Hey everyone, Wow 13 review in one day, I am impressed god job. This is why I updated as fast as I could. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Special thanks to my reviewers: Divergent Gal, Guest, person, .923519, USERNAIM, Divergent123, clace997, pottermommy 1118, BooksLover1603, T, kaydenise, Marigzv, and Divergentya. I hope you like this next chapter Please Review!

Chapter 12: Marlene, I'm here for you

Marlene POV

"NO! Marlene stop, you don't know what your doing". Just as I was about to put my foot over the ledge and jump I heard Zeke's voice behind me. What? Why would Zeke want to keep me form jumping? I mean I've known him since I was little but still. I wanted to jump, no one cared for me, or did they?

"Zeke, I don't care what you say I want to do this, nobody truly cares about me anyways." Could Zeke care for me? I always thought he liked Lynn's older sister Shauna.

When I was 8 I had this huge crush on him and would always turn red when I saw him at Uri's house. He would always ignore us though as then we were considered Uri's annoying friends that were 2 years younger than him.

"Zeke, no one will miss me. Uri has Tris, Lynn has the both of them for friends, even Luke has someone else. I am all alone and no one will care if I die."

"Mar, your wrong. Your friends love you and your death would cause them a lot of grief and anguish, even if you haven't been getting along lately. Besides how will Uri, Tri, and Lynn be the four musketeers without you?"

"Well, that's obvious Zeke, they will just have to be the three musketeers, If I recall the original book was actually the three musketeers not four. I am doing this and you can't stop me!" I started walking to the ledge and then turned around to face Zeke. "Good bye Zeke, tell everyone that I loved them."

As I turned around to face the chasm my foot slipped and I fell before I was ready. I started to feel myself drop and closed my eyes. I had hardly fallen 2 feet when I felt someone grab my arm.

"I can't let you do this Mar, what about me?" Zeke said as I dangled above the chasm with him gripping my arm. Groaning a little at the weight he know had pulling him downwards he carefully pulled me up and into his arms.

"Mar, I can't let you go, I care for you too much, hell I may even love you. Don't do this to me. Your little fall there just scared the crap out of me. If you jump, I jump too."

"Zeke, I don't know what to say, but thank you for saving me. I knew in my heart that jumping off the chasm was a terrible idea."
"Well, I was going to wait till after initiation was over because I'm an instructor and all but screw it." He said as he leaned toward me and kissed me. Someone truly cared for me after all.

Zeke POV

"NO!" what was Marlene doing. Why would she jump off the chasm. I had to stop her.

"I have to do this" she said as she turned toward the chasm and suddenly slipped. My heart stopped as I saw her falling toward the rushing water and sharp rocks. Without even thinking I rushed and just barely grabbed her arm. No way was I going to let her fall.

"I can't let you do this Mar, what about me?" I really loved her, I mean who wouldn't. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and she can kick butt in fighting. I remember seeing her every day when we were younger. She would always come to hang out with Uri, Tris, and Lynn. And I would always find her beautiful blue eyes on me.

"Mar, I can't let you go I care for you too much, hell I may even love you" Of course I loved her but I didn't want to freak her out by saying that too soon.

I probably should have waited until after initiation but now I don't care. I grabbed her an pulled her into a kiss. I really love this girl.

What did you guys think? I want to try and go for 15 Reviews this time. Don't worry guys I wouldn't of killed Marlene. What do you think of the Zeke thing? I hinted at it last chapter when I said Zeke got quiet when Marlene walked to Tris and Uri, did you guys catch that? I skipped studying for exams so I could write this for you guys( I have more days to study though) Please Review! Thanks love ya- HT188