Disclaimer: I do not own Little Vampire, its character or its movie plots, I do however own my characters and the plot before the movie plot starts.

Summary: A few weeks before Tony and his family moved to Scotland Ryan Sutherland and her family moved into an old mansion nearby. Ryan has a rather unhealthy fascination with all things dark. She goes to graveyards to relax, scares her younger sister (with the help of her sister's twin) for fun and would become nocturnal if she could. Given the task to clean out the cellar she finds a little bat. Gregory/OC Maybe OC/Rudolph.

First Little Vampire fanfic but defiantly not my first fan fic.

"Ry…. Hey Ry…. Ryaaaaan." Ryan took out her headphones when one of her younger sister, by two years, Emily started poking her.

"What, Em?"

"Can I see your sketch book?"

"Later, we're almost there right?" Ryan asked looking ahead to her parents in the front seat of the car. Her dad looked at her in the rear view mirror.

"Almost there." He said. Ryan's mother looked back at the three girls and smiled seeing, Emily's twin, Mary asleep to the other side of Ryan. Both girls had black hair; Emily and Ryan's hair were long a straight while Mary's was short and curlier. Ryan had almost silver eyes while the twins had very light blue eyes. Emily let her head hang back in boredom while Ryan chuckled.

A few hours later the family arrived at their new, yet extremely old and practically run down, mansion. Ryan got out of the car and looked up at the mansion. Her parents loved to do projects in their free time. Apparently they thought it a great idea to buy a mansion so they could fix it up. Oh and the mansion just happened to be in Scotland. Ryan sighed as she turned back to the car to get her bags out.

"We call the big room!" The twins yelled in unison, leaving their bags and running to the mansion.

"Hey! No! Big sister gets the big room!" Ryan called slinging a bag over her shoulder and running after them. She followed the sound of the giggling up the very creaky stairs and down a hall until she found the two girls jumping on the bed in a rather large room. The walls were a very dark navy blue and the floors were a dark wood. On the far side of the room were two doors of dark wood leading to a small balcony with dark blue curtains. The bed already had matching blue sheets, pillows, etc. The room wasn't bare besides the bed; a few items of furniture were sent in advance. There was a wardrobe with a long mirror on the side, a small chest, a desk and a chair and a small nightstand next to the bed with a small lamp on it. On the walls were a few blank shelves, some high some low.

Ryan rolled her eyes and walked into the room. She dropped her bags then put her hands on her hips in victory.

"My bags are in the room, it's mine." Both girls stopped jumping and whined.

"But we were here first!" Mary whined.

"I'm practically moved in." Ryan said picking up one of her bags and walking over to the wardrobe.

"Mom!" Mary shouted. Their mother, who just happened to be walking by with a few bags, stopped in the doorway.

"Mary, we already chose this room for Ry, your room is down the hall. Come on."

"Ha." Ryan said as she started filling her new wardrobe. Mary, with a groan, got off the bed and left the room to follow her mother. Emily giggled and hopped off the bed.

"Can I see your sketch book now?" Emily asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sure, it's in the green bag." Emily quickly ran over to the bag and went through it. Ryan rolled her eyes and finished putting her clothes away. She turned around and saw Emily lying on her stomach flipping through Ryan's sketch book. "Don't you have to go unpack your things?" Emily waved her hand dismissively.

"I can do it later."

"I think you should go help Mar out."

"But Ry-"

"Come on, the sooner you do it the sooner you can come back and look at my newest book."

"I thought this was you newest?" Emily asked sitting up.

"Now why would I let you look at my most recent book?" Ryan said with a smile.

"You promise?" Emily asked. Ryan nodded.

"Cross my heart." Ryan said making the motion with her finger. Emily smiled and quickly climbed off the bed and ran out of the room. Ryan chuckled. She picked up the rest of her bags and put them on her bed. She let out a sigh then started to fill her room with her 'personal touch'.

Within about two hours the empty shelves either had books or personal knickknacks including: a bat figurine, a mini jack-o-lantern, and other things that would remind someone of Halloween. The bare blue walls had a few posters littering them now and the desk now had a few filled sketch books, a lamp and a laptop. The bed had a few extra pillows and plushies; a black heart pillow with a white X band-aid, a Jack Skeleton Plushie and a blue pillow with a spider's web on it. There was a guitar rack in the corner of the room with a black and white electric guitar on it and by the door were a pair of black converse and black combat boots. Ryan looked at her room with a satisfied grin before leaving the room, closing the door behind her, and walking down the creaky stairs and into the kitchen where her parents were planning what they were going to fix about the house. The house wasn't as run down as it looked from the outside; the inside was very stable just a lot of creaks and squeaks, most of the renovations would be for the outside of the house.

"Hey Ry." Her mom said when she noticed her walking into the room. "Finish you room?"


"Great." Her father said. "Ya think you could go through some of the extra things in the basement?" Ryan frowned. "Just some of the things the movers put down there that we need."

"Which boxes?" Ryan said with a suppressed groan.

"The ones labeled Kitchen and dining room, and if you can find it the one labeled golf." Ryan's mom rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Your father and I will be outside, taking measurements."

"Alright." Ryan said before walking to the basement door. Emily came down the stairs as she opened the door.

"Whacha doin'?"

"Gotta bring up some boxes, wanna help me?"

"They're in the basement?" Ryan nodded. "Sure!" Emily said happily. Ryan smiled and the two walked down the stairs. "So what are we looking for?"

"Kitchen and Dining room." Ryan said looking at a few stacked boxes. She walked a few feet and suddenly came face to face with a sleeping bat. She smiled and backed away. "Em." She whispered. Emily looked over and Ryan put a finger to her lips and pointed to the bat. Emily came over with a big grin.

"Wow." Suddenly there was a scream from behind the two girls, causing the bat to wake up with a fright, and the two girls to spin around to see Mary.

"Kill it!" She screeched and grabbed a nearby random object.

"No!" Emily shouted and grabbed the object before Mary could try to hurt the innocent bat.

"Mary, go upstairs." Ryan said, giving her a push towards the stairs. Mary didn't need it for she was already running back up them. Ryan sighed and turned back to the bat and smiled when she saw it was still there only looking a bit frightened, if that was possible. "Sorry about that, lil guy. Don't worry; Em and I won't let mean Mary hurt you." Emily came over.

"Can I pet him?" She asked.

"As much as I love bats, Em, I don't think that's wise. After all we did wake him from his nap." Emily frowned.

"Mary woke him." She said with a pout.

"Come on, let's fine the boxes and leave him to his nap." Ryan said walking away.

"Okay…" Emily said with a frown before smiling at the bat. "Bye Batty." She said before picking up a box that said dining room.

"You're naming it already and you pick 'Batty'?" Ryan asked. Em lightly kicked Ryan's leg as she picked up the box labeled kitchen.

"I like it!"

"Alright, alright, no need to get violent."

"Can I come with you tonight?" Emily asked as the two started towards the stairs.

"I have no possible idea what you're talking about."

"I know you're going to find your need cemetery 'getaway'." Ryan chuckled as they started to ascend the stairs.

"In a few years; you still have bed time. Besides, it's my get away."

"Awww." The younger girl's whine faded as the basement door closed. The bat blinked curiously.

Not bad for a first chapter. I just thought of this story idea today while jotting down ideas after a quiz. Just wrote all of this today too. Review Please ^_^