
Lancelot's POV...

I was right this whole time. I've playing innocent with Arthur to find out the truth. Everything makes sense now. I had to pretend I didn't notice whenever I hear a feminine voice singing in Arthur's room, gowns on the bed, or even see a young lady stargazing at the balcony. I wasn't hallucinating at all, everything I saw was real. My king is truly a woman and not a man. I knew it all along. This explains why Arthur shuts everyone out. She never lets anyone past her barriers.

As I left the room, I noticed that the king's face was turning crimson. 'How adorable.' I thought. She didn't like the fact that I found out what her true gender was. I wasn't quite disappointed when I knew it, anyway. I never tried doubt the king. I would not be the the one to question the regnant of Camelot.

I made my way through the hallways, walking past my lieges. Someone was blocking my path and I realized that Guinevere was in front of me. I tried avoiding eye contact to make things feel less tense. I couldn't dare to look at her after breaking her heart earlier this evening. I love Guinevere, but I would never think of picking her over my duties. Loving the princess of Cameliard was difficult. Come to think of it, his majesty, Arthur, is a princess too.

"You seem like you're thinking too much." Guinevere tries to stop the silence.

"It is nothing, milady."

"You don't have to do this, Lancelot." She looks me in the eye. She's so beautiful. Her amethyst eyes were gleaming with hurt.

"I'm sorry, your majesty." I said in a stoic manner.

"Is this what you want for all your life? You'd rather put your loyalty to the king rather than to be with me. Is that what you want?" Her face was filled with pain and confusion. I know this is hard for her, but it's also emotionally straining for me.

"I do want to be with you... but the king needs me. He needs my protection."

"Why do you need to protect him if he has tons of other knights?" Her anger was starting to rise. "Why is Arthur so important to you?"

"Guinevere, his majesty is more than a king. In my eyes, Arthur is more than a tool used in a kingdom." I sighed as walked away from her.




"Ah, it seems like dear sister has brought a queen to rule by her side." Sickening, so sickening... Camelot was supposed to be mine and mine alone! Now that she has a bride, her reign as king will be very believable. No one would dare to question her gender now. If father did not have his coma right now, he'll see how successful my older twin is. Arturia would have been his favorite daughter.

As you know, before I poisoned father and left, father asked his most talented blacksmith to create another sword. That sword wasn't for me, it was for her. The weapon was called the Clarent Blood Arthur. My sword was the Caliburn, but it was set in the stone. It was meant for me to pull out when I was fifteen. Well... I failed! After I poisoned father, I left home and took the Clarent with me and I ended up living with Morgan.

I sat on a chair near the balcony and looked at the horizon. 'Beautiful.' I thought. What would it feel like if I looked at this scene in the towers of Camelot. What if I never left? Would I get along with my older sister? 'Stop thinking about those things, Mordred! Your fantasies will always be an innocent child's wish. Grow up and see what's happening now...' Maybe the horizons would look less crestfallen if I stayed.

"Don't worry, Mordred. We will eliminate Arturia." Morgan, my half-sister, said in a very wicked voice.

"Of course, Morgan." I stared at the orange skies even more. 'Mother, what would you see in me? Would I be a monster in your eyes, father?' Guilt would always spread through my head. Half of me feels corruption. I want to take it away, but my envy will always be there. I begged myself to end that painful feeling and have acceptance with what's occurring right now. I can't.




The next day...

Lancelot's POV ...

"Why are you visiting King Arthur's room?" Sir Kay raised his brow.

"I just wanted to check if his majesty is doing well." I'm sure Kay found me very suspicious. He knows that I don't usually visit the king. After all, he (or she) is Kay adoptive sibling.

"You know the secret don't you?" Kay frowned.

"What secret?"

"Arthur's a maiden... You found out, didn't you?"

"How do you know?" That's queer how did Kay find out that I knew of this. Surely, Arthur would never say a thing to him.

"You're just like Bedivere." He said in a bored tone.

"What do you mean?"

"After Bedivere knew about Arthur's true gender, he started to check on her. He'd usually try to visit her during the morning." Kay explained.

"What was his majesty's reaction when he found out?" I asked.

"Let's just say Arturia cried for the whole day. She locked herself in her room and only allowed the maids to come in and bring her food. For short, she was very devastated." Kay knocked on the king's door and left me alone.

The door opens and one of the maid's head peeked through. "What do you need, sir Lancelot?"

"I wanted to see King Arthur." I said simply.

"I'm sorry, but the king is not ready." The maid was about to close the door.

"Wait... I know that his highness is a girl. I-I just wanted to see if she's alright."

"You seem very convincing. You may enter." She opened the door.

I entered the room and saw Arthur, no, Arturia, sitting in front of her vanity table. There were two maids brushing her long wavy golden hair. Her emerald eyes were filled with exhaustion. Even so, she still looked lovely in her pure white nightgown.

"Your majesty." I bowed down. The princess turned her head to look at me. She gave me tiny smile.

"What brings you here?" She slightly tilted her head.



Arthur's POV...

"What brings you here?" I asked, slightly tilting my head. What does he want from me. The morning is still young and he dares to enter my chambers after I have awoken from my sweet slumber.

"I came here to see if you were alright." By now, it's quite obvious that my cheeks held a crimson tinge. It was quite irritating the fact that I could hear my maids giggling. 'This is not funny!' I shrieked internally. I'm pretty sure they'll start gossiping about this after the moment. At least my head maid, Bertila, didn't chortle or think this scenario was interesting. What a good person she is!

"Oh... How kind of you to put me in your concerns. You didn't have to come here just to check on me." I faked a smile and sweetened my voice, trying to hide irritation.

"I apologize for interrupting. Princess Arturia, we are finished with your room. May we be excused?" Bertila said.

"You may." I replied as the maids left my room.

"Your majesty, I would put you above my other priorities." He said softly. 'Of course, I'm the king! Anyone would put their life plans aside and focus on me.' I wouldn't want it in any other way.

"You don't need to spend your time on me. Why don't you just go to Guinevere? Your presence may calm her in her new surroundings."

"Arturia, Guinevere can socialize with anyone she wishes in the palace. Unlike her, you 're always locked in the castle." It was true... I was always like a caged bird. I was never meant to be set free.

Even in my past life, I was living in isolation. Every single day of my life was spent in the throne room, the training grounds, the library, the round table, or my room. I never got the chance to have some friends. You see, the knights here are friendly but it is I who is the problem. I always push away my chances into having someone to get close to me.

"..."I couldn't answer Lancelot. I just covered my mouth with my right palm, turning my head away from his direction. It stings. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that."

"No, it's not your fault. I get too sensitive about my solitary lifestyle." I gave him a sad smile as a single tear dropped from my left eye.

"You're crying!" He was astonished. He grabbed a handkerchief that was lying on my vanity table. "Here." He said as he wiped those warm tears off.

"I do not need your sympathy... I can wipe my own tears with my own hands. I'm not that vulnerable." My voice was bitter. More tears fell from my eyes like sad rain drops. "I apologize for my behavior. It is not how a monarch should act. I'm sorry, Lancelot."

"I accept. Just please allow me to wipe away your tears."

"You have the permission."

He gently wiped away all of the wet streaks on my face.

"Better?" He asked.

"Better." I felt relieved. "Lancelot, thank you for..."

"Thank you for what?" His purple eyes looked at me.

"Something..." I awkwardly said.

"I'm just glad you're feeling well. Did you know that you seem more approachable when you smile?"




Guinevere's POV...

I can't believe I was put into this intermarriage! This union was tearing my life apart. Why must I be wedded to king Arthur? Why him? I miss spending my time with Lancelot. I miss the times when it was only us. He's too attached to his duties to even stay with me. He puts that king before everyone. Why does he think his majesty is so special?

I walked down the halls of the castle. 'It's not that bad.' I thought. The architecture of this palace rivals my own. It's just that Camelot has a more dark mood to it. Most of the rooms here were given attention. My chambers was alright. It had purple curtains, my own balcony, vermillion bed covers, a huge wardrobe, and more.

"Stupid king." I accidentally blurt out.

"What was that?" Uh-oh. It seems like someone heard me. I turned to see Sir Kay, one of the knights of the round table.

"Nothing. I said nothing."

"Are you sure? I thought I heard you insult the king." Sir Kay's orange eyes gave a dangerous glint.

"Do you have to pester me?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"Do you have to be a brat?" He tried to mimic my voice. That's it! I officially hate this knight.

"Ha ha... very funny. You think calling me a brat would solve your problems."

"Really? As if calling my king stupid would answer all of the world's questions! Get yourself together, lady. This is reality, not a child's fairy tale." Kay quickly shot back and left.

Now, I really hate him. I'm starting to wish that the intermarriage would never happen. I will never ever marry that poor excuse of a king.

I just need Lancelot to be with me and everything will be fine. I wish he's changed his mind. I want him to come back! Wait, I need him to always stay by my side. I don't want him to leave. It feels like as if he likes someone else. He never looks at me the way he used to. I wouldn't mind staying with Lancelot behind Arthur's back...




Later in the Towers...

Arthur's POV...

I stood at the edge of the tower watching the trees swing by the breeze. Nothing interesting happened at the knights meeting. No attacks, no raids, no Saxons... Even if there was a peaceful atmosphere, I feel another great storm forming. I remember that things turned worse after Guinevere's arrival. It was when the one who betrayed us arrived.


"We have found someone noble enough to enter the Round Table." Sir Bedivere knelt in front of me.

"Who must he be?"

"We do not know, sire..." Beads of sweat formed on the silver-haired knight's forehead.

"You recommend a person to my court without knowing his name? Are you mocking me?" I was slightly offended. I can't just allow anyone to enter my court with little information.

"Nay, your highness... I apologize for my incompetence."

"Very well, Bedivere. You may be excused."

Many days later...

"You're the one sir Bedivere's been talking about." I stood in front of a man dressed in full armor. His head was fully covered with a two horned helmet. He felt very suspicious. I couldn't tell what was wrong with him.

"Aye, your majesty. I am the one."

"Bedivere told me you did something of great deal. What was it then?" I quietly said.

"I saved a family from wolves." He answered.

"And who was there to see it?" I curtly asked.

"Sir Bedivere was there. He assisted me, your grace."

"Alright... Why did you save those people? Was it for glory?" I clicked my tongue.

"No, your highness. A knight saves people in need because they need to protect them. It was my reason to protect that family." The nameless armored man said.

"Your answer is very promising." I said calmly.

End of flashback...

"You really enjoy wearing your gowns, Arturia." I flinched a little when I heard a voice right behind me. I didn't need to worry, it's just one of my knights.

"Greetings, sir Bedivere." I curtsied. I hid my perturbation with a smile.

"You seem to be in a deep thought a while ago. What is it?" He went by my side and laid both of his hands on the edges of the tower.

"I feel... I feel something bad will happen." I lowered my head, eyes focusing on the greenery below.

"Why do you think?" Bedivere's face showed a hint of apprehension.

"It's hard to explain. I just know something of ill augury will happen." I sucked a breath. I tried to remain calm and push away my anxiety. Why am I trembling? I need to keep myself together.

"Like what?" His voice was soft and he gave me a gentle smile. It made me feel less antsy.

"A feeling that great murder will happen. My death may be part of it."

"I apologize if you are feeling tense, your grace." He said mutely.

"It is not your fault, Bedivere. You do not need to give me such sympathy." I stated.

"May I ask for another reason for what disturbs you, your highness?"

"Alright." I took another deep breath. "Lancelot found out I'm a woman and what worries me is that the other knights may find out."

"Do you trust Lancelot?" Bedivere asked.

"I do." It was all I can say.

"Then why does it bother you?" He patted my back.

"I don't like trusting people that much, I'm afraid of betrayal. It hurts when the person you trust just stabs you and turns against you." My voice shrunk.

"Did you think of that when I knew your secret." I wonder what he's talking about.

"What do you mean?" I seriously don't understand him.

"Would you do the same for me, A-Arturia? Would you worry for me like how you worry for him?" He stroke my hair.

"What?" What is he saying?

"It's nothing, Arthur. Just forget what I said." He turned his head away from me.

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