I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters. sorry about any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. please leave comment and any idea's for future chapters, I am willing to look at them and try and see if they go with how I am thinking the story will go.

It has been 2 weeks since the final battle at Hogwarts and Lisa Potter has final got a minute to sit down and relax. It has been a hectic few weeks since Voldemort has final been defeated what with all the funerals and reporters wanting to know what happened in the run up to the war ending and wanting to now what she wants to do know the war is finished. To be perfectly honest she doesn't know what she wants to do now that the war is over but she has decide a few thing like she is going to go back to Hogwarts for her seventh year and she is going to travel before it starts back. She is worried about going back since she had that fall out with Hermione and Ron.


"What do you mean that you don't want to continue being my friend, after everything we have been throw us two just want to drop me as a friend" I asked my two best friends we ex-best friends with tears in my eyes that I would not let fall. "It's not that we are dropping you it just that now Voldemort is gone we just want to have a peaceful life and well you just attacked attention." Hermione said quietly "Yeah, mate if it matters to you we really are sorry. Me and Hermione are going to start a life together and we do need you tagging along." Ron said rather bluntly not sounding sorry at all. I didn't now what to do so I just ran out there apartment that they shared together with tear still running down my face


I haven't seen them since that night but that was fine by me if they don't want me as friends am not going to beg them I have learned the hard way that life is to short for you to want what you can't have so you should be happy with what you have. Anyway I have been planing my summer holiday and it is going to be the best I have ever had. I made a list of thing I want to do the summer and I am going to ask for the goblins help to plan it so it all runs smoothly and so that I can do everything on my list what I have so far is learn a few new languages ( doesn't matter with langue), learn to drive a car and motor bike, learn to surf, party pretty hard, lose virginity(don't need goblins help with that) and change my appearance permanently.

So after checking and re-checking the list I went to 'Gringotts' underneath my invisibility clock. When I enter the bank it was empty bar a few customers so I went to the teller at the back of the bank "could I please speak to the Potter accounts manager please." I ask the goblin nicely I was happy to find out that the goblins liked me " fallow me Miss Potter and I will take you to Griphook." The goblin at ther desk said wiliest started to walk towards the back of the bank I fallow quickly behind.

Once we got to a rather huge door the goblin knock on it "entire" a voice was heard throw the door the goblin open it "Miss Potter hear to see you" the goblin said "send her in" the first voice said am assuming it was Griphook. The goblin ushered me in " have a nice day" he said then turned to walk out closing the door behind him.

"What can Gringotts do for you today Miss Potter" Griphook said " well I was planing a trip round the word and I was hopping that Gringotts would supply me with good destinations and the international portkeys to travel with." I ask "of course we can but I will co used quite a bit if you pay more we here at Gringotts will plan your whole trip for you" Griphook said with a shark looking smile " cost is not a problem if you could make sure that my trip has everything on this list I am willing to pay that bit more. Could you also tell me if there's a way to get money out of the bank without needing to come in all the time and also how long would it be for you to organise me trip" I asked wiliest I hand over my list of things to do over the summer with out losing my V card and change appearance on it I could come up with that on my own thank you very much. Taking the list out of my hand "It should take no more than 2 hours to plan the trip and get the portkeys ready, and for your other request here is a special wallet it can hold a maximum of 500 million galleons witch will automatically change to what ever currency you need, you just need to think what you need for example if you where in muggle London you would think pound so on so forth. Now this Wallet is full if you some how manage to spend 500 million galleons you can come back to Gringotts to get more put into, it is set up so only you can open the wallet" Griphook said handing me the normal looking wallet."I will be back in two hours then if that should bee nought time, I have to get thing ready for my trip so if you will excuse me I can find my own way out" I said politely to Griphook wiliest heading to the do Griphook ask if I was leave right away I told him I want to leave as soon as possible and left shortly after telling him that.

Once out side Gringotts I decide to cross something off my list all ready and change my appearance. I went into a shop called 'Bella's Beauty Booth' as soon as I waked in a woman in here early 40s came up to me " hello Miss Potter it is an honker to meet you and how may I help you today" the woman said " It's nice to meet you to Mrs...?""Bella just call me Bella everyone else does"Bella said "Well nice to meet you Bella you can call me Lisa and I would like a complete change please" I said "do you have any idea what you want or have you yet decided" Bella asked " well I was wondering if you could make my skin tanned like I have lived in Hawaii my whole life as well as piercing sea blue eyes with dark purple hair but not to dark that it just looks black if you could do that and could you make it permanent that would be great" I asked nervously " I think that all that is perfectly within my levels of experience to do. If you don't mind me asking Lisa why such a big change ?" Bella asked "well it's just that I want to go unnoticed just for a wee wile until I go back to school for my final year, you see am planing a trip and I don't want anyone saying anything about me going or trying to fallow me, so if I change my appearance then they want now who I am until I get back and start Hogwarts, it will also be an new look for a new star so to speak" I rambled on "I won't tell anyone if anyone deserves a break it's you. Just sit on the chair in front of the mirror you should be done in no time at all" Bella said I done what was asked and sat in the chair Bella instructed me to close my eyes and then stated say some spells quietly to herself I felt the magic wash over my whole body I even felt it in my eyes bust that's no surprise because she is changing there colour "I have finished you just need to sit still for 5 minutes to let the magic settle" Bella insisted and left me to sit in peace after about 5 minutes Bella came back "Ok you can open you eyes age and go and look in the mirror if you want anything change you would have to wait 10 minutes before I could change anything for you" Bella said so I done what she said and opens my eyes and walk to the back of the store and look at my reflection in the full body mirror . My mouth fell open in shock I looked beautiful I still stood at 5'10 but I now have gorges tanned skin my Brest where still a size 36 D and perky and I was still slim and toned from all the quidditch I played through school but I now have the bluest eyes ever even I could get lost in them (wow that was pretty vain of me but true) I also have the most lovely colour of purple hair it still went just past my shoulder-blades in lovely ringlets. All in all I would say I looked great to lately different to what I usually look like so no one would no it's me it was perfect . "Wow, you did a great job Bella I can hardly recognise me, how much oh and is it permanent" I asked still in minor shock "I no this is probable my best work yet. Yes it is permanent no spell or potion can undo it it my on creation. And it will only cost you 30 galleons"Bella answered back excitedly I handed her 40 galleons "thanks again and keep the change" I said as I headed to the door "You have a nice holiday Lisa, you really do deserve one" Bella said "thanks hopefully I will see you again" and with that I left the shop.

So with the new look I decide a new wardrobe was needed to so I went to muggle London for clothes. An hour later and about £1000 lighter I was done shopping for the day I am now wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a purple long vest top with a leather on top with a black and purple checked scarf and a pair of purple converse on I didn't look goth with all the black but I did look punk rock witch was ok because that was the look I was going for. I have shrunk all my bags and put them in my wizard travel bag with just looked like a muggle duffel bag witch was currently hanging over my left shoulder now there was two reason why I picked this wizard travel bag. One it automaticity sorts and organised everything you put in it and it has a feather light charm on it an two I was purple and black. Now if you hadn't guessed my favourite colours are black and purple. With all my money sorted and all my clothes sorted all I need to do was go back to Gringotts to get my travel plans and my portkeys ohh I also got a fake drivers licence wiliest I was in muggle London I told the guy just to give me any finished one no one wanted and gave him £100 I just magically changed the name one it along with the gender,age and a picture of the new me.

I headed to the Leaky Cauldron so that I could get this holiday stared. I have never been this organised in my life I have already told Professor McGonagal that I am going on holiday and she has all ready gave me my school letter with all the books I need this year so I bought them in advance and packed for Hogwarts so that all I need to do is enjoy my holiday and get back here before the train leave at 11 o'clock on the 1st of September. As I enter the Leaky Cauldron I nodded to Tom the bar man as I walked throw to the back of the so I could get to the entrance of Diagon Alley. I made my way up to Gringotts and walked up to the same teller I did this morning. "Has Griphook got everything ready for me or do I have to wait until he is finished" I asked the teller politely he handed me a neckless that looked like muggle dog-tags with the name LISA WHITLOCK carved into the metal I smiled at the tags Whitlock was the last name I decided to travel with. He also handed me a thick A4 sized envelop and a peace of A4 parchment "yes he finished and left it here and told me just to fill you in because he had a meeting with the head goblin" the teller said " ok what are the instructions he left with you then ?" I ask him curiously "well to start the neckless is your portkey keep it on at all times just to be safe you are the only one who can take it off and you need to be in your right mind to do it, all you need to do is say the place you are going to and then say go to activate it. On the peace of A4 parchment is your first destination you will also finish there. Griphook ask me to also tell you that the peaces of A4 parchment in the envelop will only have righting on the when it's time to move to the next place your neckless will also heat up a bit when you are to go to the next destination. We at Gringotts would also like to wish you a happy holiday and hope you do business with us again soon" the teller said wiliest making sure I got all the info Griphook left for me "Thank you, have a nice day" I said to the teller wiliest I put the Dog-tags on and the envelop into my wizard travel bag I placed a locking charm and and anti thief charm on the bag then head out of the bank. When I was outside the bank I looked at the first start of my world tour holiday Hawaii was on the top of the parchment YASSSS I walked fasted to the Leaky Cauldron I had all ready said goodbye to everyone that mattered and told them when I would be back. George was nice enough to give me loads of stuff from his joke shop witch me, him and his twin all made stuff that are been sold to the next line of pranksters I guess I was happy I was a prankster like my dad it help keep me from going crazy from time to time.

Once I reached the Leaky Cauldron I walk straight throw to the muggle side and found the nearest ally and walk into it. I looked up and down the ally I even checked up in the sky just to make sure no one was watching me. I made sure I was holding my bag tight with one hand and with the other I wrapped it around the dog-tags and said " Hawaii" clearly and with a tug from the navel I was away to start the best summer holiday ever.

I know that there hasn't been any real mention go the marauders or anyone from the past but it will in the next few chapters right now I am just try to explain the drastic changes Lisa Potter goes throw after the war. Please leave comment.

P.S Thanks for reading the first of hopefully many chapters