not know that."

Gibbs chuckled as he read the text. "I don't give this number out to just anyone."

"Now I know. How did I get so lucky?"

"Wanted to chat with you more."


"Honestly have no idea. Sounded like a good idea at the time. Was I wrong?"

"Your gut is never wrong. How's the boat coming along?"


"Yeah – the one you are building in your basement. Made much progress?"

"How do you know about that?"

"I know you."

"Who is this?"

"Hey, you gave me this number. I'm whoever you want me to be right now."

"This was a bad idea."

"No, it wasn't. Have another mug of bourbon. Your gut told you it was ok to give out your private number – you already know but let's pretend you don't. This way we both can get off."

"Get off?"

"Release our pent up sexual frustrations. I'll admit it has been a while for me. What about you?"

"Not frustrated."

"No? Good for you, though I'll admit I am jealous."

"Jealous? Why?"

"Because I've waited for you for a very long time. I hoped you were waiting for me too."

Gibbs poured another drink for himself. This was getting to be creepy – but his gut told him that it was nothing he should be worried about – there was something familiar in the verbiage though he couldn't place it right then. And he was intrigued.

"Waiting for you? How could I do that if I don't know who you are?"

"You know who I am. But enough of that. I know who you are and I want you. I'll pretend to be whoever you want me to be but let's get this started. I'm so horny just thinking of you – your blue eyes, your brilliant smile, your hands…I want your hands on me, touching me."

"Where do you want me to touch you?"

"See? Now you are getting it. Everywhere, my face, neck, your hands sliding down my torso, teasing my nipples. I want your mouth on mine, your tongue tasting me as I taste you."

"This would be so much easier if you just called me."

"You are hard right now, aren't you? Torn between stroking yourself and keeping up with the conversation. I hope one day we'll talk but until then swallow what is left in your mug and pour yourself another. Take it and go upstairs, lie on your couch and get comfortable. I'll wait."


Tony blew out the breath he had been holding and almost laughed. He hadn't expected it to go this well first time out but he wasn't going to back down now. Knowing Gibbs as well as he did, he was almost but certain that the man knew who was on the other end of the phone. Never let it be said that Gibbs didn't know how to play the game or that he wasn't among the best players. The man was not reckless enough to give out his private cell phone number to some random stranger who wished him a happy Valentine's Day. He had to have known, or at least had a gut feeling who he was. Any ill feelings about the fact he didn't know the number before now were tamped down to examine another day.

He padded to his kitchen and took a shot of vodka for good measure before grabbing another beer. He was reeling in the Great White after all; any extra courage he could gather would be helpful.

Stripping off his shirt and sweats, he sat down on the fake bear skin rug that lay between his sofa and fireplace and leaned against the sofa to watch the fire crackle. A drop of condensation fell from his beer bottle and landed on his chest. He brought his hand up to wipe it away and in doing so brushed his thumb against his nipple. The chill of the water and the touch shot a bolt of sensation straight to his dick that lay engorged and heavy against his thigh causing it to twitch and elongate. He took another drink letting another bead of water from the beer drip directly on the other nipple and he gasped. He brushed his thumb over the hard nub sighing while his cock grew harder.

The buzz of his burn phone pulled him out of his haze and he grinned seeing Jethro's number. He unlocked his screen to read the text. "I'm here."

"Good. I hoped you'd come back to play."

"What were you doing while you waited?"

"I got another beer and took off my clothes. It's just so hot in here. I was starting to get warm. Even my beer got wet and dripped on my chest."

"Did you wipe it off?"

"Yes. Used my thumb and the thought of you licking it off me made me so horny. I've been rubbing my nipples waiting for you to text. Didn't want to go any further without you."

"I'm here. You can continue."

"Mmm, yes - finally! We can play "Monkey See, Monkey Do" but you'll just have to imagine it from my descriptions. If I say I'm sucking your finger in my mouth, you have to suck your finger and imagine it is my mouth. If I tell you I'm am pinching your nipples, you have to do that too. When I say I am stroking your cock, you start touching yourself."

"Already am."

"Feels good, doesn't it? Licking my finger, I circle your nipple, teasing it, making it hard. I am licking the fingers of my other hand and running it down your chest, teasing your belly button. My tongue swipes down your neck as my mouth latches onto your collar bone and sucks hard, leaving marks of where I have been."

"Oh shit."

"Didn't realize how sensitive your navel was did you? I want to dip my tongue in it and make you writhe under me. The smell of your sex is so strong, I want to bury my nose there and inhale you.

"Keep talking"

"You hear my muffled moans and sighs as I kiss your hip bones and run my tongue down around the base of your cock. I want you so much; I can't keep the sounds of my pleasure quiet. I flatten my tongue and lick up your cock until I pull you into my mouth and swallow you little by little down my throat."

"I'm gonna come."

"I want you to – give it to me. I want to taste you, swallow you, drink from you. I am thirsty for you. GIVE IT TO ME!"

Several minutes passed and Tony had not gotten a text. At the ten minute mark he tried again. "You with me, Jethro?"

"Yeah – here."

"Don't worry me like that! Did you get off? Did you come for me, Jethro?"


"Mmm – good man. Now get some rest. Love you."

"Wait. What? Tony!"