Hello all. I am back with my first multi-chapter fic. It will be maybe four or five chapters. I am so thankful for those who favorite, followed, and reviewed my first Walking Dead one-shot The Man Comes Around. I am very happy about the response from it. I hope this first of the multi-chapter story is alright. I've worked rather hard on it.

Again, no flames will be accepted, only constructive criticism. Thank you to those who have respected that.

There is MerlexBeth (Meth) in this story and DarylxOC. If either of these offend you please leave this page.

Without further ado, here is chapter one. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead or the characters. They belong to their respectful owners. I only own my OC.

Chapter 1

Time had stopped and was lost. It didn't seem to matter anymore and why would it when one lived day to day looking over their shoulder for the danger that walked like it was living, but was really dead. Time was meaningless when it was a continuous cycle of packing your things and leaving a place you'd found rest in because death stumbled about, starving for flesh and blood. All the songs had stopped, the tales over now and never to be heard again. While time stopped, fear continued on, the main source that fueled every survivor and haunted their sleep. Would it ever end? Would the fear at least be put on hold for something better? When it seemed naught, tears would stain the night, the ghostly cries one less tear spilled and one less moment to live. Would living in a world of fear and the undead ever be worth it? Would something ever lessen the pain and distress that ravaged the mind, body and soul?

For Merle Dixon, that salvation came from the most improbable of people, the youngest daughter of the former vet, Beth Greene.

Merle watched as Beth walked away from the mess hall table she occupied, his greedy blue eyes falling to her swaying hips. A predatory smirk grew on his lips. Who would've thought that Beth, that little tight ass, big eyed girl wanted ol' Merle? It baffled him every time he thought about it, for obvious reasons, their huge age gap and their polar opposite personalities. Despite it all, he couldn't say that he didn't give her a quick, clean way out when they first started out. He'd thrown out the blunt, honest truth, partially hoping it would both scare her and not so. He was a former drug user, smoker, frequent drinker, and an asshole who did terrible things to her family. For some reason, despite the evil he'd done, that short and skinny girl was determined to be with him or make whatever they had work. Even to that day he didn't know what they were. She didn't care what he was or what he had been. All she knew was that she wanted him and that was all Merle needed.

If he were to be honest, he didn't really give a shit what they were. Why did a pair of people need a label? All that matter was that she was his and he wasn't gonna let her go any time soon. She wanted him, like how many other women did, but what she wanted tacked on was something he never experienced. Merle Dixon didn't do relationships. Just a quick fuck and out the door. That was the Merle Dixon way. That's all he ever knew. Yet, with Beth Greene it was something completely different. Merle didn't know how to describe it, but all he knew is that she'd be all he ever wanted for now on. And he made it his job to protect her by whatever means necessary.

Before the world went to shit, he could have any woman melt like ice in his arms. Beth was a little more resistant to his charms...at times, but she easily succumbed to him all the same. She may've been young, but she was wise beyond her years when it came to certain things, but she still had time to grow up. He just hoped, silently, that when she did "grow up" that she would come to her senses about their…arrangement and walk away. That was something he wouldn't allow. Although, he had an inkling that it wouldn't be that simple with her. She was a woman, all women had deeper feelings sooner than the man…most of the time at least.

Every time she laid eyes on him those big blue-green eyes just lit up. It was bewildering, no one's eyes lit up at the sight of him, not even Daryl's. For some reason, that flicked a switch in the older, one-handed man. A different side was shown when she was with him. She brought out a softer side of him, a side only she could summon. She made him weak, something he hated being. Despite the way she started chipping away the brick wall that he was and the anger at her and himself, he couldn't stay away from her.

Damn that girl.

That's what made it hard to keep their relationship a secret. Her daddy would shoot him and her sister and the Asian kid would slit his throat while he slept. He was asking to get his ass shot, but that girl was worth it. In the beginning, the thrill of sneaking around to meet her made it fun, but after the weeks passed it was starting to wear on them both. The fun was fading and it was becoming difficult to be careful in meeting the other.

Hell, they hadn't fucked in two days! Merle was starting to get blue balls. With almost getting caught said two days ago they had to stay further away and refrain from communication other than the passing out of fresh clothes or food.

The only person who knew was Daryl and he was pissed as hell. Hadn't even spoken to his older brother since he found out a week ago. Daryl cared about Beth like she was a little sister which made Daryl's continuous reminding of their age gap an annoying buzz in Merle's ears. His kid brother could get over it or go fuck himself, Merle couldn't care less what he did. The Dixon brothers stuck together, blood was than water and Daryl promised to keep their secret until they decided to tell everyone. Merle doubted they ever would. If they did then the world would go back to normal and hell would freeze over.

Wasn't gonna happen.

Merle trusted his brother with his secret. Besides, Merle had hidden his when they were younger, Daryl just a bumbling teenager with a case of puppy love that still seemed to exist to that very day. His little brother owed him even if he was loyal to Officer Friendly and had his dick stuck up the cop's ass.

Merle's thoughts went back to the days when they were both still young. The elder Dixon thought of the girl his kid brother swooned over. Well, that was being overly dramatic, Dixons don't swoon, but that's what Merle called it…to get on Daryl's nerves. For the longest time, the one-handed asshole thought that his little brother forgot about that girl and started to get friendly with the Mouse who cooked and did laundry in the prison. Her name was Carol or something. Merle didn't know for sure.

Though, Daryl didn't seem interested in her or anybody else. Merle had begun to wonder if his brother's door began to swing the other way, but when he found an old, worn, crinkled picture, blood stained picture in his brother's cell...Merle knew exactly what his brother's problem was.

He missed her.

Beth hummed quietly to herself as she strolled into Daryl's cell, placing his clean sleeveless shirts on the small sink counter. Her mind was thinking of Merle Dixon, the man who had made the past couple months bearable. With continuous threats from the Governor and walkers breaking through some gaps in the prison, Beth had gotten nervous. Though, when Daryl returned with Merle and they started talking the world felt much safer than it did before. Of course, Maggie, Glenn, Rick, her daddy, and Daryl made her feel safe, but Merle was like a blanket of security that always came over her when she was near him or in his arms.

She flushed at the many memories of being in his arms clothed and naked. The blonde's stomach fluttered giddily. Beth turned, feeling strangely dirty for thinking of something like that in Daryl's cell. Even though Beth was eighteen she knew what she wanted and she wanted Merle. Plan and simple. How did it start? Actually, she was nice to him, not letting herself be biased by her family. Merle was an asshole, yes, sometimes sick, yes, racist, yes, but there was so much more to him than anyone else knew. Despite all the evil he'd done, underneath it all was a strong man who was just trying to survive and protect his brother. Growing up the way he and Daryl did would make a person do anything if they were desperate. In doing what he did, showed exactly that.

Anyways, he treated her like she was a child, especially when she couldn't get Judith to keep from crying. He treated her like everyone else did which frustrated her. Then again, everyone in the prison treated him like he was a deadly disease, no pun intended. The disgust her family felt was made painfully obvious, embarrassing Beth at times. Merle didn't seem to care regardless. She wished she had his ability to disregard things.

Nevertheless, they were treated the same when it came to meetings about security against the Governor. In the beginning, barely anyone trusted him enough for his opinion. Beth had thought that outrageous since he had been the Governor's right-hand man, again, no pun intended. Merle knew how the man worked and operated. His opinion and insight was invaluable. In saying that, they didn't ask Beth's opinion either so what did it matter?

Later on, after debate between Daryl, her daddy, and Rick, Merle started training her, despite Maggie and Glenn's disapproval. He helped build her up so that she could properly defend herself should the Governor attack. Michonne was training Carl and Daryl was training someone. Beth lost track of who needed training since it all seemed to revolve around her and her weakness. Merle was a very demanding teacher, well, drill instructor was a better term to describe him at times. It was during those days of training that Beth started to like him. He was a bastard at times, but it was only to push her to get better and she did. After time went by her attraction to him had grown into something dangerous and his had too.

Then, after a heated, rough kiss things changed. She eventually gave her innocence to him eagerly one dark night in the watch tower, and after that he was all she needed and wanted. Merle then proceeded to try and convince her out of it, out of them, like he had before it all really began. She was relentless in her pursuit of him. They secretly carried out their affair and went pretty much undetected, but when Daryl found out she had panicked. Merle's trust in him assured her. So, they continued on with their…business, but were extra careful. For Beth, being careful was starting to get annoying.

She tried many times, succeeding and failing, to get closer emotionally to him, but he was a tough nut to crack. She wasn't expecting him to be all romantic and mooning over her, but she wanted to know what he felt and thought. She wanted to know if her feelings were returned and all he had to do was nod or shake his head. Beth just wanted to be close to him.

She loved him.

She frowned at the realization she'd had the day before. She didn't expect Merle to say it back or actually feel it. She doubted he even knew what love was. She was just happy to have him even if it did disappoint her. Though, she'd always wanted a man to love her and say those words to her, but those men were dead and she'd come to expect that she would never get that. She knew Merle cared for her from the looks he gave her or from the subtle caresses of his fingers on her hand when he couldn't physically hold her. She accepted Merle for who he was, looking past the evil and seeing the potential man beneath the rough exterior.

Despite what he believes, he's a good man. Just like Daryl.

A small grin spread across the young girl's face. Beth ran her eyes around Daryl's cell where they stopped on the bed. Something peculiar caught her eye. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stepped closer. There, sitting on Daryl's bed was an old, worn, crinkled picture with a little blood staining the edges. In the black and white picture was a girl with dark hair and eyes. She was beautiful with the full cheeks and lean neck. She had a beautiful smile, gentle smile, one that was TV worthy. In the picture she was young, probably Beth's age or older.

Who was she? Why did Daryl have her picture? Who was she to Daryl? A lost friend? Lover? Girlfriend? Family member? Did Daryl find this picture while on a run?

Whoever she was, she was pretty and Beth's natural curiosity kicked in. She smiled and sat the picture back down. With a final glance she left the cell, heading towards the back stairs. She froze, heart jumping into her throat, when she heard hurried footfalls run up the stairs. Beth turned to see Daryl stop before the front of his cell, looking rather lost and fearful. She ducked into an empty cell and peeked around the corner at him.

Daryl started patting his pockets as if looking for something. Beth's brows furrowed again. The younger Dixon brother hurried into his cell and emerged seconds later, a look of breathless relief on his face. Beth was surprised by the emotions that crossed his usually emotionless face. Her blue-green eyes fell to what he was holding that caused him to relax.

It was the picture of the girl.

Beth's confusion grew. So, not some random picture of some random girl. She must be an old friend or lover of Daryl's. Obviously the girl in the picture meant something to him from his reactions. Beth watched as Daryl gazed at the picture for a few moments, a glaze sliding over his mysterious dark blue eyes. His thumb slid over the picture in a gentle caress, helping prove Beth's guess.

Yeah, she's somethin', but who?

The blonde focused on Daryl as he snapped out of the past and gently slid the photo into the left breast pocket of his sleeveless shirt, his hand resting over the place for a few seconds before he re-shouldered his bow and headed back down the stairs.

Beth stepped from her hiding place, staring at the spot Daryl just occupied. Her mind was spinning as she tried to tie together some form of logic to what she'd just seen. She knew Merle and Daryl both had been different people before the apocalypse happened, but seeing Daryl look at a picture of a girl from his past made her realize that Daryl's childhood and teen years had some good moments in it. Maybe someone had helped change one of them before they were completely destroyed.

Being a curious person, Beth wouldn't be able to rest until she figured out the mystery of the girl in the picture. She knew exactly who to ask.

Hours later the sun fell behind the trees and darkness covered the land. Beth lay panting and sweaty against Merle, their naked skin hot and slick, adrenaline slowly fading from their desperate love making from an hour earlier. Beth's body hummed in satisfied pleasure, Merle's tall, muscular form keeping the cold of the night away. Merle buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent. His left hand grasped her hip tightly and possessively, his loins limp with delighted exhaustion.

Their heavy gulps for breath were the only noises that echoed in the small cell, the bunk creaking silently with their every breath. Beth curled closer to him, relishing in his existence. Finally, after two fucking days Merle was able to have his woman again and it felt real good to take her. Once Beth regained enough breath she decided to ask her questions, praying that Merle would respond in kind.


A deep humming rumble from his chest signaled his response.

"Did Daryl ever have a girlfriend when he was young?"

The older man stiffened in her arms, the hand on her hip tightening.

"Yer fuckin' ask me 'bout my little brotha's love life right after sex? Interestin' come down conversation." He replied sarcastically.

Beth swallowed a little, scolding herself at the truth behind his question. Sometimes she didn't think, but she was just a kid after all. Beth didn't miss the hint of jealously in his tone.

"Jealously doesn't become you, Merle."

Merle scoffed coldly, stiffening. "Who says I'm jealous?"

Beth frowned, wincing slightly at his harsh tone. It would be nice for him to at least admit a little bit.

Merle sighed. "Why so damned ya curious? Interested in my kid brotha?"

It was Beth's turn to scoff. Merle tilted his head down to look at her to see her face match her scoff of incredulity.

"Daryl's like a brother to me, Merle. Jus' the thought of kissin' him makes me think of kissin' Glenn."

Merle ignored the sliver of relief he felt and smirked when her nose crinkled in disgust.

"Then why ask 'bout 'is love life?"

Beth looked up into his icy blue eyes sheepishly. "Well...its jus'...I was in his cell today."

Merle's eyebrows rose curiously, but with a hint of anger. "What fer?"

Beth rolled her eyes. "Laundry,"

The elder Dixon just nodded. "So, you was in Daryl's cell, puttin' away his clothes when what?"

Beth bit her lip. "Well, I just happened to look on his bed and I found an old black and white photo of a young girl. I got curious as to who she was. When I left Daryl came back in a worried tizzy like he'd lost somethin' and he went into his cell and came out with the picture. After he had it he got really relieved and just kinda gazed at it a moment before putting it in his shirt pocket and leavin'."

Merle listened with slight amusement and curiosity.

"And ya got ta wonderin' who the girl was."

Beth nodded, curling her leg across one of his. A deadly, predatory grin spread across his handsome face.

"Now, uh, what does ol' Merle get if he answers some of yer questions?"

Beth's face cherry red. She hadn't thought Merle would ask for something like that just for answers to a few questions.

Wait a minute. This is Merle Dixon we're talkin' 'bout. I should've known.

Beth bit her lip in thought before answering. "Tell you what. After you answer the question you'll find out."

Merle's grin turned into a mischievous smirk. "Alright, lay one on me."

Beth grinned at his choice of words.

"Who is she?"

Merle chuckled. "Nah, nah, that's too damn big o' one. Ya gotta shorten 'em up a bit. I'm a man wit' needs, Beth."

Beth groaned, but nodded, ignoring his sensual wink.

A man with needs, alright! More like a freakin' horndog. Oh, wait! This is Merle Dixon! Of course he is!

"What's her name?"

Merle nodded in approval. "MaryJane, but I called 'er MJ."

Beth waited for further explanation, but he said no more. She tilted her head and looked up at him expectantly.

Merle gave her a mock innocent look. "What? I answered yer question. What do I get in return?"

Beth scowled, but turned to lay on her stomach and crawled up his arm and placed a kiss on his smirking lips. When she lifted her head back his smirk was gone, replaced by a serious, lustful gaze. It was Beth's turn to smirk.

"How did you know her?"

Merle's eyes narrowed from her quick prize to him, but he answered. "I ran into 'er and Daryl in a local diner, havin' lunch or tea time and studyin' and that shit."

Beth's eyes lit up. "Daryl studied?! Did he graduate?"

Merle let out a rough laugh. "That's two questions and I ain't been awarded my second yet."

Beth let out a huff of frustration, starting to regret ever asking him in that position. Never again! She kissed his neck, biting a little for good measure.

"Ooo! Kitty's got 'er claws out tanight!" Merle chuckled, the feeling of her teeth biting on his pulse erotic.

"Answer, please?" Beth begged.

"He graduated, yeah, but by the fuckin' skin o' 'is teeth. The only one outta tha both o' us and our shitty ass parents who graduated 'igh school." Merle answered, folding his stubbed arm behind his head so he could look at her better.

Beth looked down at his muscular chest, taking in the information. Quickly she awarded him with another kiss, but this time on his chest.

"This MaryJane, did she help Daryl?"

Merle nodded, his body humming at the memory of Beth's lips touching his skin.

"Yeah, busted her ass ta get 'em ta study. There were times when he'd piss 'er off too much and they wouldn't talk fer days. Serves 'im right."

Merle smirked after finishing and gestured down to his chest as an emphasis for her to keep going. Beth, having gotten a little lost in Merle's story she hurriedly kissed his chest again.

"How did Daryl take it?"

Merle chuckled. "Acted like a kicked puppy longin' to get the love o' 'is master. At the time I didn't think nothin' o' 'is shitty ass mood swings, but after I met 'er I realized my brotha's reason."

Another kiss. "What did Daryl feel for her?"

Merle eyed Beth, his eyes squinting suspiciously.

"Why you fuckin' so curious?"

Beth frowned. "'Cause I care 'bout Daryl like I do everyone else here. Lately he's seemed...lonely and lost. I don't like seein' anyone like that. I wanna try and help him."

A dangerous fire rose in Merle's eyes. "Help 'im 'ow? You ain't interested in 'im. He ain'..." Merle trailed off in realization, staring at her incredulously. "You wanna find 'er."

Beth lowered her eyes and nodded sheepishly.

Merle chuckled harshly. "Hate ta break it ta ya, sweetheart, but we ain't gonna fuckin' find 'er. Odds are she's a goddamned walker or already dead."

Beth bristled, her eyes narrowing at the older man beneath her. "We don't know that! Chances are she could be out there!"

"How do ya go 'bout plannin' on findin' 'er, hmm?" Merle asked, eyes hard and tone sharp.

Beth's mouth gaped open as she tried to find an answer. Her mouth began to move up and down as she tried fishing for an answer without success. Merle just rolled his eyes.

"Close yer mouth, ya look like a fuckin' guppy fish."

Beth flushed and did so, glaring at him. He just smiled widely, making her scowl at his smugness.

"I know I probably won't be able to find her, but at least I have prayer."

Merle scoffed. "Ya still believin' in God after all this shit 'as happened?"

"God gave you ta me."

Merle's grin vanished and his eyes grew serious, taken aback by her response.

"That's an answer from God to me." Beth finished shyly, her fingers tapping gently on the side of his ribcage.

Merle remained speechless for a few moments before clearing his throat. "You got another question fer me?"

Beth nodded eagerly. "How did Daryl and MaryJane meet?"

"Beats the shit outta me. Daryl rarely talked 'bout 'er unless I badgered 'im 'bout 'er."

Beth frowned, but awarded him with a kiss lower on his chest.

"What can you tell me 'bout this MaryJane?"

Merle scowled. He was getting tired. He wanted sleep. If he wanted to stay up all night he'd take night watch in the tower...or fuckin' his woman, but he wasn't doin' neither.

"If I answer this last question can I go ta sleep?"

Beth nodded. Merle sighed and laid his head back against the pillow, pulling his arm back against his side. Beth laid her head on his chest as she listened, her hand rubbing his abdomen gently.

"She was a fuckin' spit fire. She kept Daryl on 'is toes and she was a bookworm, straight A student, a kid who's gotta future 'head o' 'er. And fer some reason she latched on ta Daryl an' tried to 'elp 'im. I think Daryl started crushin' on 'er.

Beth smiled. Daryl deserved a little happiness. She tried to imagine a younger Daryl crushing on the girl in the picture. She could see it, but just silent wanting from Daryl. He was like Merle, not knowing how to express emotions like other people did. Maybe that's what attracted this MaryJane to him. It was one thing that attracted Beth to Merle.

"I know that fer a fact, but I don't know if she felt the same…I think he fucked 'er too."

Beth lifted her head to look up at him.

"Why's that?"

"Caught 'im sneakin' in late one night, while she's on a break from college. He looked..."

"Satisfied?" Beth guessed.

"Yeah, he was too fuckin' happy too. Jus' kinda floatin' 'round the house like he was on some cloud. That next mornin' he hauled ass, mumblin' 'bout goin' to check on 'er car. It was havin' transmission problems or somethin'. I knew he was checkin' on some parts o' 'ers other than 'er car parts."

Merle sniggered and yawned loudly, causing Beth to yawn right after him. She closed her eyes.

"Then, uh, then…Beth? Ya awake?"

Merle lifted his head and looked down to see his woman fast asleep next to him. He grinned and closed his eyes in relief where sleep claimed him quickly. Out in the darkness was a pair of watchful eyes. The man that the eyes belonged to was thinking of the person the odd couple was speaking about and he sat there, living in the past.

Well, there we have it. Let me know if Merle and Beth were in character because the last thing I want to do is butcher them. I would love feedback on that. Though, if you do not wish to review that is fine, but I would greatly appreciate it. If you would like an idea as to what the picture looks like check out the story avatar I created myself for this specific story once it comes up. I am rather proud of it.

AN: I will be re-editing The Man Comes Around for grammatical errors and other booboos on my part.

By the way, wasn't this past week's episode crazy? I thirst for more!

More to come soon...with Daryl. (My favorite)

Happy Writing!