"Hey Max, what do you have?" McGarrett asks hopefully.

He had phoned the Medical Examiner as soon as they had been assigned the case.
"It's all very mysterious, Commander," Max replies.

"The victim died of respiratory failure, but how it happened, I cannot say. There are no signs of illness or injury that would cause it."
"Okay, well what about with the toxicology report?"
"I'm still waiting for the results. But once I have them, I will call you."
"Alright, thanks Max," Steve says, and hangs up.
Kono comes into the room as he hangs up.

"How about we call it a day for now?" she suggests.
Chin nods his agreement.

"Perhaps we should. This case isn't making any sense, but everything we have is a dead end. We'll have to wait for the tox results for another lead."
"There has to be a link somewhere, dammit," Danny adds, frustrated by the lack of evidence.
"We'll find it, Danny, but for now, let's just go home," Steve replies. The blond nods, and all four team members leave HQ and go home for the night.

~ ~ ~ H50 ~ ~ ~

The next morning, Steve studies the report Max gave him when he arrived at HQ. Danny, Chin and Kono, meanwhile, are at the smart table, going over the details of the two victims.
"There is absolutely nothing to connect these two," Danny sighs.

"Nothing, not even the route they take to work. The only thing they have in common is -"
"… Is that they both had an unknown substance in their blood," Steve interrupts him.

"Max gave me the results, and both had some kind of substance in their systems. He has no idea what it is, so the lab are running further tests on it, hoping to get a more detailed analysis of it."
"Is that what caused the respiratory arrest?" Kono asks.
Steve shrugs. "He doesn't know. He said he's never seen anything like this before. Maybe once the lab finishes this round of tests, he might be able to draw some conclusions from it."
"But for now, all we have are a forty-year-old and a thirty-two-year-old, with no pre-existing conditions, just found dead," Chin says.

At lunchtime, the team goes over everything that they can find about the victims, but they do not make any real progress. Steve's phone rings as they are looking.
"McGarrett," he answers automatically.

"Commander, I have the body of a nineteen-year-old woman," Max's voice comes through the speaker.

"She died on Molokai, and I believe she could be a third victim."
"Are you sure?" Steve asks, frowning slightly.
"Yes, I am fairly sure," the coroner replies.

"That is all I can say at this moment. I can tell you more once I have conducted the autopsy."
"Okay. Call me as soon as you have any more information," Steve says and hangs up, before looking at the rest of the team.

"Dead woman on Molokai; could be our third victim."
Kono stares at him in disbelief.

"Seriously? This is starting to get complicated."
"Indeed. All our victims were completely healthy, and then just die of sudden respiratory failure," Chin summarised.

"When did she die, and when was she found?" They will now have more to examine to try and find the killer.
"Max couldn't say, but he reckons he might be able to once he learns more," Steve answers. "Until then, let's speak to the families. Chin, Kono, you two speak to David Parker's wife. Danny and I will talk to Thomas Goodwell."
Everyone nods and heads for the door. They head down to the car park and leave, heading to their locations.