Disclaimer: I recognise the story that I have written is based on the rights owned by Tolkien Enterprises, Marvel Comics and Studios, New Line Cinema and Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures. I have no creative rights over the characters and places you can identify in this story and have no way profited from this work.


Chapter 1 – Introduction

Hi everyone.

When I started writing Avengers of the Ring in late 2012, it was really to explore the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy from a different angle. But there were a whole lot of ideas the story didn't include. The story's first chapter and many of its reviews refer to several such ideas. It was then a sequel began forming in my mind.

I think the last two chapters in Avengers of the Ring gave more than a few hints about a sequel. But other chapters were written to accommodate the plot of this sequel.

A few points about this story:

1) The sequel is still one based on the movieverse for both franchises. It is set in the v199999 timeline between Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This story doesn't try to second-guess the latter's plot.

2) The story has Middle-earth recovering from the War of Ring less slowly than in canon. There are still some underlying hostilities in the aftermath of the conflict.

3) Like my original, this crossover uses Tolkien and Marvel literature just to flesh out some extra details.

4) This story has character development as its foundation on which other elements like action/adventure/humour is built upon.

5) I will try regularly publish chapters depending on work/life commitments. Readers will be advised of any significant hiatus on my part.

6) The biggie: All v199999 Avengers are included throughout the plot of this story.

I look forward to constructive reviews and comments from readers like previously.

My three nephews are again my inspiration for writing this. Whatever the future changes in society, I hope that the joy from reading an engaging story will always remain.

Dr Matthattan

March 2014