Chapter 1: Angry Sex (Closetgate)

Olivia's phone alarm chimes at 8:00am on Saturday morning. Rolling over she picks up the phone and shuts off the alarm. Today is Ella's christening. Today is the day she has been dreading for weeks. Today is the day she will see him for the first time in 10 long months.

Since his caustic words at Verna's funeral, they have had no contact. She even avoids the news, not even wanting to hear his name mentioned. He had hurt her to the core with one word . . . mistress. He had always claimed that she was more than that, but when it came down to it, he truly saw her as nothing more than that. That thought alone was enough to make her fall into a deep depression. She had believed him and it had all been a lie.

Olivia had immersed herself in work and then at the end of each day she went to the pool and swam until her arms and legs felt like rubber. Only after she had mentally and physically exhausted herself, could she finally hope to get 5 hours of sleep a night.

With a heavy sigh, Olivia got out of bed and began to get ready for Ella's christening.


Fitz mingles with the guests inside the church. His head is pounding and he longs for another scotch. He is not looking forward to seeing her today. She has broken his heart. She lied to him. She didn't believe in him. She was no better than the others. She was maybe worse than the others, because she claimed to love him and want what was best for him. At the end of the day, she had deceived him along with the rest of the unholy clan. He hates her. What he wouldn't give for another scotch to ease his nerves. He isn't sure what he will do when she walks through those doors.

Five minutes later, he feels her enter the church. His heart leaps in his chest and for the briefest of moments he wants nothing more than to run to her and kiss her and tell her all is forgiven. Then the coldness returns to his harden heart and all he can do was glare at her.

Damn her, she seems more beautiful than ever. She had straighten her hair and it frames her face perfectly. She looks leaner. He could tell she was swimming again. It makes her sexy curves even sexier. He feels his pants tighten as he takes in the sight of her toned legs. He sees her steps falter briefly as their eyes meet. But she quickly regains her composure and directs her attention to one of the guests to her left. This takes her out of his direct line of sight. Damn, he needs a drink.

As they hold Ella over the baptismal font, their fingers brush against each other slightly. He cannot hear what the priest is saying, all he can hear is the sound of her breathing. He stares at her with such wanton lust that she feels exposed. She can only stare back at him, trying not to convey with her eyes the lust she also feels for him. She hates to admit that she still wants him, longs for him actually. But she has to let those feelings go.

After the ceremony, Cyrus approaches her, "Hey, thanks for coming. I know it wasn't easy for you."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world. I know it was important to you and James. I think I will skip the reception though. I don't think Fitz would even let me through the front gates." Olivia said.

"You have to come, James will be devastated if you aren't there. I already cleared it with Fitz, he said he was fine with it if you came."

"Cy, I don't know. It was hard enough him glaring at me during the ceremony, I don't think I can take much more," she said with a sigh.

"Please Liv, for me," Cyrus practically begged.

She sighed, "Okay Cy, just for a little while."


Olivia was sipping a glass of red wine, trying to avoid Fitz at all cost. She makes sure to keep him in her line of sight, moving in the opposite direction from him. He continues to stare at her all during the reception. The tension was becoming unbearable. Briefly they make eye contact, the anger that emanated from him was intense. She waits until James has finished his speech and everyone goes to congratulate the happy family to make her exit.

He watches her slip behind the other guests and make her way out of the room. She was leaving! His whole body vibrates with his need for her. He gulps the last of the scotch in his glass and goes after her. He isn't sure what he is going to do when he catches up to her, he just knows she can't leave. Not yet.

Olivia hears his footsteps behind her. She quickens her pace. She can't take a confrontation with him. She is not ready for that. She hears his pace quicken. Her heart is beating overtime.

He catches up to her in four long strides. He grabs her elbow and practically throws her into the closest room, which happens to be the communications closet. Without a word, he lunges at her and crushes his lips to hers.

Stunned by his actions, Olivia is momentarily caught off guard. He is kissing her! Her heart flutters, how she has missed him. She soon realizes that his kiss is not one filled with love and forgiveness. He is drunk and looking to ease his lusty desires on her. She pushes him away, seething. Before she knows it, she slaps him. He stumbles back slightly, staring at her; watching the wave of emotions running across her face: anger, disgust, longing and finally surrender.

Olivia surrenders to her desires and launches herself at Fitz, kissing him with all of the pent up desire from the last ten months. Suddenly, his hands are everywhere. He needs to touch her skin, but her dress won't allow him access. He pushes off her jacket and flips her around to unzip her dress. At the same time she reaches behind her back to undo his belt and unbutton and unzip his pants.

All either of them can think of is making a physical connection. He reaches under her dress to yank down her panties. She pushes her ass into his crotch, desperately wanting to feel him inside of her. He quickly obliges her need, thrusting his hard cock into her in one swift motion. God she felt good!

Their coupling is frantic and furious. He bites her ear and she digs her nails into his ass, trying to push him inside of her even deeper. There are moans and groans, but no sweet whispers of love. This is about quenching their desire, not about love.

Taking her from behind was good, but Olivia wants to feel his arms around her. She pulls away from him and turns around in his arms. Putting one leg up on his waist, she quickly guides him into her once more. Pushing her against the wall, Fitz pounds into Olivia like there was no tomorrow. All of the anger he feels for her is contained in each hard thrust. She holds onto Fitz for dear life, savoring each thrust. Their pants and groans increase as they both begin to climax.

They stay coupled for a few moments after they reach their release. Olivia's forehead is pressed against his shoulder. She allows herself a brief smile. This will be the beginning of healing the wounds they have caused one another. Maybe the beginning of a fresh start for them. He pulls away from her and she looks at him. He will not meet her gaze. He reaches down and pulls up his boxers and pants, turning his back to her as he zips up and buckles his belt. Her heart breaks into a million pieces all over again. She zips up her dress, gathers her purse, jacket and torn panties from the floor. He still won't look at her.

Sensing that Olivia has pulled herself together, Fitz opens the door and allows her to exit. He refuses to look at her. He plans to walk away without a single word or glance until he hears her speak.

"I made a mistake," she says softly.

He stops and turns his head slightly, "We both did. Don't worry it won't happen again."

"I was talking about Defiance," she says tearfully.

erHiHis anger is at an all-time high. He shoves his fists into his pockets, fearful that he may actually strike her if they are not contained. He steps towards her, his pain and anger visible on his face.

"That was not a mistake that was betrayal. We are done. Just because I cannot control my erections around you does not mean that I want you. We. Are. Done." He secretly rejoices when he sees her flinch at his words, the tears filling her eyes. He wants her to feel the same heart wrenching pain that he does. He turns and walks away, never looking back at her.

Olivia watches him walk away. She takes a deep breath to steady herself and begins to make her way out of the White House, vowing never to step foot in it again.

Six weeks later . . . .

"Damn," Olivia yells and throws the little white stick across the room. She begins pacing in circles. Pregnant. Pregnant with the child of the married leader of the free world who happens to despise her. She didn't know of any worse circumstance to bring a new life into the world.

She has to make a plan. How is she going to handle this? She walks to the living room to retrieve her note pad and pen from the table. She sits on the couch and begins to make a list of options.

Close OPA and move as far away from DC. Never to return. Keep and raise baby on own. Don't tell Fitz.

Hand OPA over to the team (temporarily) and leave until the baby is born. Giving it up for adoption. Don't tell Fitz. (Could I live with the guilt of giving my child away?)

Stay at OPA, have and keep baby. Lie about who father is (say in vitro). Don't tell Fitz.

Reviewing her list, she realizes there is only one other option. It's really her only choice. She writes it on the pad:

Tell Fitz.

She throws the pad and pen on the table and lays back on the couch and begins to cry. He hates her and now she is having his baby. Is this really her life? She cries herself to sleep. She dreams of blue eyed, curly haired babies.

Although she had a restless night's sleep, her mind is a little more settled the next morning. She knows that she can't put off telling Fitz. If she doesn't tell him soon, option #1 on her list will be her destiny. She gets off the couch and heads down the hall to the bathroom. She showers and brushes her teeth. Since it is Saturday, she pulls on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. She pads to the kitchen in her bare feet, seeking a cup of tea and a bagel.

She selects Fitz's number in her cell phone several times while she is eating breakfast, but doesn't press the call button. She can't predict his reaction and that worries her. Will he care that she is carrying his child? Will he accuse her of entrapment? Because he hates her so much, will he demand that she abort it? She picks up her cell phone from the table and scrolls through it to get to his office number. Even though it is Saturday morning, she knows that he will be in the Oval office. She finally presses the call button.


Fitz is sitting at his desk reviewing the latest briefings from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is only 9:30am and he is already on his second scotch of the day. He is slightly surprised when the personal line in his office rings. Instinctively, he knows it is her. He almost doesn't answer the phone, but his curiosity gets the better of him

"Yes," he says coolly.

"Hi," she says tentatively.

"What do you want?"

She hesitates for a moment, not answering him.

"What do you want Ms. Pope? Either answer me or I am hanging up."

"I need to see you. Can you get away and come by my apartment?"

"Why in the hell would I want to do that?" he says angrily.

"Please Fitz," she begs, "it's important."

"There is nothing I want to hear from you Olivia. Goodbye."

"Fitz, please wait, don't hang up. I really need to talk to you."

"Then say what you need to say!"

"Fitz, please I can't do this over the phone."


She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

The only response she receives is the sound of Fitz hanging up the phone.

A/N: So this is my second FF story. This idea has been running around in my mind for a while now. Thanks to Lovescandal1 for the suggesting that Olivia not run and hide with Fitz's child, as is the latest trend on the FF site, but to let Fitz find out and decide if he wants to be a part of the child's life or not.

As always, I would love to know your comments/feedback.

For those of you reading The Summer She Grew Up, I am still working on it, just hang in there.