*Set straight after 'Finding Sky'- this does not link to the other books. Enjoy.*

'Don't worry,' he whispered. 'I won't leave you- not ever.'

I sat down and opened up the first piece of music. My future looked very promising- and he was standing right beside me.

2 Years Later...

'I can't believe you've nearly finished your final year of high school, Sky.' Sally smiled, placing tonight's dinner, spaghetti bolognese, on the table in front of me.

'I would have finished already if we were still in England!' I smiled, winding spaghetti round my fork.

'I thought you were glad we moved here... well... despite the rough start.' Simon shuddered at the memory of our first fall in America; being kidnapped and dragged to Las Vegas, the brainwashing more than once, the almost-shooting in the casino... and realising I was in love with Zed, my soulfinder.

'I am.' I smiled. 'I just can't believe how things have flown by.'

'You're growing up too fast.' Simon sighed. 'It'll be college in the fall.'

I sighed, feeling content. Having completed my finals, I just had Prom and the long summer to look forward to. Then off to University of Denver to study Music. Life was pretty good right now and I was hoping it would stay that way.

After dinner, I excused myself and headed up to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and looked at the beautiful dress hanging on the outside of my wardrobe; my prom dress. The light blue strapless dress was fitted down to my waist, where their were silver sequins sewn into the fabric. It was a simple yet elegant dress and I quite liked the slits up the side of the dress because they made my legs look longer. In the shop I'd fallen in love with the dress straight away; it was perfect.


I smiled, hearing Zed's voice in my mind. Hey.

What are you doing?

Just thinking about prom. You?

Just thinking about you.

There was a tap at the window and I jumped. I carefully moved the dress into my wardrobe and pulled back the curtains. Zed sat in the tree next to my window, a smile on his lips.

'Anything wrong with the front door?' I laughed, opening the window.

'Nope. I'm just trying not to push my luck with your dad, especially as I've been over a lot recently.' He leant forwards and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

'I'm sure Simon and Sally don't mind.'

'They might by the time summer's over.'

'Oh, really? Planning on moving in?' I smiled, leaning towards him for another kiss.

'I wish.' He leant forwards and pressed his forehead to mine. 'One day.'

I looked into his eyes and noticed the golden aura around him, reminding me of just how much he loved me. I closed the gap between our lips and kissed him gently. His hands moved to frame my face and his kiss became more passionate, more urgent. I ran my hands over his chest and he moaned as I pushed him against the wall. We both pulled away, breathless, careful not to get lost in the moment; it was something we had spoken about over the last year, but I wasn't quite ready. Sometimes I wondered if he minded, even though he always said that he was happy to wait. Catching our breath, I placed my head against his chest and he held me like he never wanted to let me go.

The final days before Prom rushed by and, before I knew it, I was sat in the Nail Salon with Tina and Zoe at my side. Tina had been forcing me to eat a cube of jello everyday, claiming that it strengthened your nails; somehow it had worked.

'Told you.' Tina smiled, cockily, as the beautician painted the based of my manicure.

'They've never been long enough to paint. I've either bitten them or broken them.' I replied, enjoying being pampered.

'Bad habit.' Zoe smiled. 'Especially when there are so many dances to go to.'

'They have proms in England, don't they Sky?' Tina asked.

'Yes, but we don't go as crazy over it as you do over here.'

'You've been here over two years and you still haven't sold England to me.'

I had never taken so long to get ready for a party in my life. We'd had manicures, homemade facials with some face masks Sally had bought us from the grocery store, and Zoe's sister had come over to do our hair as she was a trainee hairdresser. I was surprised when I looked at the clock and saw that it was five o'clock.

Sally knocked at the door. 'I brought you all some nibbles, just in case you're getting peckish.' She smiled when she saw us all sat on my bed. 'You look lovely!'

'Eugh! I haven't got any make-up on yet.' Tina said, eyeing her dreadlock updo in the mirror.

'Well you're all natural beauties.' She smiled and pulled the door to behind her.

I carefully moved my wild blonde curls off of my face so that I could do my make-up; I'd wanted to wear my hair down today because I knew that was how Zed liked it.

'So, are you and Nelson still staying in the hotel after prom tonight?' Zoe asked Tina, carefully applying her mascara.

'Yeah.' Tina replied casually.

'You know what this means.' Zoe winked at me.

'It doesn't have to mean that.' I shrugged, turning back to face them. Tina's cheeks flushed red under her foundation.

'Why are you so red?'

'No...reason.' Tina went back to applying her eyeliner. Zoe and I shot each other a glance.

'You've already done it.'

'Done what...'

'You know what.' Zoe raised her eyebrow as Tina's cheeks continued to match the red of her prom dress.

'Okay.' She replied, looking around the room. 'But don't judge me. I'm eighteen, we've been together two years... it just felt right, you know?'

I felt a tinge of guilt in my stomach for making Zed wait this long. Afterall, we'd been together longer than Tina and Nelson.

'We're not judging you, are we Sky?' Zoe smiled.

'Not at all.' I replied, awkwardly.

'In fact, I'm really pleased for you. I just hope he doesn't ruin that beautiful dress later.'

I was glad to be called for photos by Simon and Sally at that moment. I quickly pulled on my dress and allowed Tina to zip up the back for me. I looked myself over in the mirror; would he like it? I really hoped so.

'Sky, stop worrying. You look so pretty.' Tina smiled, straightening out her fitted red dress.

'Are you sure?'

'Yes.' Zoe replied. 'Zed won't be able to take his eyes off of you.'

The doorbell rang and we knew that our dates had arrived. With a final glance in the mirror, we prepared ourselves for our grand entrance.

Zoe had decided to head down the stairs first in her grecian pale pink dress. Her date was Tom, a guy from her homeroom, and I recognised his voice when he told her she looked gorgeous.

Tina went next, walking carefully in her kitten heels and holding up her dress as she walked down the stairs.

'Wow... You look ...amazing.' Nelson gasped, a little flustered.

Please let Zed like my outfit, I prayed silently.

I will.

I took a deep breath and slowly descended into the living room. I watched the gold colours around Zed, tinged with a little pink that I had not seen before. His whole face smiled, from his mouth to his eyes.

'You look so beautiful Sky'. He said silkily. So beautiful that I can't wait to show you off tonight.

I smiled and looked over to Simon and Sally, who both seemed to be welling up. 'No tears please.'

'We're so proud of you. You look like a princess.' Sally sniffed, pulling a tissue out from her sleeve.

'Come on, let's get some photos.' Simon smiled, his eyes watering.

That night was one of the best nights I had ever had. I spent the night laughing, taking pictures and dancing with my friends and my boyfriend. Just like my time in High School, the evening rushed by and before long it was the last dance.

'May I?' Zed smiled, reaching for my hand.

'Of course.'

I placed my hands on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around my waist. 'This would be so much more romantic if I was taller.'

'Shh.' He bent down to kiss my forehead as we swayed to the music.

'Thank you for tonight.'

'What are you thanking me for?' His dark eyes looked into mine.

'Being my date. Making this evening perfect.'

'It's not over yet.' He smiled. 'Though your dad did threaten to kill me if I lay my hands on you later.'

I laughed. 'I'm surprised he agreed to me staying over.'

'Maybe he's realised his little girl is growing up.'

'Maybe'. I sighed, content, moving my head so that it was against his chest.

We said our goodbyes to our friends and promised we'd meet up before Graduation- another event I was not used to having at the end of High School.

Back in the Benedict household, everything was quiet.

'Mum and dad are away for the weekend.' Zed explained, handing me a glass of water.

'Let me guess... you didn't mention that piece of information to Simon?'

'Of course not!' He laughed, taking a sip of his water.

I placed the glass down on the kitchen counter and looked back at Zed to see he was watching me again.


'You're just so beautiful... and sexy... and cute.' His voice whispered as he moved closer to me. He placed his hand on my back, which was bare from the low-back dress.

'How can I be all those things? I'm just Sky. And that's not even my real name.' I shivered as his fingers moved down my spine.

'You are my soulfinder.' His other hand caressed my cheek and tilted my chin so that I was looking at him. 'And I love you.'

'I love you too.'

He caught me off guard by scooping me up bridal-style and kissing me. I kissed him back and tried to ignore the fact that we were moving, which was making me a bit queasey. He gently placed me on his bed without breaking the kiss and continued to move his hands along my body.

My hands undid his tie and slowly unbuttoned his shirt as we continued to kiss. I removed his shirt and ran my hands over his muscular, bare chest. He moaned and pulled away.

'Sky.' He whispered.

I smiled and looked at him, the pink and gold aura around him; love and... lust. Suddenly, I didn't feel so scared anymore.

'I'm ready.'